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Everything posted by Jonesy7211

  1. Only Monday to Friday. On the weekend everyone calls me Shirley. Oh, too much info. Hope you're coping well with shielding, it'll be a relief when that's over too.
  2. 2nd jab booked for Saturday. 8 weeks since my first. GP contacted me today. I sit in group 4 of the list, and I'm getting this earlier than I expected. 39 years old. Didn't have a bad reaction with my first jab, hoping for the same again. Can't wait till we all get through this.
  3. Not a conspiracy theorist, but this has Tory hands all over it. The "delay" will be down to one of two reasons; 1. Less likely. There is a growing fear that the vaccine isn't as safe as the UK gov are stating. Rather than admit this they're slowing down the rate so they can await the outcome of the WHO tests. 2. More likely. The Tories have done a deal with the EU to divert some of our supply. Quids in for the Tories, sod the people. Would also look like a massive climb down from a few weeks ago when there was all the sabre rattling over the EU blocking our supply. I hope I'm wrong, but the vaccination program has been running too well. About time those fox chasing bastards ruined it.
  4. I'd very much like to second this. I've deliberately gone out of my way to be difficult to overly entitled users many, many times. It's a badge of honour. Being difficult but keeping the fix within SLA takes real skill And then moaning to everyone I work with about what a Representative for Wellingborough the requester is, so they do it too. It's like if a tradesman comes to your house. Make him a cup of tea, and he'll be happy. Talk to us in IT nicely, and you'll likely get the response you require next time you have an emergency.
  5. It's so much cheaper as well. Voice agents can deal with one call at a time. A user can deal with multiple enquiries from the omni channel. With automated processes and now AI the cost of running your contact centre reduces drastically.
  6. I feel your pain. Sorry to be boring, but I always warn companies about this, especially where it's easy to leave a review. Never listen. The worst offenders are car insurance companies by a country mile. I once knew a company down in the south east who had their car park blocked off by a huge lorry from a haulage firm who hadn't been able to get through to chase a payout.
  7. The main reason for this is always understaffing. I design multimedia contact centres and nearly every customer I've installed for would much prefer you to contact them in other ways. Now AI and bots are in the market you're going to find it harder and harder to talk to people in the future.
  8. Where are you seeing this reported? Quick Google and I can't find any links to it. I only ask as I wondered if Germany are seeing a link in deaths/blood clots to the vaccine.
  9. The not enough time point is key. I've been on a number of occasions and told that if I need to talk about more than one problem then I need to book another appointment. They only get a few minutes per patient. Some more cynical people I know have speculated that it's so they can get more private appointments in, however I'd imagine it's more to do with the overwhelming numbers a lot of the GP's now have to deal with.
  10. In my opinion, the growing schism between generations is another symptom of a break down in communication that seems to be more than ever affecting race, politics, gender, sexuality, and nationality. This isn't true of everyone, but if you look at social media and the media in general imho nobody is listening to people with a different opinion to them, it's just a case of who can shout the loudest or is the most belligerent. I've been guilty of this in the past as well I'm sure. If we could get people from opposing sides to talk to each other, listen, and ultimately learn and compromise, this shitty world wouldn't be in the state it is. This doesn't mean that everyone with an opinion is wrong, it's just that if we better understood why people were coming from different view than us, we'd be in a better position to educate them, or learn ourselves. Maybe too simplistic, but if we started from a position of what we have in common rather than what's different or we don't like then this might help too.
  11. Stories I've heard from a couple of Sheffield lads I work with. 1. Wilder won't go until the end of the season. 2. The money they've spent on transfers was borrowed from selling their future prize money and parachute payments. Whilst the owner is a member of the Saudi royal family, he's (in comparative terms), not one of the wealthy ones. When he took over the club and forced the other 50% owner out via the courts, he had to borrow money from everywhere to purchase the ground and training ground. If the story about Wilder not going till the end of the season is true I don't see the point of getting rid of him at all. I know football is cynical, but surely he's earnt a crack at getting them back up. If they do go down though they're going to be a skint championship club paying high wages to players on long term deals and any earnings will go to service debt.
  12. No keeper who ever played the game would have stopped that
  13. That's fair enough, it's just that #abolishthemonarchy has been trending on twitter since the interview. My point was made more in general on those people on social media who are deciding this based on the interview alone. I agree it should be abolished btw, but I've long held this view for a whole host of other reasons.
  14. Well I suppose the Tories have been getting away with it for the last year. In all seriousness if it's not properly addressed this will have international ramifications. It'll make us look even more racist than whenever Farage gets on TV in America. To their credit, I think the youth of today are much more inclusive and far less racist than the elder generations, and the royals ignoring the interview will create a massive disconnect with the young people of this country.
  15. My earlier post shows I'm no fan of the monarchy, however before anyone rushes to judgement around abolishing them there simply must be a response from the royal family to the interview. That being said, I absolutely believe that Meghan has been the victim of racism from the family. Philip, Charles, Andrew, and even Harry have shown time and again what respect they have for anyone who isn't them or filthy rich. Does anyone believe that they care about such things as equality and fairness? It's for the peasants. A real watershed moment is coming for them if they don't address this.
  16. We're as bad in this second half as we were against Sheff Utd. We need so much more quality in the squad. I think it's easy to forget though that less than 2 years ago we had even less quality.
  17. After the 2010 world cup everyone agreed that we needed more technical attacking players, instead of the rush/strength football the English game was based on. The irony is we now have them, and those technical players are now our best, but we've got Southgate who simply won't play to our strengths for the reason you've stated.
  18. This for me all day. Mount is so versatile. When we're not playing the top teams we can easily play with one midfielder shielding the back 4, and I'd pick Rice for that role. Alongside him, Mount can be the link between the back 4 and the front players. So much better than Rice and Henderson doing that. Obviously Southgate will want two players sitting in front of 3 centre halves though. With Mount and Rice in midfield we'd have a front four that would be envied by almost every other team. And quality backup.
  19. I thought that it felt flat, but now it's been a few hours since I watched it I've begun to wonder if Marvel are saving the big payoffs for the upcoming films. The Dr. Strange sequel and 3rd Spiderman movie are supposedly heavily influenced by the chaos magic we learned about in Wandavision.
  20. Wandavision finale was surprisingly meh. No spoilers, but it never left me wanting more. It felt like they were in a rush to wrap everything up, which is no surprise considering it's been confirmed there's no season 2.
  21. I wish the whole lot of them would just fade away. When I was younger I used to argue the benefits of a royal family outweighed the negatives, but now I think they're a bunch of idiotic rich Representatives for Wellingborough lucky enough to be pushed out of a silver plated vag. The more we get to know about any of them the more you see that they're just like every other outrageously rich person. To far removed to even acknowledge the little people. You have to question why the royal palace have stated they're concerned about allegations of Meghan's bullying, but fail to even investigate the sweaty fat nonce prince allegations. There's definitely going to be other major incidents swept under the rug too.
  22. Do we have to have a motm poll tonight? Noone deserves it.
  23. They're so deep. Everything we do is in front of them. We've got to push players past Watkins and get behind/turn them.
  24. Davis on for Ramsay now please. They've dropped so deep it's going to be hard for Watkins to find space. He needs help.
  25. I'd be very surprised if the ref overturns his decision. Edit. Colour me surprised.
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