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Posts posted by WallisFrizz

  1. I think the point he’s making is that Mings and Buendia got injured whilst the summer transfer window was still open and we signed Lenglet and Zaniolo on loan to deal with those injuries. We’d obviously rather Mings and Buendia but we do have a contingency plan.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 7 hours ago, Gompedyret said:

     Assume this is a better place than the CL chase thread for this rather interesting article from the PL site itself:
    Write-up about Villa's chances of taking the all time record for home wins in a row

    Evidently we share the fourth spot with ManCity right now and we still have ten matches left to win if we want to go all the way:


    Next 5 PL at VP:

    Sheff Utd



    Man Utd


    Winnable but tricky. That Newcastle one being the hardest if their injury situation has improved and they’ve strengthened in the Jan window (game isn’t until end of Jan due to FA cup and international break).

  3. Just now, villan95 said:

    So United exiting Europe really doesn't help the chances of England getting the 5th CL place. Newcastle potentially exiting tomorrow. 

    I'm also wary that Spurs, Newcastle (if they do exit) and Utd will also be getting more rest between matches as they try and catch us in the top 4.

    Yep. All of that.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

    This is madness. Cash must have a injury makes no sense otherwise 

    I think he’s been carrying an injury since the international break. He didn’t play for Poland I don’t think and McGinn mentioned people playing through pain during the spurs game.

  5. 1 minute ago, Brumstopdogs said:


    What even is that?? If some city fan is trolling us then surely some clips of him winning trophies would be more effective (but still wouldn’t bother us). Just what is the point? It’s hilarious  😂 

    • Like 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, useless said:

    The only reason that some are pointing out that we will likely lose is because there's too much optimism, which will lead to a ridiculous overreaction if we do lose, with the spoilt pathetic rable of dramatic brats declaring that if we can't beat Man City now we shall never ever beat them. If things go right we can get a result, but also they're capable of not just winning, but winning comfortably, as they are against any team in the league.


    I was just thinking this! I’ve just had a scroll through Twitter and Villa fans are sooo optimistic and hopeful, talk of it being our biggest game in ages etc. Unreal amounts of expectation. There’s going to be absolute devastation if we get beat and outplayed by probably the best team in the world which isn’t  exactly fair on the players or Emery for that matter. 

  7. 1 hour ago, maqroll said:

    I wonder if Emery puts Carlos right back in there to shadow Haaland. 

    But it would require Konsa either playing RB again or being dropped.


    Dropping Konsa would be next level madness.

    With Kamara back, I think he’ll revert to the Cash-Konsa-Torres-Digne back 4 with McGinn and and Bailey dropping back to help Cash with Doku and Kamara helping out the defence.

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  8. 5 minutes ago, Kiwivillan said:

    I haven't met an Arsenal fan that isn't pissed off that they sold Martinez. Not sure he got stick from them like Emery did

    I was at the home game last season against them. They gave him loads.

  9. 7 minutes ago, VillaParkAvenue said:

    Even more tho Emery and Emi Martinez beating Arsenal, those celebrations could be insane.

    I want this so much for them, they have taken so much stick from their fans. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, delboy54 said:

    If we are going to lose our unbroken wins at VP then it might as well be against this cheating club

    Obviously we would love to win but I’d much prefer it be the current European champions as the team to break our 100% home streak than some mid table side. 

    That said, I really really want something out of at least one of the next two games. Keep the confidence high.

  11. Honestly, I think we are flagging a bit, Europe maybe taking a toll. We have looked dodgy for at least one half per match for a few games now and have managed to either ride our luck or grind a result out. Whilst the latter is admirable, I don’t think it will work on City (even without Rodri) or Arsenal. We need a much better whole-match performance than we’ve been getting. 

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