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Big Salad

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Posts posted by Big Salad

  1. At times Anwar looks absolutely brilliant.

    At other times, he looks like he's never kicked a ball in his life.

    Overall though is a good PK taker though, and a decent squad guy to have around.

    Will be interesting to see if Smith and company feel the same the last few days of this window.

  2. 28 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

    I think similar happened to P0rnhub though.

    They obviously didn't ban explicit material, but they did purge all "unverified" content. Which is almost certainly a good thing as it prevents stuff like revenge p0rn, but I think they did it for similar reasons (although happy to be corrected)

    I think you got it pretty much right in regards to PH. You have to be 'verified' by them now which I guess means you are who say you are/have the right to upload certain videos. I think they were dealing with a lot of copyright complaints/issues from owners of videos whose material was being uploaded without their permission also.

  3. 59 minutes ago, villalad21 said:

    This is a good start. 

    Now scrap International football all together. No one would care. 

    That is never going to happen.Too much $ in it for FIFA.

    I like watching the US play and tbh if had the choice of US winning the WC or Villa winning the Prem be tough decision for me tbh.

    But I do see the other side of the coin regarding club vs country.


  4. 3 minutes ago, Powehi said:

    He'd given a local restaurant in the area a bad review on TripAdvisor.


    I swear I'm not making this up.

    Well he played liked he had the trots for sure.

    Is that what the review said?

  5. I hate it hasn't worked out for Big Wes here but good luck to him at his former club where he had so much success. Best case scenario is he tears it up there and comes back full of confidence and starts performing here like we thought he would or they get him back permanent. Win-win situation either way. Again, good luck to him.

  6. 32 minutes ago, WallisFrizz said:

    It’s not a criticism of Serie A so much but more questioning why some on here are so excited by him if, after his first season in a too league, his club (albeit Juve) are looking to sell him. I haven’t seen anything of him, so I’m genuinely asking.

    Juve staff and their fans like him but with getting Locatelli as @villa4europe has eluded too,his minutes will start to wane and the money they can get for him will help them recuperate a little if you will.

    As I said earlier in the thread,I follow most of the Americans playing abroad and have especially followed Weston for several years now.

    He can score goals,make tackles when needed,and play essentially any midfield position.

    Would be an absolutely immense signing and with his age,he will just get better and better.

    I don't want him to stunt his growth and stay at Juve barely getting minutes.Would rather him come to a club like ours where he should start most weeks and continue that path to stardom I think he is on.

    Come on Villa make it happen.

    • Like 2
  7. 24 minutes ago, foreveryoung said:

    Just watching 102 minutes that changed America about 911, think it's been on before. That scene where the women is watching the building and the second plane hits the building, Jeeez absolutely unreal, even watching it now, just unbelievable, unreal!

    I've seen that before very powerful stuff.

    I remember going to the 9/11 memorial for the first time.  Very emotional and heart wrenching.

    Hard to fathom the 20 year anniversary is almost upon us.

    • Sad 1
  8. Finished watching the episodes released so far for The North Water and have to say one of the best shows I have watched this year and eager to see more.

    Colin Farrell is exceptional,good action and drama,and some distinct Moby Dick vibes.

    Don't know if available in UK yet? If not I highly recommend it when it is.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 35 minutes ago, the_eristic said:

    Grew up just outside of Greensboro, saw pretty much all of my first shows there! ~20 years of life as a performing musician and guitar teacher in the South has, let's say, tempered my personal Skynyrd enthusiasm somewhat, though I have friends that have opened for them recently who say they still put on a killer show (and are much, much nicer than the guys in Molly Hatchet)!

    Oh ok cool pal yeah I've basically lived my whole life in/around Forsyth County.

    This isn't my first concert of theirs I have been too but has been several years.I hope for a killer show again for sure!

    • Like 1
  10. 5 hours ago, Phil Silvers said:

    He wasn't prepared for a fight he probably couldn't win. Ugas fought an almost perfect fight for me. Pacmans heart was impressive but time is surely up at this level.


    Edit, that right from Magsayo was a thing of beauty. 

    I agree unfortunately.

    Pacman is the reason I first got into boxing and I just want him to hang it up before he gets hurt. He has nothing else to prove to anybody.

    • Like 1
  11. 15 minutes ago, blandy said:

    Look, you’ll maybe remember the last manager thread. I never wanted him, but once he was here, you/we/the club have to give them time. With the last bloke there was an objective set (promotion) and a timescale. Not for one minute did I think he’d get us up, and he didn’t. So the time came for him to go.

    With Dean Smith, again there was an objective set, “get us up that first half season, or the next one”. He met that. Then he met the next one of “stay up”. It was tight, but he did it. Then the next one was to consolidate and push towards the Euro places. He did that, too.

    So this notion of “we wait too long, til the wheels fall off”, it’s rubbish ( IMO). You have to give people time and a fair crack. When they do what’s asked of them you have to take account of that.

    The club has had a disruptive summer. We’ve had Deano isolating because of covid, we’ve had [that player] saga, we’ve had a couple of coaches go, pre season games lost to COVID. More disruption due to trigger happy owners or fans is the last thing needed.

    I accept that when looking back at things with the benefit of hindsight and asking “when should we have acted?”, the answer is always “a bit/much sooner than we did”, but in essence presented with the choice of “give a proven successful person time to do their job” versus “no, sack them off at the first hint of pant wetting” I know what I choose every time, whether I personally rate the manager (Smith) or not (Bruce).

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