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Everything posted by Follyfoot

  1. I stopped watching it when George Best said JPA was crap, Formula was getting tired then let alone now
  2. Great minds and all that and that will teach me to read the rest of the thread before responding again
  3. That is the nail on the head. About 5% of all quoted transfer rumours are probably based on fact, the other 95% generally tend to be bollocks But we lap it up none the less
  4. I know its bloody stupid and I’m a grown man but the thought of Jack leaving really gets to me
  5. This is my concern as well, my two lads are also season ticket holders and we go with my mate and his son so there is five of us in our group, like you said the chances of all getting tickets at the same time are virtually zero and if my lads get tickets without me they cannot go. Don’t see any real solution
  6. Such a let down after the Wolves game a few days before
  7. Just checked and he still 2 to 5 on to stay at the villa with odds checker But they just seem some money has gone on him going to United recently And he’s odds on with a couple of them
  8. Apparently he was battling that bastard disease for four years, Terrible
  9. Probably did not explain that as best as I could. I think the guy I’m on about made what he called a bear observation suit actually to help understand the creature more with a view to saving its existence. I did not mean I want to go toe to toe with the bear but would if possible and safe like to feel its power if that makes sense And just be close to it
  10. Slightly off topic I’ve always been fascinated with those blokes that fight bears In those big suits. It must be an insane rush and I would love to have a go at it just to feel the pure strength and aggression of such a wonderful creature And live to tell the tale
  11. In the end it would boil down to how you handle the massive adrenaline surge and the fight or flight Reaction, the kicker is you will never know until it happens and pray to God it never does
  12. It’s a great word pointy, pointy nose, pointy face, pointy head, pointy features etc
  13. It’s a shame it’s not Jonny as we could’ve made some puerile jokes about condom machines and giggled the weekend away
  14. Lockdown maybe ?more people working from home, less cars on the road so less chance of seeing one?
  15. Should take the edge off the week rather quickly whilst ruining the rest of the weekend
  16. Another week of hope and optimism ends as flat courage best.
  17. Just brought the in laws 2nd hand i30 the other week, cracking motor, similar mileage to yours and great to drive
  18. As stated in the post above this does not seem to be the case It may well do but I notice after googling the subject it already appears that the word has been potentially viewed in a different context than you suggest, As stated I would imagine it will be done so again in the future as we draw nearer to the event so valid comment. I agree but certain sections will see it as a race slur, please see the comments online already Thank you, I was posting it on a thread about the subject matter that is in the news so why would someone not post it. Nothing would ever get posted or discussed ever applying your logic so empty board Lets hope this the case As stated in is an open forum so replying to a posted topic rather than dissecting it and going off on a tangent at the OP is highly appreciated
  19. 1) I do not know, hence me asking the question 2) I said the name could be labelled problematic because of the word 'takeover' In my opinion celebration would be far more fitting 3) I asked as a non black person what there views may be, 'is this the type of thing they would want' is a question and not a presumption and open for debate. 4) It could be deemed racist as it is at the exclusion of all other races and no doubt will by some as the day draws closer 5) It does not bother me, where have I said it did?? 6) How do you know it is going to present a positive image, have you been privy to a secret screening, how do you know what black people want as a middle aged white man? As always you never bother answering the points raised in the initial post and come back with just questions or cloaked presumptions of what I might or might not think. In another thread you made the comment repeatedly 'I am alight Jack' about me assuming you knew my position in the matter discussed and when I offered to explain differently you ignored me. As i said earlier, all very odd
  20. I prefer the term 'a gentleman of a certain vintage'
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