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Big Salad

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Posts posted by Big Salad

  1. I don't really much care, but just in general they will never get back to the high's they had with Wenger until they get some new people in charge from top to bottom.

  2. 46 minutes ago, Genie said:

    This is the inside of the US military plane apparently.


    Did the just scoop up a lucky few hundred people or are they chosen?

    I’d assume by the desperation to get on board they were just the lucky ones offered a ticket out. 

    I think they just the beat the rush and were lucky to get on yeah.Sad to see the pics of the ones who weren't able to get on.

    This whole situation is so **** up in so many ways.

    • Like 1
  3. Watched The Forest last night.

    Not a bad psychological/supernatural film overall,thought the ending was good. 7/10.

    Also I would do disgusting, unspeakable things to be with Natalie Dormer😍🤤

  4. 2 minutes ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

    If this is it I’m extremely disappointed. We haven’t done enough and once again, not for the first time, we’ve missed the boat even though we were stood right there on the shore as it launched. 

    Classic Villa. 

    I agree 100%. It would be different if we were having cash-flow problems if you will, but that is not the case. We have been linked some midfielders that I think could really help us in the short and long term but yet perhaps not getting any of them.

    I trust Dean knows what he's doing but, you would have to think with how he inept the midfield was against Watford that some midfield help is quite clearly needed.

  5. 30 minutes ago, Follyfoot said:

    Watched Outpost last night, not sure why I took so long to view it. As good a film as I have seen for a long while. Utter madness of a situation

    Thought it was pretty good as well and surprised how good Clint Eastwood's son was in it; the other things I have seen in him didn't think he was great but did a fantastic job in this one.

  6. Well if this actually does happen and any of ya'll come over to Vegas to watch them play I'll meet you there and show you some good places to go.

    Just be forewarned some of the places are off the beaten path a little bit👍🤫

  7. Just some figures the BBC released a couple days:

    Over one trillion, yes trillion dollars, has been spent towards this

    Over 3500 coalition deaths with over 2000 of those being American

    Over 20000 soldiers have been injured

    Thousands of Afghan citizens lives have been lost as well.

    Really sad that all this happened and today could be for naught.

  8. 15 minutes ago, HanoiVillan said:

    This is indeed a very good question. Sadly as far as I can see accountability is not a concept that senior figures in the military here, America, or elsewhere in NATO need to be much concerned by these days. I would love to be proven wrong.

    I have to say I've been amused by the rush of 'explainers' from journalists in the last 24 hours saying exactly what the problem was, funny that the media have largely ignored the topic for most of the last 10 years if they had this level of insight.

    I think the senior figures you allude too are embarassed this happened(At least they should be) and a lot of backtracking and finger pointing will be the norm over the next few days,weeks,etc.

    Sad,frustrating,disappointing,etc all in equal measure that this has happened.

    I just texted an Army friend of mine who served some time in Afghanistan and to say he is angry is a vast understatement.

  9. Very **** sad all the years of of being there,the death toll,etc looks likely to be for naught.

    Blame solely has to lie on those in charge.Biden especially is getting huge backlash as I tbh think he should,and makes it even more so with 20th anniversary of 9/11 coming up.

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