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Posts posted by WallisFrizz

  1. 10 minutes ago, useless said:

    it's just a picture with him saying he's going to share an update, he's hardly going to announce that his career has ended, if it was something that major, first he wouldn't play fans like that, second it would be the club announcing it, not him on social media. The picture isn't even that ominous, it's just a black and white photo of him looking towards the floor in a contemplative mood.

    I want you to be right but I think it’s entirely possible that he would make a significant announcement about his own career, shortly before a club statement is released. I think if he is announcing that he is going to be providing an update it will be something significant, not just an “op went well, back on the grass in 3-4 months” sort of thing. But who knows, maybe it is something positive.

    • Like 1
  2. 9 minutes ago, Tom13 said:

    I doubt it'll be quite as dramatic as that initial photo is looking :D

    Yeah, be funny if he just ends up promoting his interior design business and saying no injury update😁. I really hope that’s what it is.

    • Haha 1
  3. 15 minutes ago, Stoobs said:

    If Scotland won by 2 goals against Norway, more than likely have been in Pot 2 for Euros so Clarke was right to put out the strongest team possible. This wasn’t a dead rubber. It was in terms of qualification but it still had something riding on it. Plus, there is no way Scotland’s stand in captain, would willingly miss out on such an amazing, raucous night, just so he could rest up for next Villa game. Playing every game for his country means everything to him, in my opinion. 

    It’s difficult because as a Scot you see it as ‘just’ resting up for the next Villa game but that game is a 6 pointer for us in terms of our own ambitions (and he is club captain). We’re also facing a bit of a midfield crisis with 2 of our other starting midfielders being a booking away from suspension so an injury for him is pretty disastrous for us.

    I get your point about it not being a dead rubber tho, but I think they could have at least managed his minutes across the two games.

  4. 12 minutes ago, WHY said:

    Any reason he’s not in the Spain squad for tonight’s game?

    The Villa Twitter account has announced him as a sub but LiveScore don’t have him in the lineup at all.

  5. 57 minutes ago, Keyblade said:

    It's only 2 quickies, Kulusevski is as slow as molasses.

    He’s created most chances out of any player in the league tho. They will still put out a decent attacking side but we need to punish that defence. 

    • Like 2
  6. 1 hour ago, Made In Aston said:

    These arsenal rumours just won't go away. Hopefully it is because contract negotiations are underway, which makes sense given his form under Emery and a recent Brazil call up 🤞

    I always wonder where rumours like this come from. Is it Arsenal, trying to unsettle him  or his agent trying to generate some interest or completely made up with one journo following another?


    I obviously hope it is just contract negotiations.

  7. 42 minutes ago, DaveAV1 said:

    Thanks, has he signed another one since?

    Not that I know of. Last one was when Gerrard was still here, that’s why people are worried about a release clause cos we were terrible when he signed and we’d just turned down offers from Arsenal for him.

  8. 10 hours ago, Delphinho123 said:

    Garbage when he starts games. 

    Garbage is harsh but whilst I’ve been really impressed with his form this season, the home Alkmaar game was like last season Bailey.

    • Like 1
  9. He’s had the piss taken out of him massively online given the second goal was such a howler in the week he won that award. 

    Needs to keep his head straight and not let it affect his confidence. 

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