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Big Salad

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Posts posted by Big Salad

  1. 9 minutes ago, Phil Silvers said:

    Forced laugh, that's terrible. You must try harder.

    A marine general, an army general, and a navy admiral were discussing who had the toughest men...
    The army general says, "Alright, I'll prove the army has the toughest men in the country. Private, get over here!"

    The private reports as ordered, "Yes sir?"

    The general says, "See that man over there? Kill him!"

    Without hesitating, the private kills the man.

    The general says, "See? That man has balls!"

    The marine general says, "That's nothing. Private, get over here!"

    The marine private reports, "Yes, sir?".

    The marine general says, "See that man over there? Kill him and then kill yourself."

    Without blinking, the marine private pulls out his M-16 and blows away the guy, then turns the rifle on himself and unloads several rounds.

    The marine general says, "See? Now that man has balls!"

    The admiral says, "That's nothing."

    He calls to a seaman high up on a tower, "Hey, seaman, jump off that tower!"

    The seaman answers, "Excuse me, sir?"

    The admiral repeats, "JUMP OFF THAT TOWER!"

    The seaman replies, "**** you, sir!"

    The admiral says, "See? That man has balls and he's got brains too!"

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  2. 2 hours ago, DCJonah said:

    AEW is awesome at the moment. 

    With the fans singing Jerichos entrance and the return of CM punk last night, it feels like the good old days. 


    It really is/does. WWE has been going downhill for awhile now and I was hoping AEW would be a big competitor to it and it has not disappointed. I could see it in a few years time totally taking over as the top promotion.

  3. 36 minutes ago, Ingram85 said:

    Got goosebumps as soon as Cult of Personality hit. Wow what a return. Reminded me exactly why I loved wrestling.

    I actually met CM Punk at an autograph session him and some others did at Comic-Con several years ago. Was a super nice guy.

  4. Even with the players we have out, we are still the better squad. Yes i understand in the grand scheme of things, that doesn't mean much if our guys don't show up and play to their ability. However, I have a good feeling about this one. First game at home and the squad should want to put that performance at Watford behind them.

    3 points to us.

  5. I currently have a Discover credit card but have been thinking about switching to either a Barclay's one or American Express. Discover has really changed up their fees and such the last few months and I don't really like the direction they are going.

    I don't know how credit cards work in the UK but I assume they work similarly in a lot of ways.

    Are any on here proponents of having a credit card? If so, who do you go with? Also does anybody have a Barclay's or American Express? If so how do they like it?

  6. Just now, est1874 said:

    Where has this story come from?

    Some guy's third cousin used to date the grandson of the head groundskeeper's favorite shopkeeper*





    *I may have that wrong

  7. Just now, mottaloo said:

    How - or what - the actual f*** is a vegan hotdog costume supposed to look like ?!? Or is it  the person wearing it has to be vegan ??

    No offence Mr Salad but....only in America 🙄

    Oh no offence taken pal lol.

    And yeah that's my question too. I'm absolutely clueless

    • Like 1
  8. I heard something on the radio this morning that really irritated me.

    Just to give a background for those who don't know. At a lot of MLB games, usually during the seventh inning, they have have people who are outfitted in different kind of hot dog costumes, and they race around the outfield.  I've always enjoyed watching them. You cheer on the one you want to win, they tend to fall over each other, etc just good family fun.Now to the crux of my irritation.

    PETA came out yesterday I believe in protest because they now want one of these hot dogs in costume to be 'vegan.' Not really clear if they mean one of them should portray a vegan hot dog, the human in the costume should be vegan, costume should be made with non-animal products, or something else that's not really clear.

    I guess just in summation, with all that's going on in the world there really gonna focus on something like this? Yes I understand it is related to animals, but how can they really expect people to laser in and really care about this topic right now?

    Just a disclaimer, I don't mind the vegan lifestyle and those who practice it, this is nothing to do with that.

    I just hate when companies come out with things like this and protest it when their are way more important things in the world to get upset about.

    • Like 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, maqroll said:

    Biden looking decidedly callous in all of this. Deserves every shred of scorn coming his way, too. Total fiasco.

    I concur. I have some friends who are diehard Democrats and diehard Biden apologists and even they have made some comments regarding him that I never thought they would.  He is just coming off really bad in all this as he should.

    This whole situation is a cock up from top to bottom.

    • Like 1
  10. I don't believe a damn thing until it comes through official channels. Not saying this dude is lying, but anybody can make up something to stir the pot.


    • Like 1
  11. Just now, Nicho said:

    While you can only play whats in front of you the other team and his own look absolutely terrible. 

    Well Austrian league not the best in the world overall granted.  But he scored in his first CL appearance, and trust me when I say I have been following this kid for awhile and he has got the goods. No doubt in my mind he is good enough for the Prem.

  12. 1 hour ago, useless said:

    I think the hide post is basically the same thing as deleting it, as I can't find a way of unhiding it. Presumably it's called 'hide' instead of delete, because 'mods' can still see it. It went something like this:

    I wondered if we might go for Brenden Aaronson, I've watched him a few times and he looks a good player.

    I didn't write this down but also thought: 'if it's true that we want a versatile attacking midfielder he could be that option, an alternative to Cantwell, if there was ever any truth to that link'.

    Good shout. Scored the winner for Salzburg in their recent UCL qualifier and would be a nice addition. Have been keeping up with him as well, can play as a number 10 and the other midfield positions also with great feet and can be quite creative also. American soccer is on the up and this young dude is right at the forefront of it. Only cost I think around 5 or 6 up for Salzburg to get him from the Union.

    I think we could get him for 10 or maybe just a tad more and would be an exceptional piece of business.


    • Like 3
  13. 5 minutes ago, sne said:

    Read that the US national coach was praising him for his leadership skills so that's a positive.

    Italian clubs usually have little or no patience for players acting unprofessional, even young ones. English clubs are moving in that direction too I think with more and more foreign managers and club leaders. If Grealish would have pulled some of the stuff he did here under someone like Capello he would have been spanked and sent home crying.

    It really is as Berhalter doesn't pull any punches with his players if you do something wrong. Pulisic is obviously the USMNT captain right now but Weston right there with him imo.

  14. 48 minutes ago, romavillan said:

    There's a reason why they're selling him though, and that's because they don't think he is good enough for them.

    I don't think its that necessarily as from what I understand Allegri likes him pretty good; think its more that with signing Locatelli he might perhaps be surplus to requirements and any reasonable transfer fee will be taken into consideration. Since he's American, I tend to have kept up with him at Schalke and Juve and both clubs fans rate and like him as far as I can tell.

    I think he would be great signing. Can play all over the midfield, can score and defend, and has a hardass demeanor if you will at times, that we need when games get tough.I would love love love for us to get him. As I said earlier in the thread, I do think it will take at least 25 but prob more than 30 to get him. I think he's worth it.

    • Like 3
  15. 59 minutes ago, Wainy316 said:

    Also confuse and offend your American mates by telling them you ate some 'faggots'...

    Mr Brain's 6 Pork Faggots 656g | Pork & Gammon | Iceland Foods

    I believe these are native to West Midlands too (Black Country).

    Reminds me of when an English guy at work said in a meeting a few years ago that he couldn't wait to get off work to go smoke a fag.

    I knew he meant cigarette...but some of my coworkers didn't😂

    • Haha 1
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