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Posts posted by Villa_Vids

  1. 17 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

    To be that angry and against something that has no direct impact on your life?

    I don't think it's healthy personally

    I think it is good to get it off your chest one way or another, unhealthy to bottle it. If you not emotional about Villa/football then I question why you would follow it IMO. Obviously there are lines you can't and shouldn't cross. That said, I can't stand apathy in football. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Stevo985 said:

    No I have an issue with it because he's not hoping we take advantage, he's actively wishing England players get injuries. 

    That's weird.

    He's not being bullied ffs. I just said it was a weird take.

    Personally, I think you are making a mountain out of a mole hill tbh. It wasn't a death threat or racism. It was a football rant. From what I can gather, he hasn't picked out an individual's name for injury. So you are saying you have never wanted or wished a very good player out of a game against Villa through injury to improve our chances? It is the same thing imo. I think you are being disingenuous a bit.

    It is not "weird" to have passion for or against something, it is human. He obviously wants Villa to stick it to England and the FA, fair enough.

  3. 2 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

    Wishing injuries on players because you don’t support England?

    Thats **** weird mate. 

    I share some of the sentiment towards England, although I did want them to win last night and to go on to win the World Cup (despite some ill feelings). I think the England/FA had a major part to play in Grealish leaving too, certainly Southgate comments about Villa/Grealish give credence to that claim. I am still prickly about that. Not to say about Southgate's history with Villa too, Villa fans generally do not like him or what he stands for.

    Yet, I am getting the impression that DJ_Villain is somebody frustrated with England and disenfranchised with the England set up (FA). Nothing wrong with that too. The FA is a very strange organisation, and one that shows no love for the wider footballing world. It is all about the top of the Premier League and rolling out the PR when it suits. There is no growth plan for the footballing side of their organisation. None whatsoever. Keep quiet. Not interested. Why hasn't an English coach won the Premier League? That is a major failing of the FA.

    The FA doesn't feel like an inclusive footballing body but an elitist/political governing body - that talks a good game but that is rotten to the core.  Much like FIFA. The FA rubs people the wrong way - it needs a major shake up. 

    You are hammering this lad for hoping Villa take advantage of any downside of England's failings - unfit and injured players being one of those things....come on!  I am with him on that sentiment. Who wouldn't be on this forum?  It isn't a weird take - it is an honest and authentic take imo. He shouldn't be bullied into sugar coating his opinions about England or Villa. 

    • Like 1
  4. 51 minutes ago, Mazrim said:

    Thank you. Look, there's not much to discuss atm so when we get something like this we shouldn't stamp it out. Let's have some fun discussing it.

    For the record, I wouldn't put much money on it happening but its not impossible. When you're a big club in the best league with a high profile successful manager and stupidly rich owners, you know, it sounds enticing.

    Who saw West Ham getting Tevez and Mascherano? Kamara was in great demand supposedly. Countinho was very high profile. Seemingly strange things can happen sometimes.

    Absolutely. The sad thing is people ridiculing this deal are indirectly ridiculing the prospects of the Villa. Annoyingly negative imo. That said, there are sound reasons why this might not happen (finances & lack of European football) which is fair enough. But it is not impossible imo, hasn't Felix been a flop at A. Madrid?  Hasn't this come from a reputable source too? 

    Yet, if it was Martinez being linked to A. Madrid it would be immediately lapped up in the droves. We already have fans selling Martinez thread after having a decent game 🤣. I would not be surprised if more than a few on this forum follow another Premier League team, we are their soft spot or something ridiculous. 

    As you have rightly alluded to, we were told we won't sign Emery, Martinez, Kamara, Carlos, Buendia, Bailey, Coutinho...and the list goes on. Let's wait and see.

    • Like 3
  5. I prefer the shield. It is unique and is a fresher look than the round one. Saying that, I like the colour balance of the round badge more than the shield though. Overall, I like both of the badges. I am happy that I won't be disappointed with the final outcome. 🤣

    • Like 2
  6. If they sell up and leave the club without achieving their aims - I think that says a lot about them. I am not too worried, NSWE were one of many suitors to buy the club too. As fans - we have to protect the club and we are not a play thing for disinterested billionaires. We are an asset in demand. I will still be invested IF they sell up, as I was before them. We are Aston Villa.

    However, I am not choosing to believe that interpretation though. They have a lot of credit in the bank from me, I think the Emery appointment was aimed towards kicking us on and achieving our aims. I don't think they will give up. As for the paragraph - I am reading those comments as that is aimed threat towards Purslow and Lange - who are running the club on a daily basis. 

  7. 1 hour ago, WallisFrizz said:

    I think they sell unless we make Europe in the next couple of seasons. The end paragraph of a recent Tom Collomosse article about the Emery appointment hinted that the owners patience was wearing thin. 


  8. 17 minutes ago, striker said:

    With Southgate watching the game yesterday there was a reason why Mings was so deflated in the post match interview.

    Has blown any chance he had of going to the WC after that performance.

    Mings needs to focus on Villa first and foremost. Sick of our own club playing second fiddle to other ideas. 

  9. 3 minutes ago, Adam2003 said:

    Not picking on you, and off topic, but I can’t stand this expression.

