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Everything posted by Follyfoot

  1. In real terms how much of a chance have we got of signing this fella
  2. Follyfoot


    Captain Black should never have initiated that Unprovoked attack on their Martian colony, This can only be expected and so easily avoided
  3. Follyfoot


    And Sunday because a litre was on special offer at Tesco
  4. This is really cruel, my two teenage sons have read this and believe it to be true, all my eldest can talk about on Xbox is this. Can’t someone just think about the children
  5. That said bid is being launched overnight I’m told But I am led to believe it is only an opening bid
  6. The bloke off Catfish who actually 100% believes he has been ‘dating’ Katie Perry online for the last six years
  7. They inhabit a small town to the north of Tipton settling where their non mask wearing forefathers of the 2nd world war made their home after saying gas attacks didn't exist
  8. Leeds Manchester Newcastle Bilston Rotherham Sheffield Torquay
  9. money you say, why not? miss the days of the foreign badge kissing mercenary, like the 'white feather' and his sort, football was far more simple in those days
  10. what do you do if you are constipated ?
  11. Follyfoot


    The last one I remember like that was after the play off final defeat to Fulham, we stayed in Watford and you just had to get in a shop doorway and watch it was that spectacular. Aberystywth had it bad yesterday looking at the news with more to come sadly
  12. Best watched with the Radio WM commentary
  13. In all fairness its target audience is kids, not Michio Kaku
  14. I used something called Champix that I got from the quacks. Basically you start taking the pills whilst still smoking then set up a give up date and stop, Bizarrely you don’t feel like smoking on the morning you give up. That was seven years ago and I used to smoke 20 to 30 Bensons a day and not smoked or wanted to smoke since The bonus with them is that you have some right weird dreams whilst on them
  15. The last pictures I saw were him running in Brazil I think about a month ago and he didn’t look good at all
  16. People who ignore lights just after they have changed at temporary traffic lights trying to latch on to the last car through,love being in pole the other side and pulling out on them just enough to make them brake fast
  17. Just found her thank you, she says she’s looking forward to our meeting with my scumbag father-in-law , Big fan of yours she is
  18. Usual quote, usual laughter, Funny how none of you have actually address the points I have made but would rather just find fault with my delivery. Not quite as seasoned as you obviously. To reiterate I believe what happened with the Unions had to happen as they held the county and government to ransom during the 70’s - please comment Secondly, I believe That Tony Blair inherited a Rolls-Royce of an economy which was on the way up for three years before 1997 - again please comment Also @bicster please follow through with your comment about me being alright Jack, Which I answered and was ignored. No trying to quote bits and pieces of the above, just answer the three questions and what your beliefs are as I have done
  19. Brilliant news, I would imagine the party down here will be out of this world when they get elected
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