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Posts posted by WallisFrizz

  1. 1 hour ago, Rightdm00 said:

    All our pressing stats were much improved this past season. Actually in the first 3rd of the season we were pressing more than anyone else. 

    What screwed us was that we had a european campaign like fixture list with a very thin squad.  The matches rescheduled due to COVID forced us to play a game once every 5 days or so for 3 months straight. 

    To be fair, I said that myself re the early stats re the post Covid impact.

    Im a Smith fan but just wondered if this is an area that we could improve on that doesn’t involve the transfer market.

  2. 1 hour ago, Zatman said:

    10 days later and these teams except Wolves are still looking 

    Pre-season starts soon 😂

    It’s brilliant to be so settled whilst these are all in turmoil. I really hope we accelerate our summer business if possible to take advantage.

    • Like 1
  3. Hearing Ashley Young talk about how Conte sets such high standards for fitness and we’ve all heard about how tough Bielsa is and how fit the Leeds players are. Then hearing Jack at England camps talking about how much more intense the training is and how he runs more in matches (wasn’t entirely convinced by this, thinking he was sucking up to GS a bit there).

    Is Dean too easy on our players? Could they be fitter, work harder, run more in matches. We’re different to Leeds and that is fine but actually is fitness/stamina/intensity an area we could improve on? Although we appear to pretty good sprinters from the data comparisons Ive seen, we are amongst the worst runners overall.

    Dean is clearly popular amongst the players and they all seem happy but should he demand more from them? It might just be our Covid break affected us badly as I’m sure we started the season well in terms of pressing considerably more than the previous season. Or maybe it’s something that’s easier to maintain with a deeper squad.

    It’s just that fitness seems such an easy win in terms of improving a squad, doesn’t matter how expensive or skilled the players are.

    Just pondering really. 

    • Like 2
  4. Had a quick look to see what the Watford fans were making of it. Seen a couple of comments that he gave a virtually identical interview for them when recently linked with them. That’s almost quite funny if true!!

  5. I would be amazed if Southgate starts a player who hasn’t played since April in an important game. I think far more likely, he will continue with Mings, hope we win and secure our place in quarter finals then use the Czech game to reintroduce Maguire in a low risk game where he can gain fitness.

    • Like 1
  6. Rumours on Twitter Arsenal have put in a bid for Maddison. If Villa had wind of this it would make sense why we would go in for ESR, they need funds and ESR wants guarantees of first team football.

    Still don’t think it will happen.

  7. 10 minutes ago, MotoMkali said:

    How does that work? They rejected the bid. He goes to them aston villa bid for him well they'd be the ones who know wouldn't they. If it was just interest then I'd assume yes but a bid seems a little more concrete especially since 2 reliable arsenal reporters have claimed it. 

    I’m not saying it’s made up, I’m sure it happened. I just think his agent has probably encouraged our interest in order to get more money offered to him.

    There is no way Arsenal doing business with us this summer. Not after Martinez and Buendia. 

  8. 6 minutes ago, PieFacE said:

    I just find it kinda weird that bids would get rejected these days.

    Surely someone at Villa would phone someone at Arsenal and say "How much would it cost to have a bid accepted for Smith Rowe?" They'd respond with "He's not for sale at all". Dude at Villa goes "Okay then, here's a £25m bid" ??

    Surely all the negotiation of what is or isn't an acceptable bid is done long before the bid actually gets submitted.

    I mean I have no idea how these things worth but £25m sounds awfully low really. 

    I find the whole thing strange. They were never going to accept that. Maybe it’s all being led by his agent to get him a better contract.

    Either way, not in a million years is this happening. And I was more excited by the JWP link to be honest.

  9. It’s top trolling to have done this but literally every man and his dog now thinks we’ve basically confirmed we’re selling Grealish. Hopefully that’s not the case but you can see why it’s an easy conclusion to jump to and I’ve got to admit, it was my first thought. 

    • Like 1
  10. 4 minutes ago, thabucks said:

    A heavily caveated IF Chelsea are interested in Grealish then I want us to drive a hard bargain with hard cash and insist on Billy Gilmour ( poss Hudson-Odoi) be included. Not interested in Tammy or RLC or players they want to move on and we can sign if we wanted to. I’m looking for a sacrifice ams It Will be on our terms if/when Jack leaves. 

    I’m fed up of Chelsea rejects. If he goes, whenever that may be and to whoever that may be, I want it to purely money in the bank to be reinvested as we see fit.

    • Like 3
  11. 2 hours ago, ThunderPower_14 said:

    I don't see it a lot different to the John Terry signing which I think was absolutely a positive for the club.

    I’m not against it, in fact I think I like the idea. I think many of our players could learn a lot from him.

    However, re Terry, he dropped down a league coming to us whereas Young will arguably have to up his game a bit (no I’m not saying serie A is like the championship but maybe just not as tough as the PL).

    On the whole, I think it’s a good idea as long as wages aren’t massive.

    As it happens, I think he’ll go to a club where he’ll be guaranteed more playing time.

  12. 20 minutes ago, KentVillan said:

    I think the truth is more mundane than GS having any personal issues with Jack.

    He prefers pacy wingers who run in behind (Sterling, Rashford). He likes to play two holding midfielders. And he prefers his CAM / 10 to be a hard-working presser (so Mount, basically).

    Once you set up all these limitations on your thinking, it's hard to see how you keep Grealish, Foden, and Sancho happy. At least one of them is going to be a bench warmer for most of the tournament, probably two of them.

    Most sensible post I’ve seen on the matter. It won’t go down well.

  13. Are season tickets holders able to give their tickets to a friend/relative if they can’t make a match? This could be done in an approved way such as registering the ‘guest’ prior to the game and having their photo on the system.

    I’m presuming the new photo system that was implemented was designed to prevent this but surely it’s better to have bums on seats (and spending at the kiosks/bar/ store etc). 

    I’d like my kids to be able to share a season ticket (we’re currently on waiting list) as I can’t afford one for each and my daughter would like to come when my son can’t make it. I know kids don’t have their photos taken but she clearly isn’t going to pass as her brothers name.

  14. 2 hours ago, darrenm said:

    I want him to play against Czech Republic and embarrass Coufal. Coufal for West Ham made it his mission to stop Grealish and was very proud that he did because he had no-one else to worry about. I'd love Grealish to get his own back.

    The reality will be more like, be won't play against Scotland then he'll start against Czechs along with a load of other 2nd stringers and get nothing against them, then not get another minute until 80th against France where we're losing and he gets 2 touches.

    Jack still got an assist in this game so I wouldn’t say Coufal stopped him (although credit where it’s due he did well).

    Ive heard Stuart Pearce on TalkSPort doing Jack down at every available opportunity and gleeful he didn’t get picked. He’s probably very sore that Jack has had 2 goals and an assist in his last 3 appearances against WH. 

  15. 7 minutes ago, villalad21 said:

    Watch Gareth's post match interview.

    Actually hinted to Jack being needed in the games coming up.

    We will see plenty of Jack in the Euros. I would not worry about that.



    I agree. Really can’t get on board with the drama and I’m happy England won. 
    Villa fans fuming on a forum re Jack non selection, the man himself is currently posting pics on his Insta of Chilwell nodding off on the team bus.

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