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Posts posted by WallisFrizz

  1. 32 minutes ago, Rolta said:

    Yet he was getting involved in all the celebrations, and according to his Instagram is having treatment for an injury. I'll take the bet!

    Ah you might be right. I think I may have got distracted by my employer putting all partners of pregnant women on self isolation. Coupled with the vagueness of Engels appearances in and out the squad.

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  2. 14 minutes ago, Brumerican said:

    I don't have long left so I'm genuinely not fussed. 

    It's fine.

    Mate, hope you have a good support network. If not reach out to mh services local to you. Alternatively adopt Real Madrid as a second team, far less stressful than Villa! 

  3. Wanted to post for about a year, been a regular visitor to site. On and off season ticket holder since 1993. Good feeling about the semi final...was nearly squashed as a 13yr old girl on the Holte End Terrace following the Tranmere 3-1 win. Best feeling ever! 

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