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Posts posted by Villa_Vids

  1. 15 minutes ago, duke313 said:

    I remember Young diving against us in his first season with United. Now he’s a club legend🤣

    What has Young go to do with Jack Grealish? Young never claimed to be a boyhood Villa fan. Grealish CLAIMS to be a Villa fan but dives against us to cost us points? Nah. He isn't one of us IMO. The mask has slipped. Hopefully this has woken up fans that still have some attachment to him - he doesn't care about you or Villa. Don't forget he was willing to sign for Spurs (for a pittance and Josh Onomah) when the club was on life-support. He is all about the money and himself. Wasn't he laughing and joking around in the relegation season? The guy isn't a Villa supporter.

    • Like 3
  2. 53 minutes ago, macandally said:

    As it should, most sensible people recognised it for what it was, a dominant performance lacking in cutting edge compounded by stupidity.  

    File it under anomaly, learn, look forward 

    Yes. Emery called it an accident. Move forward.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Spoony said:

    We have take it a little far. I’m all for shit housing but if Martinez picks up many more yellows he will get suspended then it’s Olsen time. I’m not against “game management” but we need to be a bit better at it. 

    Nope. I don't think we have gone too far. Under Emery we quick counter a lot and attack space, so that contradicts the term "time wasting". Most will agree, It is strong game management to slow a game down in the closing stages and naturally players tire too. Every team does it, every successful team does it. It is media driven BS that we time waste and cheat. It is sour grapes from bitter opponents and from pundits with agendas that know we can be a genuine threat in this league. Man City are hailed for their "cheating", which is a lot worse.

    As for the bookings of our World Cup winner, I think that is down to poor and weak officiating. Martinez has created a reputation (due to his success) for himself - so a Ref sees this as a golden opportunity for themselves in front of the cameras. It is obvious. 😂 Oliver wanted an autograph with him.

     I just hope we can change the perception of others, which will allow our game management to be judged fairly and impartially. But it will take a very brave ref to take that sort of action in the short term. I expect more bookings.


  4. We should be looking at top 10 this season. I would have  taken top 12 and a deeper FA Cup run, but now we have to utilise our free time to build more cohesion for the remaining games and for next season. Hopefully we get a couple of big scalps at VP to see the season out.

    I personally want us to beat Arsenal for Unai and Emi, especially how Arsenal fans have treated Martinez since he left the club. And to beat Newcastle, mainly due to that Sob On The Tyne tweet after they beat us, plus it would be nice to dent their European hopes. 

  5. No such thing as time wasting, it is added on at the end by the officials. This is a big part of game management too, I think it is disgusting we are being accused of cheating - when so many teams do the same or worse to spoil games. Lock this thread and get behind the team. 

    • Thanks 3
  6. 35 minutes ago, VillaHatesMe said:

    This part of the story makes me immediately think it's bullshit. Just a bitter Spanish outlet bothered by the money of the Premier League.



    Hmmm. 🤔 We may have some interest in Merino but they are trying to use this as a victory for La Liga. Typical embellished headline and report. I sense envy. A similar envy that parted the Sevilla CEO's lips when we signed Diego Carlos. Sevilla are struggling this season and it doesn't surprise me. Desperate deflection. These people need to focus on their own league and clubs. Pathetic journalism.

  7. Good goal by super sub Jack. He did well when he came on. At City he seems like a kid, not trusted by Pep in the big games or given big responsibilities. At Villa he felt like an adult on the pitch, a leader that had far greater responsibility and as a result  produced far more. This move has been a disaster for his sporting career IMO.  

  8. 40 minutes ago, Sulberto21 said:

    This is it the fans need to buy in too. Misplaced passes or a missed tackle are often meant with a loud audible groan and quickly followed by berating.

    The fans have to see the bigger picture and support the team for the full 90 minutes. 

    I like attacking the Holte in the first half too.

    Yeah. I think that happens at most big clubs if things are not going well (and things have gone quite poorly for us over the years) - look at Chelsea fans now. I believe that supporters can be educated but most of the managers (in the last 12 years) we haven't had somebody willing to build a meaningful relationship with supporters. Obviously Smith had the connection but I think he did not want to use that as an excuse, it would have been a cheat code for him or be seen as pandering. I can understand that.

    Emery is the first manager to actively try and build a connection with the fanbase, using social media and his press conference to convey strong messages to supporters. Very smart. Good psychology too. We are a Family.

