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Posts posted by WallisFrizz


    14 minutes ago, El-Reacho said:

    He says it currently resembles a council leisure centre.

    It was the journalist who said this, they said Heck cringed at it and it was “friendly”.

    Interestingly he didn’t seem to moan about FFP and felt that sanctions against those that breach it should be aggressive. 

    Made me smile that he went to Villanova University in the US.

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, duke313 said:

    I thought Pau was back?  H came on as a sub v Burnley, was rested v Boro so I assume he should be ready for this game now having had plenty of rest?

    I think it was said that he had to come on for Lenglet in the Burnley game because Lenglet had been feeling ill but that Pau was in pain after that appearance so he was being left out of the Boro squad with the hope that he would be fit for Everton. 

  3. 8 hours ago, MWARLEY2 said:

    NSWE knew what they were getting with Heck. They would have done due diligence on him. He has been hired to bludgeon Aston Villa forwards. To piss people off ,  make un popular decisions and to get us working far better commercially off the field. He will be gone in 2 or 3 years once everything is in place i guess. These decisions will not have been made without multiple presentations/ meetings/ meetings about meetings with the Exec board

    Absolutely. The idea that Heck is the devil and NSWE must be horrified by what he is doing is ridiculous. They will be consulting with him and understanding his decision making and the details behind it. They knew his approach and hired him. It was Purslow they got rid of, you know-the man behind the redevelopment and the round badge. Maybe the redevelopment plans needed shelving for financial/practical/political reasons, maybe they were convinced by Heck’s commitment to a shield over a round badge for branding and global recognition reasons. 

    Heck makes decisions unpopular with the fans but basically he’s reversing the things done by Purslow. I don’t know the reasons behind that but given that Purslow isn’t here anymore, I’m at least going to consider the fact that NSWE are supportive of these decisions. 

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  4. 22 minutes ago, rodders0223 said:

    Intervention required I think.

    He's a word removed. He's always been a word removed and he's only ever going to be a bigger word removed




    ....but it's ramblings of a madman.

    I don’t buy that’s it’s illness, I think he’s decided that he’s going to make a living out of being the next Laurence Fox/Matt Le Tissier. People should have just ignored him but the likes of Gary Neville, Laura Woods and loads of other have quote tweeted him (to challenge him) and his plan has worked because his following has grown, he’s got himself a platform and a ton of attention.

    • Like 2
  5. 36 minutes ago, jayEm said:

    Pau, Digne, Tielemans, and Olsen are all out apparently.

    Missing Pau and Tielemans still is concerning, less so for this game but more generally.

    Yeah they’ve both had quite a long stretch off. Tielemans in particular. Shame as both were in good form.

  6. 7 minutes ago, AvonVillain said:

    I'd be all over this opinion in virtually all circumstances, and even in this instance, if it wasn't for the spectacularly misjudged, hopelessly out of date DROP SHADOW. I'm pretty sure even Photoshop issues you a warning if you hover over this option these days, stating: "irony fan are you? - let's go back in time to the very beginning of the internet to see why we all quickly moved on!".  Shockingly poor decision, and I genuinely take back any previous criticism of 'design by committee'.

    ♪♫ Yellow & Blue Army

    Yeah the shadow is awful, worst thing about it.

    • Like 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

    I think one of the problems is trying to accommodate that bloody star inside our crest FFS.

    You’re not wrong. I remember when I filled in the survey, I think I said I would want the star in the new badge but I wish I hadn’t. It seems to make every design option awkward.

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