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Posts posted by Villa_Vids

  1. 5 minutes ago, Hank Scorpio said:

    Enjoy signing Tom Cairney as your star replacement in the championship 

    Bradley Dack is more fitting for their level! 🤣 Remember he is better than Grealish.

    • Haha 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

    Nope not for me

    Lerner saw FFP for what it is and walked away

    Unfortunately he still owned us for about 5 years after walking away

    He should have shouted it from the rooftop but instead he kept his silence, he saw the death of competitive football when very few others did

    I don't think he saw it as a toy he saw it as something completely different to what the PL rules then told him it had to be, we had a children's charity on the front of our shirt on the day we were told the spending had to be related to revenue

    My outlook and interest in football has completely changed under these rules and man City not sure why I should expect lerners not to have

    Even if his original objective of competing at the top was altered by FFP - it is still no excuse for us to quickly drop so low and sanction some of things he did! 

    My take is Lerner got bored after a few years and put the toy away, it got too tough for him and he threw the towel in. I think his reign as chairman perfectly defined his character or lack of. I suppose in the interest of fairness, you could argue he was badly let down by those he appointed and players - but he appointed and signed most of them 🤣. The full responsibility is on him.  If you put little in, you get little back. I think you have to admit he caused a lot of self inflicting damage too - appointing McLeish and selling to Xia were very poor judgements calls. Selling to Xia could have been fatal too!

    Maybe some things were outside of his control or influence but I think you are letting him off the hook. 

  3. 29 minutes ago, Zatman said:

    Dr Fraud sold up as he broughr us to within days of being wound up. He also didn't find NSWE he had to sell up

    Wasn't there multiple bidders at the time? Didn't Xia stay on for a little longer after the takeover? I agree he was forced to sell up by the circumstances but I believe he had power to decide to which entity. 

  4. 1 minute ago, alreadyexists said:

    He was their POTS last year I’m sure I read. so I think it’s just been this year he’s been below par. 
    yep, in Emery we trust :) 

    But who hasn't for them? The Leicester fairy tale was always going to end - they were the modern day Blackburn.

    • Like 1
  5. Looking back, I don't feel much hate for Xia as I did after the play off defeat. I think it is because TX sold quickly when things were going south and sold to NSWE too.

    I think it has to be Lerner? Made big promises which he never kept. Appointed our bitter rival's manager just after they were just relegated. Oversaw our worst footballing period ever which culminated in relegation. Scattergun football strategy. Seemingly absence when the going got tough. He hung Remi Garde out to dry too. Bernstein and King reported on some home truths and they were forced out after. Him and Hollis desperately sold us to the dodgy Tony Xia after relegation too. I think he was a bit vindictive at the end of his reign, probably upset at the heavy personal financial lost.  

    I don't buy the City/FFP justification for being that bad too. He treated the club as a toy and we should never forget that. 


    • Like 1
  6. 1 minute ago, OLDVILLAIN said:

    I heard a  rumour late last night about Ollie watkins.

     It involves  contract negotiations involving his management company...plus a HEAVY interest from one certain london club who want to nail him down early in the window.

    This could be interesting if true.

    What did you hear? 

  7. 35 minutes ago, tomav84 said:

    100%...especially if next thursday draws us a tough start to the league. we don't want to be facing juve, utd and city all in the space of 8 days

    They don't want to play us! I would rather lose to good opponents than bad too. 😆

  8. 2 minutes ago, OLDVILLAIN said:

    The vast majority of these players that we are being linked with are Poor to be fair.

    The " 25m is too much for one player" is total tosh and we will break our record this window coming.

    It is simply agents using the Aston Villa name/brand to add gloss to their clients reputation. I also wouldn't get too hung up on transfer fees too, the more bargains - the merrier. We are living in an FFP world now, so in an ideal world we want to enhance the squad and not break our transfer record.

  9. 22 hours ago, BleedClaretAndBlue said:

    When you think what he did after that Arsenal loss; 15 games, 2 losses. Those were both scrappy 1-0’s too. We didnt concede more than once in any of those 15 games either. 10 wins, 3 draws and 7 clean sheets in there.

    Just an exceptional performance by the man, class act. When you watch the post match interview after that game at Molineux, skip to 1:38 and see the smile he gives when he envisages exactly how he’e going to put things right the next week, he’s already cooking up a plan. This man is authentic and truly elite imo.

    Ive supported Villa since 91’, seen us win 2 coca cola cups, but Emery is the best manager ive ever seen at Villa, by some way too and he’s only been here 5 minutes. So excited for the next few years and what we might achieve. UTE

    I agree with all of that except calling the league cup the coca cola cup. 

  10. 3 hours ago, Rustibrooks said:

    Tiago #Pinto had practically closed the sale #Abraham at #AstonVilla . Then the English, after the injury, withdrew. 🟥

    Pinch of salt obviously but this is interesting.

    I'm not buying that. 

    • Like 1
  11. 3 hours ago, The Fun Factory said:

    Under Emery we have no divine right to beat a league 2 side at home in the cups either.

    Totally different scenarios and reactions. Emery looked into the camera and apologised - and then won the next two games and binned off the fringes of the squad - subsequently qualified for Europe. Emery is class, thanks for trigging my memory of that. 😁

    And there's no divine right for Paul Lambert to be Villa manager too. Paul Lambert was a cosplay of Martin O'Neill without half the talent or pride. 🤣it is hilarious people can justify or accept losing two games against an inferior side in a semi final. There's no comparison. It is unacceptable. I will never forgive and forget  that semi final - total disgrace. The guy melted under the pressure at Villa. 

  12. 4 hours ago, Demitri_C said:

    Lambert gave us some memorable wins despite his shitness.

    Those wins at the emirates and anfield.

    But my god the final season was **** awful.  Remember that period when we conceding near enough every corner? Every team would just try get a corner off us knowing they would score.  Dark days

    🤣 Remember according to Lambert we have no divine right to beat a league 2 over two legs. Dark days indeed. 

    • Haha 1
  13. I think Sherwood is somewhat of a blagger too but I don't base my views of Lerner solely on his information. You also have to respect that TS has experiences working under Lerner too, it is not too dissimilar to what Hutton was saying a few months back. I think it was clear we were a disorganised club with a rotten culture. Sherwood's ideas added to that mess too.  

  14. 7 minutes ago, burchy said:

    The funny thing is they’ll probably be paying Ugarte less than Carney gets.

    Chelsea are the original scumbags buying the league, Man City have just taken it to a whole new level.

    Grinds my gears

    Annoying. But good luck to Poch with his 100 man squad 🤣

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