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Posts posted by Villa_Vids

  1. 2 minutes ago, MWARLEY2 said:

    Despite injuries he didn't even make the squad for todays game against Hull. He looked so capable in the summer pre season. 

    Proof is in the pudding. Hype will only get you to a certain place then other qualities are needed to cope with bad times. This will be a learning curve for him, hopefully he uses this experience as such.

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  2. 14 minutes ago, Tom13 said:

    Start playing our best players. Been waiting almost a year for him to do that.

    Two of our better players (new signings) are long term injured. Who are these mythical "best players" that Gerrard isn't picking? 🤣 It is just goal post moving.

  3. 7 hours ago, a m ole said:

    you tend to earn respect.

    Smith did well here and earned my respect, he was well liked in the media too. Gerrard carries more pressure on him because he is a bigger name in football.  Gerrard is, in my opinion, under more pressure by the media/social media than Smith was for various reasons. Gerrard at the moment (I recognise things could change in the matter of days given the fickle nature of football) has earned more time with his recent results - he is not going to be sacked without a fight, fair play. What do you want Gerrard to do? Cry? Fold up? 

    I still stand by us having a mentality issue at the club. This issue needs addressing before we move forward. Hopefully Gerrard is the man to do it.

    • Like 1
  4. 8 minutes ago, VillaChris said:

    If the board genuinely have that mindset we're never going to achieve much in premier league under them.

    It may be unbeaten in 4 but it will still be us playing terribly, barely above bottom 3 and still not winning many games.

    Must admit I'm surprised there isn't more pressure on Gerrard from press articles unless it will start again on Monday. Rodgers has ridden out the storm at Leicester, Cooper just signed a new deal and Hasenhuttl probably getting sacked by Southampton so can't think of too many other prem managers who should be as under as much pressure as Gerrard.

    Guess it's some of his old Liverpool friends in the press who'll be spinning the line he's keeping us up against the odds.

    I don't see this? I see a lot of criticism of Gerrard  in the media (rightfully) rather than protection. I would argue the media stuck up/spun it for Dean Smith last season, more than they have Gerrard this season.

    • Confused 1
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  5. 8 minutes ago, bose said:

    There are very little or any signs that he is improving, more that we are going in the other direction. That’s the worrying thing. We can’t base our future on pure hope that he’ll suddenly improve.

    It is not really based on hope because we have been on a better trajectory since Arsenal and the results show that. SG has shown the ability to adapt and make his team more pragmatic in the short term. Performances are not amazing but players have to take some responsibility for that too. I do not like this view that Gerrard's management can't improve.

  6. 49 minutes ago, PussEKatt said:

    Under DS we beat Liverpool 2-7,under Gerrard we cant even beat Bournmouth.And,according to SG he has bought quality players and improved the team.

    We also got beat by a terrible Sheffield Utd team who had 10 men under Deano. 

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  7. 7 minutes ago, IrishVilla10 said:

    Gerrard can’t beat a top team, so the the rest is irrelevant. You’re right we didn’t lose to Bolton, only went 1-0 down with a 250 million pound first team on the pitch, I’m struggling to share the positivity 

    We will see. We beat Bolton 4-1. Through to the next round. If we had lost then your point is justified. It is not positivity just reality and facts.

  8. 14 minutes ago, Zatman said:

    Gerrard couldnt win a cointoss if it was a two headed coin never mind an actual trophy

    He couldnt even win a cup at Rangers

    Gerrard did a good job at Rangers given the context of where Rangers were at the time he took over. He won the league and left them top of the league when he left. 

  9. 1 hour ago, markavfc40 said:

    If we were getting short term relative success, or looking like getting it, then giving the young players some game time would be getting nothing more than a passing mention. That isn't even close to being the case though is it. So we are getting no short term success and we are seeing pretty much zero game time for any of our very promising young prospects so you can't even pin your hopes on thinking well we are standing still but x,y,z young player are being developed nicely, look decent and it bodes well for a brighter future in 18 months time. 

    I don't know what the vision is at the club now frankly. Smith was sacked 12 months ago with Purslow stating "we have not seen the continuous improvement in results, performances and league position". What is Gerrard being judged on? if it is results then there has been no improvement, if it is performances then they have been clueless and fans would have to scratch their head if they had to describe what our style of play is, if it is league position then we find ourselves pretty much where he found us. 


    Fair enough. Your issues are with Purslow and Lange more than Gerrard I think. 

  10. 30 minutes ago, IrishVilla10 said:

    Do you genuinely believe Gerrard can win a cup? He’s shown zero evidence that he can. 

    Do I think Villa can win a cup? Yes. We have a good squad of players. Can we beat a top four team in a one off game? Yes. I believe so.  We have a chance of winning a cup this season, just like other teams - nothing been decided.  

    Have we been knocked out of a cup competition this season? No.

  11. 8 minutes ago, IrishVilla10 said:

    Beating Southampton 1-0 and drawing with Leeds who had ten men for 45 minutes, is this the results he’s got? Am I missing something 

    Go back to after the West Ham game  and read the predictions people made about the upcoming games - we were losing all of them. "Gerrard isn't pragmatic enough" "he can't adapt". Then Gerrard addresses the slump, pretty or not but is vilified - that is the truth. People are upset he hasn't folded up. Smith folded up last season without Grealish, like it or lump it.


