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Everything posted by Jonesy7211

  1. I most definitely agree with the education part of your post. It's absolutely critical that all agencies involved in delivering the vaccine, the government, NHS, pharmaceuticals, etc all get as much critical information out as soon as possible. 5 min broadcasts on TV, adverts, letters, social media. Just keep banging the drum. I'm in the critical risk group, and like you I see things that worry me a lot because I'm very obviously biased. I've spoken with immunologists, professors, and doctors and they've all said one thing above all else that convinces me. They're having the vaccine. The information and people willing to speak up for the vaccine are there, but at the moment the onus is on us as individuals to find the information out. This has to change.
  2. I'd be inclined to agree with you if Mr Hancock hadn't used up all goodwill and more over the last year. Don't reach for the gun yet, this idiot has proven he's both incompetent and devious. And it's Matt Hancock!
  3. Matt Hancock should know better. He can't drop a bombshell like this without quantifying exactly what is happening with the mutation and how we're going to deal with it. If I was cynical I'd assume this is scare mongering that will be ably backed up by the media to ensure that those in the south accept the T3 lockdown. It's funny how the majority of cases with this mutation are in the south too.... I'm not denying Covid btw, I just think the handling of this has been a shambles. The government always take the worst option it seems.
  4. I agree entirely, criticism should be constructive and it's about how we say it. That's why I hate social media, it's like everyone loses any kind of awareness. You'd never be so abusive if you were face to face with that person. There's a massive difference in calling into question a player's ability and suitability to the Villa with reasoned opinion, than outright calling them fit to burn. Looking at it from the other side, the only 'reason' for this unwarranted abuse would be that football is a much more emotive subject than most. I'm sure most fans on reflection would change what they say in the heat of the moment. But that in no way makes the abuse right. And that doesn't take into account the people who are just massive bellends.
  5. I think this is about context. I don't think anybody could say that Anwar's contribution has been entirely positive since we came up, and some of the criticism about his performances has been fair. In isolation, having the calmness to score a penalty in a derby is fantastic, however it doesn't make up for the many games where we've questioned his bravery and attitude. That being said, abusing anyone on social media is just wrong when it appears it's been taken to the levels that Tyrone suggests. This is something that affects so many people and he's right to call those people out. When it's used so negatively, social media is one of those things I wish we could disinvent. It's even worse when this is coming from so called Villa fans. These people need to take a long hard look at themselves and I fully support Tyrone on highlighting this. I'm very pleased he's highlighted it, and I hope it gets picked up by the mainstream media.
  6. Finished AC Valhalla tonight, 104 hours game time. No spoilers, but after about 40 hours I was ready to call it quits but I had to see it through! Just so repetitive, and the game feels unduly long. Aligning with each region used exactly the same structure and mechanics. Compared to Origins and Odyssey, this is dire. Combat is woeful, I found the controls clunky or unresponsive, and it's still so buggy, even a month after release. England felt too big as well, too much open space that you have to trek through just to get another quest that was incredibly similar to one you recently completed. I didn't mind this so much in the other two games as there was so much more mythology interspersed within the quests, and they are two of the richest histories of any culture. Only thing I really liked was Excalibur, super weapon in this game.
  7. Performances from referees like today is reason enough why they should be held to account after each game, and why managers should be allowed to question them. Instead Mike Dean can move onto his next match unhindered whilst we are weakened significantly against a team fighting against the drop. Martinez. What a guy.
  8. I thought their front players went down as easily as Grealish is accused of, and we're only going to see more of it in the second half. Mike Dean's performance is only going to encourage it. Our defensive players need to be careful with how tight they get.
  9. Calling it now, we're not going to finish with 11 men on the pitch. Dean is too quick to book our players.
  10. Exciting line up I think, more offensive than I expected. Just hope we've learnt our lessons from the last few games and stay focused.
