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Posts posted by ozvilla28

  1. 1 minute ago, duke313 said:

    Mings and Konsa did a fine job last season defensively, didn't concede many goals bar a couple games under Emery.

    But the fact we are even in for Torres despite having two good defenders means Emery wants more than just CBs who defend well.  He wants them to have the passing ability to start attacks. Mings and Konsa simply don't have that in their locker, Konsa especially, Mings has to a degree, but nowhere near the level of Torres.

    Can he defend like both of them through  ?.

  2. 1 hour ago, MotoMkali said:

    Sancho is way more productive in terms of creating for others. He doesn't score as much because he doesn't take as many shots. 

    Has shown anything in the Premier League for the money and wages he will warrant.

  3. 1 minute ago, Mazrim said:

    OK cool. Lets ignore the massive resources, access to the entire world of professional footballers, and lavishly supported and funded scouting and analytics departments to find a fudge solution at right back.

    💯 correct and with Mochi now to makes no sense at all.

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  4. I just hope we sign quality over quantity. Adams would be the second player signing from a relegated side , that's not to say there bad players far from it just underwhelming if we want to aim higher for me need alot better quality.

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  5. 2 minutes ago, M_Afro said:

    I’ve got a feeling that Diego may leave this summer. We are likely to sign a starting centre back which could potentially push Diego back to fourth choice. I suspect he will not be happy with that and I also feel that it’s not a good position for the club to be in, having such an expensive resource so far down the food chain. They’ll maybe want to sell him before his value totally plummets. 
    It’ s also much better to have Chambers as fourth choice. He is likely to be more accepting of that position, he offers cover at right back and centre mid too. He is also fairly low value and won’t suffer from a vastly depreciated transfer value like Diego.

    I obviously don’t know anything but I also think it’s odd that he didn’t get hardly any game time after his injury. Unai said that he was ready but never played him. If he was in the plans, I’m sure he would have been used a bit more often. It just feels like a good time to cash in.

    Konsa and Mings we're a rock in defence how many goals conceded in 14 games  ? That was one of the best partnerships in the Premier League that was never going to change .Carlos has to work for it if he wants it.He has the quality and skill no doubt.

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