    Purslow has been in a C-level role in football, working for Chelsea, Liverpool, PSG and Aston Villa, for 13.5 years. 13.5 years into my career I definitely felt I knew my sector. He’s not out on the grass but he knows his way around the game.

    Lange has been a coach, an assistant manager, a manager and a sporting director across 14 years. We’d consider Aaron Danks a football person, presumably, but Lange has more years of coaching in the bank than him. 

    They are hardly unfamiliar with football just because they never played in the Premier League.

    As it is now they appointed a great manager in Smith, and got us promoted and established in the league. Then they appointed a bad manager in Gerrard when they wanted to push on, but in less than a year have corrected that and brought in one of the most respected coaches in Europe. Let’s give it some time and see how the new setup works.

    That is fair but they are not beyond criticism. 

  10. 13 minutes ago, Mantis said:

    The media have always loved Newcastle, but it's got absurd now.

    "They love their goalscoring number 9s up there"

    **** off.

    I know. The love in with the Geordies is way over the top. The co-commentator I listened to was celebrating one of their goals. I was fuming. 

    • Like 1
  11. I feel both him and Konsa are not first team players for a top 10 team. Is it realistic in the short term to move them on? No. But I would guess neither will be guaranteed starters next season unless they improve fast. Konsa has a bit more time on his side for that. Whereas I think Mings will be Mings, good communicator but riddled with errors and poor decision making.  He shouldn't be handed the captaincy back - he isn't consistent enough for that (same as McGinn).



  12. 2 minutes ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

    He's always blown fire hot or artic cold...that's always been the biggest criticism there has been of him, even since his Germany days.

    To be fair, this might even be why some of the elite clubs pulled out of going for him in the end.

    If we could find a Manager and system which could drive consistency from him, he'll be fine.

    Wasn't he rotated often in Germany? I think he is a confidence player. I get the impression If he feels like it is too tough for him then he will down tools quickly. Not the only player too.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Aston_Villan4 said:

    I thought majority of them were good the first half until the goal. Hell, even Olsen made a great save when he came in.

    We can't rely on a good 40 minutes when the players feel like it, it is not fair on NSWE and the fans who invest a lot into this team.

  14. Just now, Demitri_C said:

    Did anyone have a half decent performance? Barring mings and bailey everyone else looked shite.

    Pathetic  way to bring the new manager in. Way to go to destroy the positivity that was built last week.

    Dog shit

    Luiz ?

    • Like 1
  15. 2 minutes ago, dudevillaisnice said:

    Forest win tomorrow they are level on points with us. I hope we will be OK under Emery but nothing is a guarantee, if the players revolt against him for example we are in for a long season. We really need to go on a run to pick up points and sort out away from out, it’s embarrassing.

    No hiding place for the players now. Two managers sacked on behalf of them.

  16. Just now, Rossi said:

    Expectations have taken another big dip today, just when we think they may be turning a corner they **** us again! I'm 100% behind Emery, but the man has some work on his hands to get these lot into gear, our owners must feel cursed to throw 400 mil into villa and have this lot to show for it. Anyway I'm positive he'll get it right, if he can't were truly are cursed LMFAO 

    A lot of people below NSWE have let them down. Emery needs to be backed and the players need to be held accountable just like the coach.

    • Like 1
  17. 59 minutes ago, leemond2008 said:

    I wasn't very happy with his loan form and was actually pretty annoyed when we made it permanent 

    You were in the minority then. There were some on this forum that thought he wouldn't sign here permanently. We need to lay off him a bit, I think he is the type that needs an arm around his shoulder and reassurance.

  18. 27 minutes ago, AndyM3000 said:

    His whole time here has basically been under Gerrard, who has ruined every player.

    Buendia has played about 50% of the minutes McGinn has, he needs a run in the team and proper system around him. He's certainly not the problem, he works very hard but just can't do it for 90 mins. Wait until Kamara is back and we have a proper wide player to go with him and then we will see.


    I think he deserves more time with a new coach but lets not live in denial and make excuses for players. I am calling it as it is, not what I want it to be.

  19. 51 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

    Are we even that?

    Does anyone in the national media by and large even care?

    Not saying he did but Douglas Luiz phones it in today and puts in a 6/10 performance does literally anyone outside of the villa fanbase a) notice b) care

    It doesn't matter anyway. The media has evolved with social media technologies so they can't control the narrative as much as they did in the past.

  20. 3 minutes ago, ROTTERDAM1982 said:

    Thats fair comment V4E, i think the Nooocastle players want to remain part of what is going to happen up there. Guimares is top quality, Wilson, when fit, has always been very good. Pope is a good goalie, and the 3 CHs are all very good. Joelinton has reinvented himself as an all rounder in midfield, and Almeron is a grafter.

    Howe has surprised me tbh, i think he is assembling a good team up there.

    The media love Newcastle to bits which makes it easier. We are the punchbag for the media.

  21. Just now, Pinebro said:

    Unbelievable that we have given him a 4 year contract.

    We are the worst run club in England

    Everybody was very happy with his loan form and we also negotiated the fee downwards. It is unfair to have a pop at the club for this signing IMO.

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