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Posts posted by Villa_Vids

  1. 1 hour ago, Aston_Villan4 said:


    Doesn't shock me. I appreciate the poster's honesty about it, I don't believe he/she is the only one on this forum that supports another Premier League club along with Villa.😂 

    • Shocked 1
  2. I have a horrible feeling we will be trying to get him off our books in twelve months, ala Sanson, McCormack and many others before him. 😟 Hopefully that isn't the case and he is a success story.

    • Haha 1
    • Sad 1
  3. Just now, useless said:

    I see Guendouzi got eight assists and four goals in the league last season, fourteen assists in all competitions. I never thought of him as that much of an attacker. Seems like he could be an alternative to McKennie as a eight to challenge McGinn.



    • Haha 2
  4. 59 minutes ago, useless said:

    Norwich's squad is nowhere near good enough to be expecting top two as a minimum, as a squad ability they're closer to midtable than they are to team that you would expect to finish top two. QPR probably got better players than Norwich.

    They never looked like a team that were going to achieve top 2 under DS. Also, Smith has no credentials or history of building a title winning team or automatic winning team. He is a safe pair hands at a solid championship club imo. His time at Villa will be Smith's greatest achievement as a player or a manager.

    I think his sacking at Norwich is a case of the fans turning toxic and them being in the bottom five for recent results.

    • Like 1
  5. 15 hours ago, The_Steve said:

    It just feels like he took the easy option - we gave him everything but he wanted that short term fix. A medal he won sure but it’s like he did much to help the machine win. Just had an opportunity to cement his status but didn’t. It will be one of the great ‘what ifs’. People aren’t watching City for Jack. Here, he was a special attraction for the right and wrong reasons. I know he’s been injured. But the same will happen to Phillips. I also blame Southgate and the media and the English football BS where international football remains one big giant clique for the elite teams. 

    He did take the easy option. Grealish probably thinks he is coming back here in a few years for one final pay day, I don't want him back here when he is likely declining and is probably full of regrets and baggage. You made your choice Jack. 

    • Like 2
  6. 6 hours ago, rjw63 said:

    Just read the French FA are making an official complaint about Martinez. 

    If that's a true report all I can say is


    The same French FA that had a delegation doing a jig in front of the Irish team bus after the Henry handball. 🤣 

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, Genie said:

    I think United would have been a better fit for him than City. They don’t play with the same rigid, low risk taking system as City. He could have been a legend there I’m sure of it. Instead they blew their money on Ronaldo and somehow also managed to ruin Sancho at the same time.

    Utd a good fit for him. 🤮 Utd were/are a mess of a club. Ronaldo has pretty much confirmed that in his interview. Neither were a good fit for Grealish IMO. Aston  Villa was the best fit for him but he took Villa for granted. From my view point, he was best staying put and improving as a player in an environment that could protect and unlock his abilities. Grealish had a duty to stay and help Villa grow as a club - he bottled it. 

    An absolute foolish decision from a footballing perspective to leave what he had here, but from a financial and celebrity one it was a master stroke. Well done to his agents.

  8. Who was the last player Tottenham signed from Villa? Danny Blanchflower in the 50s??? 🤣 I know Brad Friedel went on a free to Tottenham but I can't remember a direct transfer to Spurs from Villa, especially in modern times.

  9. Felix needs to realise careers are very short in this game. Looking down on us means he is thinking purely like a celebrity, not an athlete or professional. If he doesn't drop the arrogance this will damage him. Get playing, build your portfolio on the pitch and prove you deserve all the stuff you dream of and want. Seems like Mendes get this and thinks we are the ideal club to bring that out of him.

    If Felix does sign (very unlikely), I don't think he will hack it at VP IMO - will throw the towel in early. Unless there is a significant change in his maturity and attitude. Knuckle down kid. I believe humility is a key part to a successful mentality, which subsequently improves the chances of having a successful career. If I had a choice between a player like Felix or Milner, I would choose the latter every day of the week. Elite professional and mentality.

    • Like 2
  10. 4 minutes ago, Zatman said:

    not sure how. I think we have played in Europe about 3 times since he was born and 3 years in the 2nd tier. No wonder he has no idea about our history or prestige

    And? Things change.

  11. 5 hours ago, Pinebro said:

    We've not won stuff for a long time.

    I was 3 years old when we last won a trophy.

    Non Villa fans won't see us as a big club. 

    To stay relevant you need recent success.

    Hopefully we will get that under Unai and grow our brand.


    I don't think players should get caught up with that short sighted stuff though. Things change in football, if you have a purpose and ambition things change very quickly - there are a multitude of examples that prove that to be the case.

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