    I love his new word UTVAddiction. I'm an #Emeryaddict 🤣

  9. 1 hour ago, DCJonah said:

    Some questioned if getting rid of Gerrard would make any difference and continued to hammer the players. 


    Three cheers for Nassef and Wes.... hip hip hooray!!! 🥳

    • Like 2
  10. 20 minutes ago, AP from Marseilles said:

    Whow, thanks to all for your answers! Like 10 pages of answers, English passion for football is not overestimated.

    Glad for you - and for him too - he’s doing so good. But don’t get too much in love: if a PL top-5 comes with more money, say goodbye to Bouba. He was already a star in Marseilles, born in the city and OM was his first club. He would have been even more popular if he had stayed, probably become captain (with Payet getting old). OM ended 2nd, directly qualified in CL. What we couldn’t offer him was money, not as much as any PL club. Well, he left without showing much hesitation. Gerrard seems to have played a great role in his choice for Villa.

    When reading you I see that Kamara is a bit underrated in the UK. That may be your opportunity to keep him. He was underrated in France too (except in Marseilles of course) and still is. Absolutely nobody talks about Kamara when talking about players who should be called to play for France.

    (See the World Cup : I don’t think he was injured, was he? Yet Deschamps took Veretout as his last choice, from what I’m reading here about  Bouba this was nonsense.)

    Just hoping now that you don’t get Guendouzi too soon. I guess you’d like him too…

    Welcome to the forum.

    Our owners (NSWE) have the objective to make us a regular top 5 club, so I think Boubacar Kamara can grow with us and he will be more than rewarded for his efforts. Obviously you would have preferred him to stay at OM, but I suppose you are happier with his decision to join Villa rather than a rival French club like PSG etc. I know your pain though, we have lost a lot of our stars to Manchester City and their oil billions, Jack Grealish being the latest ( supposed Villa supporter too 😥) -  at least we got 100 million for that though 🙏.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Vive_La_Villa said:

    Ok poor probably the wrong word. I didn’t think we kept the ball well at all and a better team would have punished us. I think I’m scarred by Gerrards great start at Villa so just taking it a game at a time before getting too carried away. I’ve no doubt we’re finally in good hand though. 

    I think that is a unhealthy way of looking at the game. You could argue if we beat Leeds 4-1 - it would have been merited based on some of our chances. It was a good performance. There are areas we need to improve but I think that will come through transfers and confidence. UTV

  12. 23 minutes ago, Vive_La_Villa said:

    Loving Emery and the points on the board since he took over but I actually thought we were poor today and lucky to get 3 points. But obviously a win is always nice and it’s good to see us dig deep and grind out the result. 

    We weren't poor. I don't buy into that. Our effort and energy was brilliant. I thought the defending was top class, and it always seemed like the counter was on to add more goals too. Losing Digne and Watkins so early shouldn't be underestimated too, we recovered well. That was a very good performance imo, albeit there are areas we need to improve (I think that comes with personnel changes tbh). UTV

    What a reaction to Stevenage! Love it. 👊

    • Like 4
  13. 2 minutes ago, Tom13 said:

    You said he was a poor signing though. Not that he needs to go now.

    Correct. I think he has been. He has been here just under four years. What has he done here? Really? He has been a poor signing if we are being honest. But some fans have different views on his achievements and I respect that. I think we are lowing the bar if we are praising him for his first season (and that only). 

  14. 4 minutes ago, Zatman said:

    How? He helped us stay up from a near impossible position and scored to help us get to a cup final

    I can think of hundreds of worse Villa players

    He needs to go if he is not part of the first team group. Both Villa and FG need closure. It isn't healthy.  I get that some fans have fond memories of Fred's first season but he is not helping us by staying and not playing games. 

  15. 15 minutes ago, Zatman said:

    I think Kamara will go under the radar still as he doesnt do anything Sky exciting since they still dont like Villa

    He was clearly man of the match today and they gave it to Bailey

    Sky hate Villa. The commentary team were fawning over the mighty Leeds Utd and how it was a matter of time until Leeds scored....and ultimately won. 🤣 Pricks.

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  16. He was courageous. Being thrown in at the deep end but came through it to help us win. What a clearance!  Brilliant. He barely had any preparation time. Sky were trying to do a hatchet job on him when he initially struggled at the start. Disgusting.  But AM made them eat their words.

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