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Posts posted by WallisFrizz

  1. 9 hours ago, useless said:

    Sunderland should have known Martiz was cup tied and said something,

    It’s not Carla Ward or Maritz’ fault but Sunderland should have told us?!

  2. 22 minutes ago, Callum said:

    He’s not even training for now so I doubt that. Fingers crossed

    Agree he sounds at least a couple of weeks away yet.

  3. 28 minutes ago, useless said:

    Why is it a mystery admin person, the women's side have all the support staff just like the men's team, I know this as have seen them all listed on linkdin. Doesn't really matter who the fans think is to blame, we've admitted the mistake as a club, and now have to wait and see what our punishment is.

    Have we admitted it?  I hadn’t seen anything from the club.

  4. 1 hour ago, useless said:

    For all we know she might have said something, but if the player and staff have been told that she's allowed to play, by someone who's job is to check these things, maybe they trusted that and went along with it, if Noelle and Wardy are told she can play, can they be expected to start studying the rules to make sure that that's correct, that's not their job

    Isn’t it? I think you’re giving a massive free pass to people who should know better. I think you’re probably right with your logic about how it was a mistake based on something to do with Arsenals initial CL qualification and the fact that Nobbs could play for us last year after joining because Arsenal had not entered the competition at that stage. But Nobbs hadn’t played in that competition.

    However Im amazed that nobody questioned that Maritz would be able to feature for 2 teams in the same competition within the same season. Like not one person asked this mystery admin person to double check?

    • Like 2
  5. 29 minutes ago, Zatman said:

    I dont remember people blaming Klopp or Rafa Benitez when they did similar

    I bet they probably did but I’m not saying it’s right just that it ultimately falls on her.  This isn’t like Moritz played in an early season qualifier, she’s played 3 games in this competition the last being a month ago. They must have thought there was some loophole (maybe there is!) but haven’t done due diligence.

  6. 22 minutes ago, Zatman said:

    I doubt every manager or players know the competition rules for tournaments. Some dont even know the basic football rules

    Should be somebody in the admin or legal team

    Nah not having that. We even sat out a different player because they were cup tied. Think Carla could be sacked if we get disqualified given that it has been an underwhelming season anyway.

  7. 7 hours ago, R.Bear said:

    I'm amazed at the positive reception for that detailed Lion badge. It's hideous. I haven't seen a single design, leak or fan mockup that I've liked. I prefer the old AVFC one to any since.

    Yeah, I’m just starting to wish the whole process wasn’t started. I presume the club have put the announcement on hold either due to the hostile reception or whilst  the PL/FA investigate whether we followed due process. The silence is now deafening.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, useless said:

    As it stands Man Utd and Spurs if they beat Southampton tomorrow, which they probably will do, will qualify as the best two runners up, but if we get tonight's win taken from us and the points awarded to Sunderland, then we would then finsh as one of the two best runners up, essentially knocking Man Utd out of the competition, again if Spurs win tomorrow, so in a bizzare way, it could actually work out well for us

    Then again Man Utd might say we played Martiz on purpose with the above in mind to eliminate a strong competitor, so will argue for disqualification

    Do you think we did it deliberately?

  9. Bit embarrassing if we’ve messed up. Surely the player herself should highlight it also. Can only hope we’ve checked and there’s a loophole otherwise a complete f**k up.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 1 hour ago, gwi1890 said:

    I’m sure it was frustrating buying Finn Azaz for a mere 2million

    Azaz nearly out of contract, Rogers only 6 months into one.



    3 minutes ago, Dale said:

    Aston Villa is an entity, it is is. 

    But only the collection of individuals working there are capable of being delighted so ‘are’ is fine.

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  12. 12 minutes ago, MaVilla said:

    i wonder if we will try and cash in on one of our big assets in the summer, to help expand our finances for the next few years.

    Can see us doing it tbh.

    I’m certain we will. 

  13. 13 minutes ago, imavillan said:

    interesting what Plymouth are saying



    None of its controversial though, just that he was happy and settled there, playing loads and enjoying himself. Got the call and was a bit gutted as presumably got to leave regular playing time and his new mates to come back and sit on the bench (aka “fight for his place”).  It also sounds like Plymouth are a teeny bit sceptical we won’t just send him somewhere else.

    Hopefully he does get some minutes and takes his opportunity.

  14. I suppose we’re also thinking about the home grown quota. Most affordable way to buy an English player is to buy them young. Once they’ve made it at PL level you pay a premium. 

    Apparently Man City have a sell on clause.

  15. 22 minutes ago, Villa_Vids said:

    Boro fans seem gutted by the news.

    Comments I’ve seen seem more confused. They think he’s got far more scope for development there (playing regularly) than here where he might be out of his depth. 

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