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Big Salad

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Posts posted by Big Salad

  1. 2 minutes ago, Beastmix said:

    Working from home is okay, but not so much when you have to teach 20+ half-awake university students at 9am in the morning. Three of which bother putting their camera on (meaning the rest are likely not actively in the lesson), and two (if I'm lucky) will actually engage😂

    In-person lecturing can't return soon enough.

    That reminds me when I tutored a High School student last year via Skype and right in the middle of the lesson her boyfriend rolled out from under the bed and practically jumped out the window🤣 Never said anything to her parents either🤐

    • Haha 3
  2. 44 minutes ago, DJ_Villain said:

    Absolutely not… but that’s for different reasons.

    I f**king hate Spurs and Man Utd…

    We should have done what Chelsea did with Tammy…

    You can leave, but not to another English club

    Jack wanted to play right now in the CL so if it wasn't Man City it would have been someone else in the CL who could afford him. Simple.

  3. 40 minutes ago, Nigel said:

    Seeing some good reports from the Ipswich fans about his performance last night.

    Considering its his first start this bodes well for the rest of the season!

    I really thought he would make some first team appearances this season(He still might at some point) but regardless nice to know he had a good first appearance for them. This dude has a lot of potential and I think can be a future star if keeps progressing.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, Brumstopdogs said:

    6199 fans packing out St Andrews last night - the place must have been absolutely rocking..

    Also unconfirmed reports of city centre pubs heaving with blues and no vile were permitted entry.


    Surprised they got that many. Prob half were drunk and didn't mean to wander in to the stands.😆

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  5. Ollie always run his socks off and gives 110%.At times made me tired just watching him last season.

    Ings is a good veteran and I think they can play well off each other.Ollie is not a pouter from what I've seen and will do what best to help us succeed.

    I see no reason he can't easily get into double digits scoring again regardless of whatever positions/roles he may play.

  6. 14 minutes ago, Phil Silvers said:

    Hope they win the champions league next 2 years unless we qualify next years.

    Up yours shiteh.

    I hope Lille win Ligue 1 again(Mainly due to Weah) but yes in general as long as anybody,PSG included, wins CL over City I will be ecstatic😁


    • Haha 1
  7. 11 minutes ago, Ingram85 said:

    Private or BSMHFT? I’m looking for an escape from BSMHFT, one of the worst run companies I’ve ever worked for full of dingleberries who fail upwards and policies designed to sap morale. It really is time to get out of healthcare. If only I was good at something else. 

    Private.They run a ton of hospitals across the USA.Mainly mental health but general hospital's also.

    Tbh up till this it has been a wonderful place to work at.However, a new Director of Nursing was hired last month and this is the first policy you try to implement and you've barely even been here? I mean seriously?

    We should not be forced to work a shift.Again,I understand staffing may be bad but bound to be another solution.

    Just frustrating and I agree healthcare does leave a lot to be desired at times.

    I love helping people no doubt but stuff like this just gives me undue stress which I don't need.

  8. The mental health hospital I work at is implementing starting next month that due to staffing issues that certain job areas( I am in included in this) will be required to start doing 12 hours shifts-3 days and 4 off.

    Now for me personally,  will not affect me too much in terms of my personal life, even though I do prefer the 8 hours shifts. However, a lot of coworkers are understandably up in arms about this because an 8 hour shift is really in general the only shift they can work due to child care reasons or similar.

    I do not really think it should be mandated and/or required to work 12 hour shifts or else.

    I love my job but this does irritate me somewhat. Understand the staffing issue but still.

    Thoughts on this?

  9. 3 hours ago, MNVillan said:

    What kind of reception do we all think he’ll receive upon his return to VP? I personally am not quite sure how I’ll react. I certainly won’t cheer him, but is what he did disdainful enough to be booed?

    I also wouldn’t be surprised if he started the match on the bench to avoid the abuse.

    I think it will be a mix of boos and slight, but not over the top, applause from some. You would think it will be quite emotional for Jack so looking forward to his pre match statement to that effect🙄

    And yeah might come up with something so he won't to face it quite yet who knows.

  10. I am way more of a Marvel guy with really only Batman being the only character I like from DC.

    With that being said, the original films with Michael Keaton are the best ones they have ever made in my opinion.

    Every thing since asides from the Christian Bale Batman ones have been subpar on the whole imo.

  11. 19 minutes ago, Ingram85 said:

    Bit of a strange question this but is anyone else ‘connected’ or attached to old graphics or art styles?

    Eg: Destroy All Humans. All you really need is the modern remake but I’ve got the original as well because I have a soft spot for the old graphics.

    Same with Tony Hawks 2, I don’t need the ps1 original as I have 1&2 remake on PS4 but the original just feels like ‘my’ game. The old graphics are weirdly comforting. I also bought Far Cry Instincts Predator on 360 just so I could see the water graphics again lol. I think I’m broken. 

    I can see where you are coming from. That's why i sometimes pull out old games and play them to get that sense of nostalgia.

    I know a lot of people who refuse or frown on playing older games because in their eyes the graphics are terrible and why should they waste their time, its not as interactive, etc.

    I always say BS to them on that.

    To me a good video game is a good video game regardless of how old it is or what it looks like.

    For example I loved the Fable games.

    Great graphics? No not really.

    Gave me hours of fun and generally overall very good games? Yes


    • Like 1
  12. 12 minutes ago, NurembergVillan said:

    The Dry, starring Eric Bana, was a good watch the other night.

    My Mrs only usually likes "fast" films i.e. lots of explosions and shootings, but this was a fast-paced storyline and was captivating from start to finish.


    Been meaning to watch that.

    Don't know if your much of a reader but that is adapted from the novel by Jane Harper, which I thought was exceptional She wrote a sequel to it with the same main character called 'Force of Nature' which is quite good also.

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