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Posts posted by ozvilla28

  1. Look he needs time to adjust the Mings situation hasn't helped and Carlos going down now to. In saying that yes his a lovely pass,  but he needs to defend better simple as that.

  2. 5 minutes ago, HalfTimePost said:

    Diaby, Pau, Tielemans

    ...Harrison, Zaniolo.

    Nearly there and the window isn't closed.

    How many a top level honestly through Diaby yes , Paul let's wait and see and Tielemans is a good player.The rest are average. Ask yourself is that enough to push us forward.

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  3. 17 minutes ago, HalfTimePost said:

    We've had an incredible summer but have also lost two key players to ACLs in a week?

    Can't be expected to bring in top level players for every transfer

    I wouldn't say we have spend big money our squad was pencil thin already we have bring in one top level player Diaby. I was expecting 5 to 6 signings to be honest.

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