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Posts posted by ozvilla28

  1. I must say I was surprised with the selection of Traore starting we all know his not a 90 min player just plays cameos.I think the Dendocker move wasn't a great one it disrupt our midfield personally understand he wanted more attacking flair etc didn't work.

  2. Don't agree with this theory to from we're we we're at the start of the season to now even if we don't get Europe we should be happy that's a poor mentality.We we're in touching distance to Europe you take it with both hands there's no guarantees next season.

    Positive is it's open Emery eyes to the weake links in our side bigtime.

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  3. Simple can't win against wolves not good enough to play in Europe sugar coat it how you like. The last 3 games we started them all poorly and really showed lack of urgency and intensity lack of ideas at times.

    I reckon a few of our big name players also went missing with the pressure on to get in Europe didn't show up.

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