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Big Salad

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Posts posted by Big Salad

  1. 1 hour ago, Phil Silvers said:

    100% both are starting and Ollie is a pro, it won't take him long to click with Danny. I'd imagine Deano wants them all on, the formation is going to have to accommodate Ollie, Ings, Buendia, Bailey and somewhere somehow Ash(maybe).


    I agree.Ollie is a very mature player and that is evident when he plays.

    Dean would not want Ings at the cost if you will of Ollie sacrificing a lot of game time.Same thing Danny wouldn't sign if knows minutes will be hard to come by.

    We have great coaches and they will get the best out of everyone.Of that I have no doubt.

  2. 34 minutes ago, Ingram85 said:

    On the topic of Korean horror films. The best I’ve ever seen is The Wailing. It’s a perfect film.

    Never seen that one but I did watch the Korean film, 'I Saw The Devil' a few years ago and thought it was outstanding. Highly recommend if haven't seen it. More suspense I suppose rather than horror but anyway still best Korean film I have seen, with Train to Busan right behind it.

    • Like 3
  3. 6 minutes ago, leemond2008 said:

    nah there isn't a Hostel 4, I think I got a bit carried away with myself when I was typing the list out and thought I'd invent a sequel that never even existed.

    The Shining is on the list, and don't forget Salems Lot is King as well, I think Tommyknockers is one that I have never actually seen

    All of those are good.

    My favorite King movie is The Green Mile. Really more suspenseful/supernatural I suppose but just one of my all time favorites.

    • Like 1
  4. Just bought a 4xl away shirt from the online store with Ings and his number on the back. Don't know if I am in the minority or not but I love the away shirt way more than I do the home one. Can't wait till it gets here👍

  5. 4 hours ago, messi11 said:

    I was reading the Southampton forum today. Someone reckons they have a more capable/Talented squad then us lol. Reckons we've bought unproven players like Leon Bailey and Buendia.

    I reckon they need to lay off the pipe😆

    • Haha 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, mykeyb said:

    Anybody see Peps latest comments about Kane. They are interested but Spurs value him at 160 million. Unless Spurs are prepared to negotiate they cannot do a deal. So city cannot afford him at 160 so Spurs need to reduce their asking price.

    The arrogance of him and the club is stunning.

    The whole club is from top to bottom (Fans, players,staff, etc) so yes they do expect all other teams to bow down and grovel to them.

    As far as Pep goes I have always found him to be one of the most arrogant **** in the game.

    Good manager no doubt but look at the **** teams he has had, don't have to be a world class coach to get the best out of them.

    Like to see him take over a truly shit team and see how successful he is.

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