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Posts posted by WallisFrizz

  1. 8 minutes ago, avfc1982am said:

    I still see much work to be done from Jack as far as the club is concerned and his legacy at Villa. Yes, we can debate he merits of him being the best player ever produced at the club, but I don't see his current achievements as sufficient grounds to label him a Villa Legend just yet. I think he still has some way to go before that, like lifting a trophy, getting us to Europe etc. I do think if he leaves it would leave me feeling pissed and that he has slightly mirrored David Platt. Someone who was Ioved when he was here but done one when his popularity grew after representing England. A player I personally didn't give 2 shits about after he left. Obviously the love for Jack is on another level which would probably leave an even sour taste, especially if he went that craphole. 

    Agree. I’d struggle to get on board with a ‘wish him well’ sentiment as he’d be yet another who left whilst we were trying to achieve things to go and help another club do it. Yes he’s done a lot for us but we’ve also done a lot for him. If he bucked that trend and stayed to push on with us, then he would be legendary.


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  2. 7 minutes ago, OutByEaster? said:

    This is a problem I mentioned at the last supporters consultancy meeting - when the club moved to the single sign in model with the same password and detail on all of the Villa sites, they moved from having the fan ID number as the key indicator to email address and in doing so they meant it was no longer possible to have a shared email address, which makes it difficult when you're registering kids as members. 

    For me, my nephew was set up using my email address, so he can no longer log in at all.

    It's something the club are aware of, but the solution will be to create an email address for him (and perhaps set up a forwarding rule so that those emails come to your inbox).



    That seems pretty ridiculous when your fan IDs are linked as family members. But thanks for your reply. 

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  3. 12 minutes ago, choffer said:

    You didn’t get the option to buy one for someone else? Or is that how it goes when you do?

    Yes, so I added my membership to basket with my details then clicked on add another, picked cub membership for son then can’t get past there due to email address issue.

    Haven’t tried purchasing individually yet, seems a big faff and they still might say the same thing. 

  4. When I try and buy my 9 year old son a Cubs membership it asks for an email address, I input mine and it tells me I’m using it for a different membership (mine). I try and leave it blank, it tells me I need to input an email address for him. He’s 9, he doesn’t have his own! Any ideas? Can’t seem to get past this to buy us memberships.

  5. Tyrone Mings has been discussed at Prime Ministers Questions. Keir Starmer quoted him and a Tory MP heckled that Ty was a Labour member to which journos are now confirming on Twitter that he is not.

    His tweet has over half a million likes. 

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  6. Although as a result of paying so much attention to his social media in the last hour, I’ve discovered that he appears to have removed/never had any reference to Aston Villa from his bios. Slightly strange.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Dante_Lockhart said:

    Funny how Sterling didn't take on but isn't getting the same treatment.

    Oh he is. It’s basically the two that Keane mentioned that are getting slated which shows the power of the media. Stones/Phillips etc arent getting mentioned. Not that I want them to, just don’t think anybody needs to be scapegoated.

  8. 48 minutes ago, QldVilla said:

    I haven't decided anything, maybe you need to look at things objectively than with rose tinted glasses.

    If Southgate's narrative is correct and they have been decided on 100's of penalties over the past month in training, where was Jack?

    He either didn't participate or wasn't seen to be good enough by the coaching staff in the sessions to be in the Top 5, take your pick.



    I can well believe that there either may be 5 better penalty takers than Jack or that at least Southgate thinks there it. I don’t buy this ridiculous argument from various parties that Jack should have overruled the decision of the manager to stop Saka taking it.

  9. 5 minutes ago, QldVilla said:

    That’s nice, again random stats or comments from you.

    Heres a tip, people are judged on their actions.

    So if all 10 outfield players want to take a pen..are they supposed to just scrap it out right then and there on the pitch as to who wants it more and who is better and taking them? Does that bode well for what comes next? Or do you think that Southgate would have been meticulous in his planning and already decided the order whether the players not involved in the five like it or not.


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  10. He looked gutted to be fair but has been kept on the periphery so much the whole experience will have been soured.

    Cannot believe his name is being dragged into ‘the senior pro didn’t step up to take a penalty’ conversation. GS clearly gives him an order number and yet again doesn’t trust him. The lines of Roy Keane will have been amongst those telling him to suck it up and not moan when he was a subbed sub the other night and yet tonight he was supposed to be arguing with Southgate re penalty orders?!

    I would have loved to have seen more of him this tournament but have got on board with the team selections as we got so far but the second half was painful viewing today and it was obvious he should have come on much earlier, Mount (who I do like) was poor imo and we looked instantly better when Jack came on.


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