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Posts posted by WallisFrizz

  1. 13 minutes ago, CVByrne said:

    Omg reading some of the replies in this thread. Conspiracy theory nuts. Immediately have made up your own narrative he was now match fixing. 🤣

    I have no idea whether he’s guilty or not but presumably the reason that footballers betting on their own team is such a scandal is because they then have a vested interested in the outcome of the match and incidents within it that have no sporting motivation so could be akin to match fixing. 

    Villa just need to protect themselves at this point. I think we will see him feature some more over the first half of the season as we are so hit by injuries but if we do hit a compulsory buy clause after he features a certain number of times, it would make sense to stay clear of that until more is known about these allegations. 

  2. 9 hours ago, Risso said:

    I can think of male players who have been signed for their media presence (eg Beckham at LA Galaxy) so why isn't it possible that the same happens for female players? I'm not saying it's the case here, but surely it can and will happen?

    I’m watching the Beckham documentary on Netflix (it’s good by the way) and the President of Real Madrid openly states they signed him for his marketing potential. They already had someone in his position and they had to shoehorn him in the side.***

    Lehmann is a good footballer, seems like a popular member of the squad and and a good pro, we wouldn’t carry her if she wasn’t but I’m sure the PR and marketing appeal adds to her value off the pitch and would be a consideration in any new contracts. 

    ***not saying Beckham was a dud who only signed for Madrid because of his brand! But that it was a big motivator for them to go after him.

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  3. 34 minutes ago, Lichfield Dean said:

    No idea what all that voucher stuff was about.

    Suggestion on Twitter that the Polish fans were told to collect their match tickets from a stadium 3 hours away. I think they’ve used this festival thing as an excuse to keep the Warsaw fans away. If it was going to be that much of a problem you think they’d have told UEFA in advance not to give them a home game on that date.

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  4. Sounds like it all cracked off last night in Alkmaar. Loads of trouble, police knocked unconscious, 2 Warsaw players arrested for violence after they were locked in the stadium. the Warsaw owner assaulted by local police. Alkmaar have still got to go back to Warsaw tho so that should be fun.

  5. 7 minutes ago, Tom13 said:

    Annoying as he aggravated something in the Chelsea game also!

    I thought he looked uncomfortable the whole time he was on the pitch for the Chelsea game.

    • Like 1
  6. 46 minutes ago, tomav84 said:

    if i can make a case for the defence, the time taken to make decisions has frequently been a stick to beat them with. whilst i'm not surprised by the dialogue, it was very noticable how quickly they were trying to get the decision made, and i expect there's been feedback that decisions are taking too long

    i'm not excusing it. it was a **** up, no doubt. but in trying to make things quicker, they've got a decision wrong

    Totally agree with this. I have a lot of sympathy for them in making the actual mistake, they’re trying to be as quick as they can to keep people happy, a mistake was made, they’re human. I just lose sympathy where the VAR bottled calling a halt and correcting the mistake. 

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  7. I think he will go with a very similar team to the Warsaw game regardless of the result last week. Unai said after that we will rely on these (fringe) players during the season and the only way to get them fit and keep them fit was to give them games and not just 10 mins here and there.

    So I fully expect to see Olsen, Chambers, Lenglet, Tielemans and Duran start. 

  8. 5 minutes ago, Zatman said:

    No my point was that Grealish in 19/20 was not very good in the back end of the season. It was the so called lesser players that stood up to be counted after lockdown not Grealish. 

    People forget this all the time because of his from pre covid and then his goal in the very last match. 
    I’m not minimising his achievements because he was immense for us on the whole but he was poor in the project restart games, almost anonymous. I don’t know whether because of the legal trouble he’d got himself in or because he’d had his head turned by United but he was a shadow of the pre Covid player. It was Konsa, Dougie and Trez that dragged us to safety in those last ten games if I remember rightly. 

    • Like 2
  9. 7 hours ago, IrishVilla10 said:

     Interesting tweet, possibly pointing towards the fact he’s not getting a sniff for brazil. 

    I thought he was taking the piss out of that clip of Emery screaming at the players to be calm in Poland.

  10. 2 minutes ago, MWARLEY2 said:

    The lowest profile player with the highest ability in the Prem. 

    it’s true, you hear more about Palace and Fulham players than you do about Konsa.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, villa4europe said:


    The one I would say English football has over European football is we ebb and flow with the game, we've got the come on roar when there's a counter or win a corner etc the organised legia guy just cracks on for 90 minutes regardless

    Yes but that’s the atmosphere that everyone has been praising. 

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