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Posts posted by WallisFrizz

  1. 5 hours ago, JPJCB said:

    I'm mentally preparing for a loss purely because:

    1. Newly promoted team playing at home bounce

    2. Grealish replacements not yet fully embedded so we're likely to be worse in the short term before we improve

    3. Disrupted pre-season with key players (Mings, Targett, Martinez, Buendia, Ings) not getting as much game time as we'd like. 

    That said, I'm excited to see the start of a somewhat new era, particularly buendia and bailey (if he gets on)

    These are my concerns too. Hopefully watching the Arsenal Brentford game will put them in the right frame of mind in terms of what to expect re intensity and home support.

  2. 16 minutes ago, Mic09 said:

    At the minute, for me it's Martinez that's the new Mr Aston Villa. Somehow he strikes me as someone who will be sitting there with Bailey and Ings and arranging for family meet ups to show them around Birmingham.


    The last thing we need is a new Mr Aston Villa.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Delphinho123 said:

    The club have probably done enough to stand still and perhaps finish 1 or 2 places higher than last season with the transfer business we’ve done to date. 

    No chance we challenge for Europe with this squad and I have a feeling the Grealish loss and the failure to improve on last seasons team will hit home around 5pm tomorrow. 

    There are still three weeks of the window left so plenty of time to sign a couple more players. Will reserve judgement until then. 

    That’s kind of how I feel. Cannot believe we’re starting the new season without an improved midfield considering it was our weakest area last season.

  4. 47 minutes ago, PaulMcGrath_5 said:

    I'd say the latest they will announce it is 3pm tomorrow.

    I am starting to think that is when we’ll find out, like some X factor reveal- who walks out the tunnel first.

    • Like 2
  5. Am I naive in hoping he could be involved to some degree on Saturday. If he has been given a fitness plan whilst isolating, involved in team  meetings/tactics planning virtually, then a day or so training with the team. If Ollie is out then it would really help if we could utilise this guy.

  6. Don’t get me wrong, I love Emi but doesn’t anybody else listen to stuff like this and think after a certain someone, they’ll only be taking footballers words with a massive pinch of salt from now on?

    • Like 2
  7. 15 minutes ago, mikeyp102 said:

    I wonder if this is close, and if so whether it’s why we haven’t announced a captain as yet

    That would be an atrocious way of treating Tyrone (or anyone else in contention) so I very much doubt it.

  8. Just now, WallisFrizz said:

    I would love for us to buy JWP but there is something unpalatable about giving Southampton 75% of the Grealish money. 

    Obviously I’m referring to the fact that we’ve already paid out 25 mil for Ings.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

    I'll honestly despair if we spend half the Grealish money on JWP, which it seems is the opening bid realistically, and less than it might take to actually get him.

    He's a good player, but is he a £50m player? Not for me. 

    I would love for us to buy JWP but there is something unpalatable about giving Southampton 75% of the Grealish money. 

  10. I listened to his interview. He sounded proper gutted re Jack, I get the impression this really blindsided them albeit earlier than the fans found out about it. Same with Dean. 

  11. Just now, Awol said:

    Also interesting that Jordan, as a neutral, thinks we’ll struggle to progress this season. 

    Lot’s of football people sleeping on this team. 

    To be fair, he spoke sense. He’s the first person I’ve heard say that he didn’t think our good season last year was solely down to Jack and that we were doing decent business. But that we were amongst a large group of clubs all having the same ambitions. Also said he thinks Ings is a streaky player and interested to see how he gets on. All fair imo.


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