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Everything posted by Follyfoot

  1. I had rather a thing about Penelope Pittstop As a younger man, also the receptionist in Hong Kong Fuey, 911 can I help you
  2. Pronounced ‘Shroosbury’
  3. I was quoting the violence that has occurred and your implication that violence will happen next week as if it’s something new. Every empire in the history of Time has blood on its hands, we are no different and it is only now that we can reflect with more modern thinking regarding what has transpired. I’m proud to be British,, if you are not that is your decision and right, Please do not tell me how I should think
  4. The man who led us to victory against the most evil fascist racist threat to our way of life that has ever existed, try and rewrite the truth as much as much as you wish , Thankfully you can have an opinion which you would’ve not had if not for him
  5. Hitler was an evil racist
  6. you are completely missing the point if you do not mind me saying so. All of the major powers in and around the time of imperialism were fighting for the same thing for themselves, Napoleon wanted it, the Spanish wanted it list goes on and on and on. I find no shame in what happened because it was dog eat dog in those times and you are trying to compare it to a modern society which is totally irrelevant. Every country that could bear arms wanted to control the ever expanding world, this is fact and should be taken into consideration
  7. What on earth has been happening over the last week with the far left protesting, and what an earth is wrong being proud of your heritage and proud of your nation
  8. No it did not, Adolf Hitler’s racism Lead to millions of people dying In death camps, Your comments are based on the flimsy study from a book in 2008., There is more than enough information Citing exactly the opposite, I’m absolutely flabbergasted by what you people actually wished for
  9. What on earth do you mean by direct action, direct action against what, ludicrous
  10. Estrella 660ml ice cold bottles with Hennessy chasers
  11. Winner winner chicken dinner after I thrash Mrs FF at pool
  12. Ordered one of these assault air bikes today, looks the part and good write ups, anyone any experience/advice etc?
  13. We were in the middle of a world war and despite what you read I believe from my research nothing could be further from the truth in these accusations
  14. But what about the tidal waves that caused mass flooding and bad crop failure, hurricanes at the time of the famine which I note are not mentioned ?
  15. Very possibly the case, especially after the Starbucks kerfuffle not supporting the war on terror years ago
  16. Oh, I wish I'd looked after me teeth, And spotted the perils beneath, All the toffees I chewed, And the sweet sticky food, Oh, I wish I'd looked after me teeth. I wish I'd been that much more willin' When I had more tooth there than fillin' To pass up gobstoppers, From respect to me choppers And to buy something else with me shillin'. When I think of the lollies I licked, And the liquorice allsorts I picked, Sherbet dabs, big and little, All that hard peanut brittle, My conscience gets horribly pricked. My Mother, she told me no end, "If you got a tooth, you got a friend" I was young then, and careless, My toothbrush was hairless, I never had much time to spend. Oh I showed them the toothpaste all right, I flashed it about late at night, But up-and-down brushin' And pokin' and fussin' Didn't seem worth the time... I could bite! If I'd known I was paving the way, To cavities, caps and decay, The murder of fiIlin's Injections and drillin's I'd have thrown all me sherbet away. So I lay in the old dentist's chair, And I gaze up his nose in despair, And his drill it do whine, In these molars of mine, "Two amalgum," he'll say, "for in there." How I laughed at my Mother's false teeth, As they foamed in the waters beneath, But now comes the reckonin' It's me they are beckonin' Oh, I wish I'd looked after me teeth.
  17. Him on Thatcher are always going to be political marmite depending on your personal view And which area you live in I take on board all you say but the world was a very different place back then. The comment that we may have lost the war and the world would be a different place somewhat sugarcoats the situation as it would have been Or maybe Mr Hitler might of toned down His antics in victory. Thank you anyway for filling a rather boring Sunday morning waiting for my family to get up and have a good day
  18. I’m well aware in the history of Churchill and also the history of the world wars and other wars. Having a retrospective view on things is very easy but the fact still remains he led us to victory against the biggest threat To our way of life this world has ever seen. I laugh at the fact that being patriotic is somehow seen as a racist trait these days And above all else Churchill was a patriot. The fact that he didn’t buckle and won through Is the reason we are able to debate this on an open forum today and these people defacing the statue should be arrested
  19. That’s my bedtime reading sorted cheersThat’s my bedtime reading sorted cheers
  20. I could hazard a guess as to why this has not been widely reported but this response could be classed as technically being racist itself by some so staying clear of it What it does demonstrate is the depravity That exists in every area of the world and every race
  21. https://www.jpost.com/arab-israeli-conflict/iyad-al-halaks-killing-raises-concerns-over-police-behavior-towards-arabs-629960 That is absolutely horrible.
  22. I once read an interview that during the cold winter months she lets herself go hairy all over
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