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Posts posted by WallisFrizz

  1. 4 minutes ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

    I think one of the problems is trying to accommodate that bloody star inside our crest FFS.

    You’re not wrong. I remember when I filled in the survey, I think I said I would want the star in the new badge but I wish I hadn’t. It seems to make every design option awkward.

    • Like 1
  2. 48 minutes ago, Pinebro said:

    We've conceded 27 goals.

    Liverpool have conceded 16. Arsenal conceded 18 and Man City 21.

    That's a lot of goals compared to the rest of the top 4.

    I think not only the gk but the defence as a whole has looked very suspect all season. Our attacking stats is why we are where we are.Only man city have outscored out and we're currently doing the we'll score more than you strategy.

    I think it’s largely on the defence tbh. I’m not saying there aren’t a handful of goals Emi couldn’t have done better in preventing but when our high line is beaten it usually ends up with a one on one with Emi and most strikers will convert those. 

    Also worth noting that 5 of those goals have come in the last two matches when we’ve playing with our 3rd and 4th choice CB and one of our best CBs out of position at right back. 

    I think Emi has been a excellent this season but I think he has had to make peace with having less clean sheets because of our style of play.

    • Like 2
  3. 5 minutes ago, foreveryoung said:

    Yeah was a moody one that. See how Watkin's just walks away after the assist.

    Yeah, I thought it was offside, Watkins 100% thought it was offside. Nobody wound us got particularly excited and we all talked about how VAR had absolutely killed the excitement of scoring.

    • Like 2
  4. 55 minutes ago, M_Afro said:

    No Boubs, Pau, Digne or Youri plus the poor form of JJ, Moussa and Nicolo mean that this is much tougher than it should be. They are relatively ok away from home too. I suspect that this will be tight. We need the crowd to stay with the team. I think we will nick it by the odd goal but would not be surprised if we fail to take three points. Big, big game. Would bite your hand off for a 1-0 now.

    To think positively tho, Cash (who scored twice against them early in the season) is back from suspension which means that Konsa can move back centrally. Digne very kindly waited until Moreno was back up to speed before getting injured. Bailey is looking good and Watkins is due a goal. Agree 1-0 will be fine tho. 

    • Like 2
  5. 25 minutes ago, VillaChris said:

    Antonio getting the long term injury was good news for them as you get the feeling Moyes would've been stubborn and continue playing him.

    That forced him to put Kudus in and him and Bowen as front two with Pacqueta and a solid midfield behind is a pretty good proposition tbh and can certainly hurt teams on the counter.

    Great win for them tonight.

    Apparently Kudus off to Afcon and Paqueta injured tonight which is good news if they’re starting to hit their stride. 

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, OutByEaster? said:

    Whilst I was unable to attend this meeting personally, there was a feeling from those that did that the notes didn't quite capture the way some of the issues were presented and discussed, as a result, the group have added some notes to those originally produced by the club as per the below:



    The FAB responses sound like they’re a pre curser to a formal complaint to the FA about the consultation process. Is that likely or is it more of a gripe at the club? In any case, I’d really like to see the new badge before anything further happens.

    I agree with others that the 200 seats is a feeble excuse. European attendances (and atmospheres) have been quite poor but the PL attendances have been consistently excellent. The club have tried to force people towards hospitality options to secure tickets and people may have resisted that but any other tickets that haven’t sold will mostly be isolated seats, maybe those that have been returned by season ticket holders after the game has officially sold out. I’ve said before the club are useless at advertising these.

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  7. 4 minutes ago, AVTuco said:

    Problem is our performances have started to slip. There are good reasons for it, I know, but it's happening. Pundits think we've overachieved, and I tend to think so too. Our players are not the quality the real contenders have, nor do we have depth in the squad. It's not sustainable, however great Unai is.

    I think we’ve ridden our luck in some games and also been able to field a pretty stable side for the most part this season. However we have had some significant injuries to key players across 2023 and mostly kept playing well including 6-1 Brighton and 4-1 West Ham. I don’t think we have overperformed but I think some are a bit fatigued and injuries and suspensions have caught up with us.

    I think that winter break will do us good 🤞.

  8. 2 minutes ago, string28 said:

    I think we need to see that we are no way getting top four we really aren't good enough.

    We’re not better than Liverpool, Arsenal and City. But there is a drop off between those 3 and a number of teams (mainly us, Spurs, United, even West Ham and Brighton). 4th place will come down to who is luckiest with injuries and can manage their squads best. 

    • Like 2
  9. I generally like the ‘no excuses’ mantra from Unai but we are really struggling with the amount of absences at the moment and I haven’t heard a peep about it from anyone not Villa connected. In fact all I hear today was that we’d made the least amount of changes than any other team.

    I think Unai should stick up for us a bit and say we’re depleted. Everyone else gets the sympathy and the caveats when teams beat them, our lot deserve that rather being told by smug media types that we’ve overachieved to this point.


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  10. He had a bad game but I don’t think we need to start saying he’s overrated etc. Hes been amazing.

    Tonight, he’s possibly overdone it at Christmas/missing Kamara/ generally fatigued/ tactics didn’t help him or a mixture of all of the above.  He’ll shine again soon enough.

  11. I remember the start of the 20-21 season when we started brilliantly, playing glorious football. Then suddenly we had our Covid outbreak and then Jack got injured and our season just fell apart. Anyway, that f*kin Brentford debacle better not be the changing point of this season. Cos it feels like something has switched. 

  12. Just now, Tayls said:

    My fear is that we lack a proper plan of plan A doesn’t work. Plan A was do what we were doing for the first 30. Then that started to not work quite dramatically and we have not been able to revert to another plan… it was the same against Liverpool and Forest. 

    To be fair we have a significant number of absences that would allow us any flexibility.

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