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Posts posted by ozvilla28

  1. We didn't sign enough quality for me in the off-season Diaby and Pau and Zaniolo thats it. Our squad was already pencil thin and add the injuries didn't make sense. We spent 30 to 35 million if you minus the outgoings that aren't enough to push forward for champions league , every team around us has improved. Was never convinced that those 3 signings were enough.

    We won our last 2 Premier League games , but none have been impressive bit misleading lucky it was for Martinez at Chelsea.

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  2. I still maintain we didn't sign enough players to push on and add depth to what was already stretched squad. We sold the 3 kids and didn't replace them either wasn’t happy with that. Our outgoings netted us close to 40 million and we spend 70 million so in reality we spend maybe 30 to 35 million.That’s  peanuts for me if we wanted to challenge for champions league spots no way near enough.

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