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Posts posted by WallisFrizz

  1. 11 hours ago, Made In Aston said:

    That's telling. I think the reaction at the time and the silence after suggests his injury might be more serious than many of us realise...I. E. Wesley serious. 

    I think it’s more that he and Buendia are dealing with it differently. Emi still wants to feel involved, Ty seems to want to avoid social media as he’s had a really important season ripped away from him and doesn’t want constant reminders. I’d be like Mings if it happened to me. Hopefully they’re both coping  equally well.

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  2. Anyone else think there is something odd about this quote? It’s like he’s saying he believes in the squad whilst finishing the sentence saying the opposite. I think the context is that he’s trying to make the point that he’s experienced starting your strongest 11 in European games and still losing. But surely he knows that defence would be shaky having never played together before. 

    He said pre season, league will always be the main focus. He made that point in his selection tonight.



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  3. 19 minutes ago, JoshVilla said:

    I think Emery will have learned a lot tonight. The issue is, we were relying on our entire squad to see us through what is (hopefully) going to be a very busy schedule. Some of the players tonight just looked like they didn't want to be there, which is a real kick in the teeth when we were all buzzing for what was our first competitive fixture in Europe for over a decade (Yes, Hibs was Europe but I'm talking an actual competitive game on the continent).

    The 2 changes in defence was a really odd decision, but I'm sure Emery will feel that his faith in that back 4 was misplaced and we'll go for a more settled defence in the next one.

    Problem is, I thought Emery would have learned a lot after the Stevenage game re make shift defences against in form teams (of any level) and yet here we are. 

  4. We’re ok for money so myself and my son are members who buy tickets for most home games (I buy both, he’s 11). He then always likes some chips at a game which I buy. I’ve bought him the away kit and he wants the 3rd kit for his upcoming birthday. The kids kits are astronomically priced, it’s actually outrageous. So will encourage him to use any birthday money he gets to buy it himself if he really wants it.

    Even though we could probably afford all the home games, we’re not so well off that I don’t have to think about money and the value of things. On top of that, my daughter is not a football fan so it’s more time out of the home going to all the games. As a result, we’ve gone to all the home games this season and I’ve bought tickets for all the European group home games but I’m giving the Everton cup game and the Brighton game a miss. Not sure when my next league game will be. Maybe West Ham or Luton.

  5. 8 minutes ago, turvontour said:

    I've asked this before, and I dont think people knew. But is there someone counting each pass that's made in the premier league, or is it automated?

    I’ve no idea but I’m interested in how it’s done. Must be some IT system but I like to imagine someone in a room at each game frantically tallying each players complete passes, inaccurate passes, tackles, interceptions, aerial duels etc. 

  6. 1 hour ago, OutByEaster? said:

    is it just me or does it feel like more managers are publicly falling out with their players now that there's a not particularly attractive, but extremely lucrative league out there willing to pay good money for them?


    Oh United would just love Saudi to come in for Sancho.

  7. I think he was bought in to support Mings and Konsa and play as part of a back 3 or as a rotational option. If Emery had known Mings would be out for a season, I’m not sure Pau would be the signing he made. But we’re stuck with him so he needs to adapt quickly. 

    The shame of it is, I’m not even sure we’re seeing the best parts of his game often enough. 

    I get kind of fed up when posters give perfectly valid opinions and criticism and then others jump in and accuse them of scapegoating. Pau being a concern and the whole team playing badly can both be true.

  8. 19 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

    Id have bailey on bench. He is usually not good in away matches and cash has been good there so lets stick with that for now. Bailey will be handy in a tired liverpool defence

    Im still stunned VVDs red was not over turned

    Nah, it was a clear red. It’s just a shame Gomez looked pretty decent when he came on.

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