  11. You mention large numbers of people laughing it off, and I think therein lies the difference in our views. There's over 60k people in the UK who haven't laughed it off. Would a vaccine have saved all of these? Certainly not. But it would have reduced the number. We've shown we can't progress in the short term without a vaccine, but I do agree that in time this will be handled much the same way as seasonal flu once our immune systems adapt.
  12. The medical team said the Pfizer one did, and the others likely will as they're all so similar. They also said the moderna one will be be approved next Thursday and we'll get more info on it then. The Oxford one at the end of December. Hopefully more info for everyone then.
  13. Not trying to pick at you, so please don't take this as a slight, but surely you must see that the vaccine is as much about ensuring that both the number of people dying and the number of people continuing to spread the virus comes down as much as possible? In my mind I want both numbers to be as low as possible, and the last 9 months have shown, in the UK at least, the only way we're going to do that is with a vaccine that's widely adopted and quickly rolled out. We can't rely on social distancing, bubbles, lockdowns, or even social responsibility.
  14. I don't wish to start an argument here, and I understand entirely why those that see themselves as lower risk may wait, but the vaccine isn't just for the high risk. If you don't have the vaccine and you catch covid and are entirely asymptomatic then you will likely still spread it. As it was explained to me, having the vaccine not only increases immunity from covid, but critically it reduces the risk of you spreading it. Which is why in my opinion it's key everyone has it as soon as possible. And why we all need as much credible information about the vaccines as soon as possible. Until the information is there and accessible for all I don't think this discussion will end. Also, regarding it not being tested on certain groups. You'd be surprised at how many vaccines and medicines aren't tested against all groups, but it's just given that the benefits outweigh the risks. Even over the counter paracetamol isn't tested for negative reactions in people taking biologics, is one personal example I'm aware of (As this sounds like my opinion, and not factual, I was told this by Prof Charlie Lees, who's a Gastroenterologist at Edinburgh Western General, and Dr Nick Powell, a consultant at Imperial College. I'm nowhere near clever enough to give out statements like these without facts from the big brains.)
  15. I was invited to an online Q&A regarding the three leading vaccines earlier this week, and all of the medical professors and doctors on the panel were unanimous. The effects of people not having the vaccine will have more impact in society than those that do. The more people that have the vaccine sooner means invariably we'll be able to get back to 'normal' far quicker. I can post the link to the video if anyone is interested, it focuses mostly on the impact of the vaccine and people with IBD, but it was very revealing in explaining the currently known facts around the pfizer/moderna/oxford vaccines. I think most critically they all said they would be having the vaccine; two of the panel would be having it this week. I think the more genuine information the government can get out now would go a very long way in neutralizing the tin foil hat brigade, although I do realize not many people trust this government currently. I'd like to see Sage and the NHS perhaps giving information where possible.
  16. Anyone catch the Liverpool Wolves game on Prime Video? I thought the punditry was so much better, and not to hear Carragher, Souness, or Redknapp 'commentating' on Liverpool was so refreshing. In fact, I'd say the coverage they've been doing for all the sports on Amazon is of better value than anything on Sky.
  17. Invariably he gets away with it because we are winning when he's made similar comments in the past. Talking to my rugby mates they all think it's a little amusing, and it's perhaps just bravado. But I know they'd be questioning him if we carry on in this vein of form. Poor performances against a lesser nation, Georgia, and a very inexperienced French team will not be forgotten quickly.
  18. I thought it was an incredibly negative performance on the whole, George Ford never got onto the front front not did we set an exciting three quarters free at any point. If we kick for territory as poorly as we did today against teams who are effective running the ball back we're going to struggle. We need to have another plan than having the best defence and playing for territory.
  19. Watching the game last night it was clear the referee was poor. Early on we were not getting free kicks we should have, and there should have even been a few yellows. I think Grealish would have seen this and felt he had to make more of the contacts to get free kicks/players booked. When the game got a bit edgy in the early part of the second half it was clear our players were making the most of excessive contact, not just Grealish. Not excusing diving, but skillful players are always targeted and need protecting.
  20. Finally I've braved signing up. Look forward to joining in. Tamworth Villan here.
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