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Posts posted by WallisFrizz

  1. Shame for Ings but he already has his foot in the door, GS probably just wants a look at Bamford. 

    It’s good for us to be honest, pretty much all of our squad will be able to train together during the break. Hopefully we’ll really see the benefit of it.

    • Like 2
  2. Someone on Twitter has said the source was someone close to the Scotland camp and they had delayed their squad announcement because of it. But they have named their squad and he is in it.

    However a lot of people still saying this. Gutted if true, we can’t catch a break at the moment can we.

  3. 1 minute ago, MJ_1874 said:

    He hasn't impressed enough to play for one of the biggest clubs in the world.

    He has scored a relatively high number of goals and created a lot of chances considering his position, done a relatively high number of tackles and interceptions, high number of presses and he is good in the air.

    He would be a welcomed addition but not our priority in my opinion.  He would be a Hourihane replacement.

    Ok thanks.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, sne said:

    Serie A, the notoriously crap league where most of the current Euro 21 champion players who beat England in the final play in.

    It’s not a criticism of Serie A so much but more questioning why some on here are so excited by him if, after his first season in a too league, his club (albeit Juve) are looking to sell him. I haven’t seen anything of him, so I’m genuinely asking.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 minute ago, HalfTimePost said:

    Tough one when one of our key selling points has been that we have a good track record of getting players into their International squads.

    We have no CL or Title challenge to offer. It's a pretty big selling point of joining us. To then ban them all for World Cup qualifiers (especially after just celebrating them all so publicly last week too). I'm not sure we will.

    Bailey aside (probably Martinez too but he did only win his spot this summer) our players aren't guaranteed first choices for their International Squads in the way that City & Liverpools mostly are. Our players will want to fight for their spot, which may be handed a little easier to the likes of Fabinho, Jesus, Ederson and Alisson.

    Think it's a tougher call to make than we at first think

    That’s all fair and I think they would all choose to go. I hope there aren’t too many other breaks like this, with the isolation periods as well, we could lose them for 5-10 games per season. 

  6. 10 minutes ago, est1874 said:

    Jesus Christ. This can't be allowed to happen.

    I’m sure it’s been reported that Dougie hasn’t been selected for next Brazil squad. Richarlison has though which might help us v Everton.

  7. 1 hour ago, Jas10 said:


    Is it right they’re both going to miss the Everton and Chelsea games because of this and also may have to self isolate for 10 days on their return, missing further games?

  8. 44 minutes ago, Keyblade said:

    The whole brand thing is kind of disappointing because he used to give off the narrative that he just loved to play football and specifically for Villa and everything else was just noise. Really, it was us who were naive for falling for what was probably a clever bit of branding in itself ironically :D

    Yeah, agree with all of this. I’m actually not one of his haters, hope he gets a good reception on his return etc. However,  you are totally spot on with your post and because people outside the club don’t get the narrative that we have been perpetually fed for the last few years, they don’t understand why Villa fans have taken it so badly. 

    Anyway, I’m cross with myself for commenting again,  I was delighted to see that the thread was almost inactive for a day or so before yesterday. 

    • Like 1
  9. The atmosphere was v good pre match but the Holte End were pretty much silent throughout the first half. I think it was tension as they got better in the second. I was sat in Trinity and they made more effort than the Holte. 

    You could definitely hear the away fans particularly the rendition of “Jack Grealish, he knows you’re shit” (we’re going to get this every week aren’t we?) and a song about how shit our support was. 

  10. 34 minutes ago, Thug said:

    Its so strange that on the tv it looked like JJ played the ball too far ahead of him, after looking at it for a good second or so and deliberately playing it there.  It looked like Buendia had already decided to not run into that space and was expecting the ball to feet.  I think JJ had the right idea, and Buendia *should* have attacked that space, but once it was clear that he wasn’t going to do that he should’ve played a different pass.


    I do concede that you being there gives you a much better view, so you’re probably right.


    Maybe it’s perspective then because, as you say, JJ had the right idea and Buendia should have run but it looked like he didn’t have the legs for it. Maybe it was a conscious decision. Who knows? Either way, they’ll get there.

    • Like 1
  11. 3 minutes ago, Thug said:

    Whilst you’re right about the fitness, that particular incident was just a piss poor pass from Ramsey (who was otherwise excellent) in my opinion.


    No, this happened right in front of us, JJ played what was an obvious ball but Emi couldn’t make it. He’s a bit slow, needs to adapt to Prem and full fitness. I like him tho, he’ll be great.

  12. 31 minutes ago, fruitvilla said:

    My thoughts ...

    overall an OKish match ... surprisingly niggly

    Martinez  ....  first of many clean sheets, I hope. Vould have done without the calamity on the edge of the eighteen yard box though.
    Cash ... a good game overall
    Konsa ... again a good game overall. an Occasional slip, but nothing serious. I find my eye is not drawn to him.
    Mings ... Excellent ... in ddefence and supplementing the attack
    Young ... A bit in your face for my taste, but can't doubt the passion ... generally happy
    McGinn ...  I thought he had an exceptional  game. Involved in the midfield action ... My MOTM, but I understand the votes for Ramsey, Mings ... etc
    Luiz ...  A solid game, not spectacular
    Ramsey ... I thought he was really good today.
    Beundia ... seemed a little off the pace, but does appear to be improving.
    Ings ... Superb ... I liked the way he pressed the defence (as did the forward line)
    EL Ghazi ... I would like to have my  player from last December back.
    Bidace ... I liked the little bit of him I saw.
    Taunzebe ... not enough.
    Wesley ... I might have voted for him but the powers that be did not think it was worth adding him to the list. ;) 

    Smith? No one complained about the substitutions being late?

    I was at the game and I agree with every bit of this. McGinn had his best game for us in a long time, he was brilliant as was JJ. I think Buendia will be good for us but needs to be quicker and to develop a better understanding with his teammates, this will come. 

    Holte End was v quiet in the first half, think it was the tension. 

    I quite enjoyed the niggliness of the match, lots of little battles, mostly won by us. Added to the occasion.


    • Like 1
  13. 8 minutes ago, WHY said:

    Heard something similar today, that they were looking to sell as well. I didn’t believe it though. 

    Go on then…specifics…who, what, where, when, how they know and the detail.

  14. 5 minutes ago, hippo said:

    Don't know about the value. But I think we have reached Prem base camp. I don't really see making massive in roads for the next few years.

    This is kinda the hard part - millions need investing to clamber a few places up the table.

    It's difficult second guessing billionaire s - they think differently (that's why they are billionaire s I suppose!) In one sense if he wanted to cut his losses now would be a decent time to move.


    Hmmm I find it difficult to believe that he didn’t have a understanding of the PL and how long it would take to see benefit. 

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