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Big Salad

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Posts posted by Big Salad

  1. If I had to choose between representing the USA or perhaps ruining or badly affecting my future with my national team, I would miss some games in a heartbeat.

    I understand both sides of the argument, but it is clear that they both love and have pride in playing for their country and that is awesome imo.  We should feel proud that they will represent us on an International level and I wish both them and Argentina good luck.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Xela said:

    Maybe a season of consolidation is what we need. Wasn't last season the highest we have finished in about 10 years? 

    We've got some cracking young players coming through and this would be a season to blood them. There has always been a reason not to before (relegation battle /promotion battle / relegation battle, etc) and the kids never get time on the pitch. 

    I agree. I have always liked when teams are made up of a lot of academy products versus just trying to buying a title if you will.

    Let these young kids get some good game time and will only bode well for us in both the short term and the long term.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, dAVe80 said:

    This is a 100% pisses me off and should. My cat likes to sit in the window by my front door when I'm out and before now, kids has chucked things at the windows to scare him. Got back from Leeds and I've had to clean a load of egg off the window. Not a violent man, but if ever I catch one of them doing it! 😠😡🤬

    That kind of behavior from young punks in today's society doesn't even surprise me sadly. Acting like that starts at home imo.

    From my experience, when bullies, young dbags, whatever you want to call them are confronted and given a bit of their own medicine they are not so bad anymore.

    Hope your cat is ok.

    • Like 2
  4. To call for his head or say he is just a few results away from being sacked is quite frankly ridiculous. Dean is not perfect, no manager ever has been. He has done some good things here and I think so far this season he is doing ok. Nobody is saying he is the second coming of George Ramsey or unsackable; again no manager is. But I think he has earned if you will some time, especially as he hasn't had A team together yet this season.

    I just don't get the calling for a manager's head nonsense, especially in this case when he is not under imo any immediate pressure and we should have faith in him still.

    • Like 1
  5. Just now, Seat68 said:

    Do you feel you will unemployed for long?

    No, I think with all the experience I have can land a decent job within the next few weeks. In the meantime just for short term bill paying purposes, probably gonna tutor or help my friend out. It stinks but don't regret resigning at all.

    • Like 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, Chindie said:

    One of those names I always subconsciously follow up with 'horrendous career ender tackle'. But I can't remember whether he handed one out years back or had one himself. Or possibly both.


  7. After a lot of back and forth and pondering on it, I have decided for my 35th birthday in November to go to Puerto Rico for a week.

    Wanted to go there for a long time.

    Anyone else ever been?

    Any tips? Suggestions? Etc?


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