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Posts posted by WallisFrizz

  1. 10 minutes ago, jimmygreaves said:

    Don't really get the fuss over us signing one of Arsenal's U21 players.

    What's the big deal, what an I missing?

    It’s a cheery little distraction from last nights result.

  2. Don’t really know what any of this means but I’m guessing it’s something along the lines of more home grown players on the books even if they’re on loan might allow us an additional foreign player in the squad? 

    Anyone know specifically?

    • Like 1
  3. 16 hours ago, Jas10 said:

    Listening to MOMS podcast…

    the crest hasn’t received FA approval… they haven’t passed the second Villa crest…

    Club haven’t adhered to the rules (in terms of fan engagement), hasn’t been approved…

    I’m surprised I’ve not seen more about this. I’ve only just heard about it on the Moms podcast and then I looked for this thread. I’m not sure any of the Villa journos have picked it up. 

    The only outcomes I can really see are we stick with the avfc badge or the round. I don’t think they’ll do yet another consultation and (crap) design process. Maybe they will.

  4. 10 minutes ago, TheMightyVillans said:

    Hopefully he will be back soon. Would have been useful to have last night. 

    Yes, he’s been very good this season, probably underrated. We’ve all been so convinced he’s an expensive but quality understudy that we’ve  not appreciated his consistency fully.

  5. 4 minutes ago, ozvilla28 said:

    I'm not buying this Torres out being the main difference. He does make a difference,  but we look flat , patchy. lack desire and intensity.

    I agree. Pau is a big loss but I don’t think the second he returns all our problems are solved. I’m also not convinced that fatigue is that much of an issue given they’ve all had the winter break. 

    There are a few problems to address, tactical flexibility being one of them. I’m confident in Emery, he will have had situations like this before and overcome them.

  6. I watched this one on the TV. At half time, one of the pundits made a comment re the atmosphere feeling flat, I presumed he was talking about the fans but then his immediate next words were along the lines of the players not seeming as up for it. 

    There does seem to be a shift in their body language after a tough month. I hope all is well in the camp.

  7. The players have been with him 100% because of the results and performances. We just have to hope that they stick with him and don’t start to resent those infamous long meetings. 

    He’s got a test on his hands now, to stop our season sliding out of view, this is why we pay him the big bucks.

    • Like 2
  8. 8 minutes ago, Pinebro said:

    Was immense earlier on in the season.

    We need to find a way to get him back to that.

    Not prepared to give up on him yet.

    That’s the thing, we’ve seen he can be good. 

  9. Just now, Taxahunter said:

    Great, let’s all criticize one of the players who had zero impact on us being behind 3-0…🤦🏼‍♂️

    To be fair, I’m going to jump in all the other threads and criticise the rest of them aswell. 

  10. 9 minutes ago, briny_ear said:

    This has probably been said before but this is the team with the best home record in the premier league vs the one with the 2nd worst away record. 

    Let’s hope things go to form.

    It’s stats like that that make me nervous.

    • Like 1
  11. Good luck lad. You’re just making your mark in the Championship and we’ve just signed you to help us get us over the line into the Champions League. No pressure!!


  12. 1 hour ago, The_Steve said:

    True. The league must take responsibility for this obvious corruption. I’d be very interested to see which way clubs voted if it’s publicly available. 

    Newcastle, Sheffield United, Everton, Burnley, Chelsea, Wolves, Forest and Manchester City. It was reported back in November.

    • Like 1
  13. 8 hours ago, Delphinho123 said:

    Seeing as we’re talking a lot about selling players lately, could Bailey be a candidate in the Summer? Not long left on the contract, wants really high wages having not done a whole load to deserve them (half a season at best) and could probably fetch decent value - £30-50m id say.

    I like the new Bailey, I find him pleasantly surprising, but if it’s between him, Luiz, Kamara or whoever else we rate, who would you pick? 

    Just throwing out there in typical Delphinho fashion. 

    I really like him but I’d be open to selling him over some of the others. 

  14. Just now, MaVilla said:

    i thought it was up to 15m with add-ons, not 15m plus add-ons?

    Ornstein said 15 mil including add ins. I think I’ve seen John Townley say 15 mil plus add ons but I’ll go with Ornstein as he’s more reliable and it sounds more realistic. 

    • Like 1
  15. 8 hours ago, KentVillan said:

    I’ve spent a lot of time in Colombia, don’t think people understand the national pride they have. When any Colombian makes it big in Europe or the US, they take it very seriously. Everyone knows about it and celebrates it, whether it’s actors, musicians, footballers, cyclists, whatever. He’s done nothing wrong at all IMO.

    For example, if you tell any Colombian who has an interest in football that you support Villa, they’ll immediately say Juan Pablo Angel and Jhon Duran. Villa being a relatively obscure club outside England. They care a lot about this stuff.

    So how many other Columbians has he tweeted congratulations about their transfers recently? Or is it just the one that’s moved to the club that have apparently shown interest in him?

    Im on the fence with this. On the one hand I don’t think it’s that big a deal but given the recent noise, I do think he would have an idea of how it would be perceived and chose to do it anyway.

  16. 32 minutes ago, Jas10 said:

    Can never question his workrate… it’s his ability that’s in question… but that is something Unai can and presumably has worked on…

    Matty also mentioned he’s had some trouble with his calf or hamstring (after the Boro game) and was feeling better… unfortunately it appeared to flare up again…

    Hopefully not, the way he got people to stretch his leg and was asking for water I thought he was just knackered.

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