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Posts posted by Villa_Vids

  1. Just now, Tom13 said:

    Watkins limitations were on show in his first season with us as well though.

    Yeah. But you have to admit that he hasn't kicked on with ample opportunities that he has been given. I think he has to play up front on his own or not at all.

  2. 3 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

    At the moment is a different thing though because they are so in form and we aren't

    Our players are better than theirs

    Chelsea and man utds players too, Newcastle do not have the 3rd or 4th best squad in the league, absolutely **** miles off it

    What they have is the happiest motivated going places squad in the league

    There certainly wasn't a lot in it in the first half (before pen) but they have a well balanced team with a motivation and belief in the club they play for. We don't. 

  3. 6 minutes ago, Tom13 said:

    That was a division below.

    True but Mitrovic has proven that you can still carry that forward into the Premier League. As well as other examples. Even in his first season here - Watkins was a lot better than now.

  4. 18 minutes ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

    I don't understand why some people keep downplaying this.

    In the modern PL this is massive.

    We'd probably be a very decent French or Spanish League side currently with some of these players, but to compete at the higher end of the PL they are simply not strong and dynamic enough as athletes.

    By that, I don't mean  " proper men " like Grant Holt either.

    I agree with that. I think we have to build the physicality and profile of our team. We look smaller and weaker in key areas of the pitch, such as midfield and defence.

    But I do think 4231 is a good system to build from now. 

    • Like 2
  5. Just now, PerryBarrPet said:

    Very true and having evaluated our squad he will need full backing - financial and otherwise - to make the multiple changes necessary. Make no mistake many of our squad are not at top 6/8 standard let alone top 4.

    The short term goal is top 10 I think and more consistent performances.

    • Like 2
  6. Such poor technique. He does a lot of good things, like running the channels, decent movement and brings a physical edge overall but his touches and finish are generally really bad. Why? He was a goal machine for Brentford.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Johnnyp said:

    Nah enough of this play him on the right, play him here, play him there. Like a previous poster has said - he’s got an easy ride so far. On the whole - he’s been poor. 

    Fair enough. I think he is now in the territory where he needs to either  kick on or be moved on.

  8. 1 minute ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

    In a roundabout way, it might have been good for him to see that performance.

    The scintillating Brentford display might have created a false narrative or sense of security.

    He will have seen all of our weaknesses in advance.

    I suppose it makes any changes he makes next week easier for him. He will need to work with the group in the short term to rebuild their confidence and get a system that will move us forward. I am confident he will or else we have bigger problems than we know.


  9. 6 minutes ago, WallisFrizz said:

    That thought did cross my mind but he looked pretty gutted to be fair.

    Yeah. I am just bitter about the performance and result. I don't feel like you can trust our players too 🤣  

    There was clear contact on him and he should have been subbed immediately if he was having effects of concussion. Poor.

    • Like 2
  10. 1 minute ago, Demitri_C said:

    The biggest problem we have today is this. I genuinely think we need to get rid of alot of them for this reason alone.

    Konsa, mcginn watkins and id even argue a upgrade in cash. Cash has had it to easy he needs a quality rb to challenge him.


    Yeah. I think there is a problem with the core of the team. Some of the players you have mentioned are bench players or start in one off games when the circumstances demand it. Sick of sentiment playing a part in selecting a team.

    • Like 1
  11. 7 minutes ago, useless said:

    Wolves have announced that their caretaker manager Steve Davis is to stay in charge until the new year, the claim that there were 'no outstanding candidates', big risk from them.

    The world cup break probably has a part to play in that.

  12. 6 hours ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

    Lamps currently showing up his old nemesis.

    Thing is, Everton started showing signs of capability early in the season.

    Always chose SG in the " Gerrard / Lampard " player debates.

    To be fair to Lampard, he seems to have built a connection with the club and especially the supporters. Like Sherwood did with Villa I suppose. I would argue Gerrard didn't here,  he didn't make any attempts to connect positively with the fan base and I believe that had a part to play in his eventual sacking. 

    • Like 1
  13. Just now, SimplyTheBez said:

    Can't see how that midfield competes against Chelsea's. Strangely muted on the Trinity concourse today, like someone's died (or about to get fired!). Probably no surprise really...


    • Like 1
  14. 1 minute ago, IrishVilla10 said:

    I agree with the city game it was a great performance and result. But you said apparently have a lot more stats, results etc to back it up. I don’t see how it’s apparently

    Tongue in cheek. 

    • Like 1
  15. 6 minutes ago, IrishVilla10 said:


    Yes. Picking out a bad example of why we should sack SG makes that so. I am not denying there is a case for sacking SG but I genuinely don't understand why the City performance is used as a stick to beat him with, when it shifted our form and we have remained unbeaten ever since. 

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