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Posts posted by ozvilla28

  1. Problem is I'm not seeing improvements at all even worse off , leaky defence  , bullied in midfield  , mentally frail , lack of leadership , can't defend set pieces lack of fight and game plans all this with a full preseason backed by the owners $$ and his new team of backroom staff.

  2. Let's stop making excuses for the management he was given a transfer kitty a preseason now time to deliver I don't want to see same mistakes as last year and poor play.Side's spend quarter of us finishing higher.

  3. I don’t believe our current squad is good enough for top 8 minus Carlos now.Yes we added Kamara , but that's it. We're still seeing the same issues now arent we now we're with the same centre half's as last season that was a disaster. With our captain there in midfield now a automatic starting 11 we aren't getting better.

    We got to many surplus players now that's the issue for some reason they don't fit in.



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  4. People have mentioned some positives about Purslow I agree he has done some great things , but you know what ultimately he is judged on our on field success and sorry to say that's a fail with the money spend , new staff , and a club of our stature clubs with half our budget make us look second rate that is reality.

  5. On 10/08/2022 at 00:42, est1874 said:

    Yep. I've said it before, we've gone through countless managers, coaches, DOFs, CEOs over the years. We were shit at set pieces so brought in a set piece coach. We weren't data-driven in our training so we brought in data analysts. We were mentality fragile so we brought in sports psychologists.

    None of it seems to matter. We're still shit at football, still shit at the specific things that we brought in qualified specialized coaches and personnel to tackle. 

    It's baffling how deeply-ingrained failure is in Aston Villa Football Club.

    Interesting post seems like no matter what we do nothing changes I said before and say again we a mentally weake on and off the field. On the field there is no leadership , no tuff nuts who do dirty work we look like school boys off the field Purslow doesn't face the media enough or criticism or accountability for his job along with board.

  6. Won 10 out of 29 games poor record and has been backed by the owners.

    We don't have a identity or system , plan etc seems like we play in hope players don't understand there roles. Look at Bournemouth they had a plan , system and executed it and look at there squad.

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