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Everything posted by Follyfoot

  1. I think she gets down to her bra and panties in one of the later episodes So well worth sticking with it
  2. Got sent a piss take of Robinson on a train with a black conductor, Its absolutely comedy gold But not sure if, or indeed how I would stick it up. It’s about a minute long and he does swear a bit But worth digging out if you can find it
  3. I thought big Dave got the boot at the Albion a little too quickly for my liking, (Good job in retrospect because if he’d been manager in the play-off semis I think they probably would have beat us)
  4. Huyton born n bred, never checked the fingers as she always seems to be wearing gloves
  5. Having just come off a call to my cousin in Wakefield for a general catch up I asked for conversational purposes what she was having for her tea, The response was 'babbies yed wit' helmet on, crispy bits and pea wet' Has anyone ever had the pleasure???
  6. This is the 'lady' in question , schoolboy error missing the moustache off the snowman ffs
  7. they are basically two (smaller) bears instead of one, kind of holding hands if that makes sense and bacon flavour and in a brownish bacony coloured packet
  8. Have you tried the 'bacon twins' variant, only available in Spain or they were I think and of Germanic origin
  9. Although very good i did not think this series of Inside Number 9 hit the heights of previous series
  10. Watched something called the Lighthouse last night, a very strange, different and compelling film that grows on you as it progresses. Well worth a watch
  11. Really upset me this had, just read about that 16/17 lad in Ireland who got stabbed to death for not handing over his £2 bus fare and was stabbed repeatedly after having a bottle smashed in his face despite onlookers trying to shield his body. The fact he looks the spit of my eldest probably made it hit home even harder, it makes you think of things as a parent that you try not to. I have always been strongly against capital punishment but reading things like this I wonder should there more a deterrent for such abhorrent crimes? Sorry if this has been debated before, I have had a good look and can not see any threads but thought it would be an interesting discussion
  12. Are wotsits or nik naks classed as part to the crisp factory
  13. 110% agree, beat Sheffield and we have a good chance of getting out of the mire. I fear for a good performance and falling off at the end like the Spurs game, mentally at this stage no coming back from that
  14. I hope to God he is fit and up to speed as we desperately need him at his best in the next month
  15. You’re wrong. Admittedly it was a funnel but the point is valid
  16. Quiet the opposite, I put his name in there not so much because of the burning flag but because the scrote involved was part of a group breaking social distancing guidelines and I guess he would be appalled by this after all the good work he did for the NHS at the ripe old age he is. I cannot comment about his views regarding burning the flag but have my own opinions On how he would perceive such actions
  17. If we live in a world were burning the national flag of a country, In that country on a memorial to its war dead is deemed acceptable then is a very very sad day. It is totally odious behaviour. The perpetrator should be sat down with Sir Tom Moore and asked to explain her actions
  18. Reading the 5th book in the Orphan X series, fantastic book as are the others, very much recommended
  19. Villa 2 - 1 winner in the last couple of minutes
  20. One of my 'associates' who is a Nose always refers to us as the 'Vile' and me as a 'Viler' I was thinking, is it racist to suggest that many of them originate from a different gene pool to wider society
  21. Never get any political slant from the good old Guardian, eh
  22. I would say defeating the Nazis is probably the most important part of modern British and world history. Your comments show great Disrespect to those who laid down their lives so you could live in freedom.
  23. Was never going to happen and most probably was never even said, Bringing the army in to the riots actually helped the situation not hinder
  24. Is there actually any proof that he said that? I can find no actual proof Which is widely disputed not to have been said
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