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  12. 41 minutes ago, Pissflaps said:

    Gerrard is now popping off at local journalists. Think what you want about Preece but ultimately they defend their own and now he can be certain local journalists will be giving him little grace going forwards, the national press are another matter though. They won't dare criticize a Liverpool legend until the bitter end, he's above reproach basically. 

    That explains the delay in making a decision as Purslow won't want the negative press from the national press for firing one of the sky 6 heroes. If Purslow ever grows the balls to fire him it will be too late, hell Wolves are looking at getting Lopetuegi FFS.  

    I acknowledge he has faced a injury list to his starting eleven that is clearly not ideal, but he seems either unwilling or unable to adjust tactics unless it's to go ultra safe and defensive in order to scrape by and save himself. Is that acceptable though, given the investment the owners have made?

    If they are happy with how things are going then I need to start questioning them,they can talk about the "villa pride" and the waiting list for season tickets. Well if Gerrrard is here in 18 months then the waiting list well be alot smaller as we will be in the championship again. Not much need for a fancy new north stand then is there? Fans in a majority seem to feel disconnected from the club. From where we were with Smith after staying up, to now is night and day, and yes it was the right decision to ask Smith. 

    As it would be to do the same to Gerrrard, but I sense Purslow hasn't got the balls.

    Dangerous times for Villa.

    How dare Gerrard shows some authentic personality to a reporter! Mountain out of a mole hole. Nonsense that bit in bold though. Not true. I have seen his position and performance being questioned by national and international press. Rightfully so. Gerrard is under pressure. It seems some people are upset that he has got the results - which is frustrating his detractors. Plain and simple.

    • Confused 2
  13. 2 minutes ago, markavfc40 said:

    This is as big an issue as the overall poor results/performances. Arguably bigger. I think it was all so predictable though. Gerrard never came here for a long term project. It was always about staying 3-4 years and then moving upwards to his dream job. To do that he needs relative success with us fairly quickly. That doesn't tie in with developing young players.

    I think regardless of results improving slightly now, and enough to just about keep him in a job, I have zero confidence that we are looking at anything other than being a 12th-16th place team under Gerrard. That wouldn't be acceptable if he was developing our promising younger players so it certainly isn't with him showing little to no interest in doing so. 

    So despite 37 games, two transfer windows, big increase in the wage bill and a full pre season we have a run of sustained poor results (Last 25 games we have taken 27 pts, Last 20 games 20 pts , Last 15 games 17 pts, Last 10 games 9 pts, Last 5 games 5 pts) combined with consistently clueless, poor performances, a failure to develop and give first team chances to our excellent young prospects and a disconnect with supporters.

    I can't see any reason to keep him but I have a feeling Purslow will stick with him until the situation becomes really desperate and turns really toxic. Gerrrard is his man so he will see it as his failing and I am not sure his ego will readily admit that. I also think given how close they apparently are, and the tinge of fan boy on Purslows part, that he will be loath to sack Gerrard knowing he will be putting a huge dent in his future managerial prospects.

    I have a horrible feeling we are going to just trundle along with Gerrard doing just enough to keep Purslow from pulling the trigger and another season, at least, is going to be wasted.

    I agree with bits of that. It is right to criticise Purslow & Lange for this appointment, especially if it doesn't align with the other aims of the board. However, we have to be careful that we are not overhyping some of our youngsters too. Maybe they aren't as good as we believe? Smith wasn't a big backer of young players, Brentford didn't even have an academy. 

    As for the short term success - i.e winning a cup. Would fans prefer winning a trophy or developing a young player to sell to City for xxx? I think Gerrard's vision matches with the fans. Surely we are all craving some tangible short term success? I am. 

  14. 9 minutes ago, osmark86 said:

    honestly, some on here (you know who you are Zatman ;) ) have been hating since the start and that's not very sitty-righty with me either. however it's been a year now and the results are not nearly sufficient after investment on the squad, a full summer to implement ideas and just all around time having been given. I see no improvements or even some semblance of a system and that's where I draw the line. I was patient with him all the way up to this season and a few games in. but we're just going nowhere with him all things considered. I can't see any evidence supporting that he'll magically turn this around. I don't see the point waiting around for things to somehow change for the better when our aim is a top half finish that looks well and truly out of our reach atm.

    Fair and reasonable comments. I am giving him more time because he is a younger manager, who is still learning and I accepted that at the start. It is clear he wants to do well for the club too, it is not like he is coming here to be paid compo later down the line - like some we have had. I like his character too, he is defensive and has pride about his job. If people are going to attack him, he is going to give it to them back - I like that. That is a hallmark of a top manager. You need a big ego/personality in the Premier League. 

    The board are to blame for appointing SG, especially if the remit was for quick/short term results - he is not experienced enough IMO. That was a misalignment. Go try for somebody like Mancini/Conte and back them. 

    He won't magically turn it around but he can definitely improve over time IMO, I think he has adapted well to our poor results this season. We have been okay since Arsenal, I know "okay" is not enough for our club - we have every right and reason to be challenging for Europe given our size and stature. I just don't think it is right to sack him now, while we are unbeaten and building a defensive foundation for better football. I would wait until after Brighton and make a calmer decision on his future. 

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  15. 11 minutes ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

    Preece is one of the nicer journos and a proper Villa fan as well, so that's a bit shite.

    Where good old Kendrick when you need a journo to be a prick? lol


    I like Preece too, he is a genuine Villa fan. But Gerrard is entitled to respond how he likes (within reason).  

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