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Posts posted by WallisFrizz

  1. 6 hours ago, Mantis said:

    **** hate this lot. Ridiculous how we can beat teams like Brighton, Spurs, Chelsea and Newcastle with semi-regularity but these pricks we've beaten like twice in Premier League in the last 15+ years. Hell in that time period we've got more wins against Man United and just as many against Man City in the PL, and they are two notorious bogey teams.

    That’s actually nuts when you think about it. We are so due a win against these.

  2. 6 hours ago, HanoiVillan said:

    Also, as I've said before, we're a football club not the National Trust. We don't need to getting into the business of preserving crumbling stately homes that serve no footballing purpose. 

    That’s a really unpleasant view point to be honest. Aston Villa should absolutely re respectful of heritage and rare beauty to be found in the locality. Aston Hall and Villa Park are just about the only decent features of a deprived area, they should stand side by side. Not to mention that the park is well used by the community. 

    The plans they had to build a new stand were fine but they’ve canned them for whatever reason. I’d also be open to a move but that doesn’t look likely either. The plan to add 3k more seats doesn’t look particularly feasible. 

    Looks like they’re going to let Villa Park become slowly more outdated and limited. A bit like Old Trafford but without the capacity. 

    • Like 2
  3. It’s a really good idea for those that want a few drinks but I’ve already ruled the shuttle bus out  for me. By the look of it there are no concessions so it would be £10 total for me and my son (12), then return train tickets from Solihull to Brum and back. That’s about £20 total costs on top of the ticket price. Or I can just drive us there for the cost of the fuel. I do hate the drive and the traffic though. 

  4. 13 minutes ago, HanoiVillan said:

    Is there much need for one? The pick up point is not that far from Moor Street . . .

    Ah ok. My train (if I don’t drive) does make a stop at Moor St. I might look into it.

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, BOF said:

    Thank McGrath we're home. We've had some nice rests for some, but not for others. I hope the travel doesn't affect Luiz too much. But then it'll likely affect Gomes too. Hopefully Cunha is still out.

    We really need to win this. I'm kinda confident we can eke out a narrow home win.1-0 or 2-1.

    Brazil only played in England and Spain, Luiz didn’t get that many minutes. He should be pretty fresh.

    • Like 1
  6. 45 minutes ago, Zatman said:

    Found this thread but the social media team have caused a bizarre non issue that they posted lyrics to a Tielemans song when scored vs England.

    This has brought out an incredible number of idiots on the clubs X page that it's funny. Some have labelled the club traitors😂

    I haven’t seen any rage from Villa fans but it does seem to have wound up a few non Villa fans (mainly Bluenoses). There’s quite a number of other clubs fans that are defending it tbf.

    I didn’t mind it though it was a tad overexcited but the official Twitter page seems to have become more and more like a tik tok account recently anyway which I’m not generally keen on. 

  7. 18 minutes ago, Ceemo said:

    Very innocuous. Hopefully not too serious.


    It doesn’t look too bad, he’s got 9 days to get over it. Come on Matty.

  8. 42 minutes ago, YLN said:

    Paul Merson says that Toney should go to the euros instead of Watkins. His reasoning is that Kane will play every minute of every match and Toney is better at penalties so he should be there just in case a game goes to a penalty shootout.

    Within the first paragraph he argues that having a good back up striker would be irrelevant because if Kane gets injured, England won't win the tournament anyways.

    It's the most asinine football opinion I think I've ever heard. It's bait, but even by Merse's standards it's stupid.




    He’s right that Toney is a better penalty taker and if we’re in a shoot out we’d all pick Toney over Watkins. But Watkins is far more likely to get you further in the competition than Toney who is miles off it last time I watched him.

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