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Posts posted by Villa_Vids

  1. I'm frustrated by the North Stand news but he needs more time to implement his own deals, plans and ideas. He seems quite bullish.  Be interesting to see what sort of sponsorships he can bring to the table, he is already talking about adding more merch to the club superstore. The cancellation/delaying of the redevelopment and redesigning the badge could possibly be ego too, not willing to inherit another guy's ideas and plans. Maybe he will cook up his own Villa Park redevelopment plans?

    I'm surprised nobody has mentioned there is going to be enhancements at Bodymoor Heath, this is surely a positive? Didn't Unai want a house built there? 🤣

  2. 4 minutes ago, John said:

    image.png.be8f1acc74b9e696c0f7f5e1b0fd5a9a.png Rangers did this. 


    2 minutes ago, ender4 said:

    Fantastic design. 

    1) I can read what it says

    2) I know what club it relates to

    3) I can see what it’s about.

    We should have literally copied this in Villa colours.

    our official 150th anniversary badge will be better than that. The one Heck posted is just a teaser imo.

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  3. 4 hours ago, Craigy1874 said:

    He will eventually leave to go to Barca or Real and it will be utterly heartbreaking.

    Stop thinking like a bluenose or baggie. 🤣

    We are unique project, we are in a growth phase too. I believe we can be as big and successful as any club in Europe. I think some on here are selling NSWE short too, they are not Lerner, Xia or Ellis. Trust in Unai and NSWE.  I honestly think we can be built into a power house by Emery, and be capable of winning any major trophy. I realise I may be getting ahead of myself but be optimistic, not let the naysayers tell you otherwise. UTV!

  4. 1 hour ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:


    They've literally just invested in bringing in some of the most talented and highly rated corporate and football Management people in the world.

    Investing heavily in infrastructure and we've just qualified for Europe.

    Nassef in his most recent statement has basically said it's now " go time ".

    I'm not getting this?

    I don't get it too. It is irrational thinking. Randy Lerner was a terrible owner and the evidence supports that view. NSWE are on a different planet. We've just qualified for Europe ffs. 

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  5. 13 minutes ago, Mantis said:

    Well, 5 years ago but yeah, I felt like the club was huge unprofessional, amateurish and just generally behind most other similar clubs throughout the 2000s and 2010s and it's good to see how far NSWE have taken us.

    They inherited a mess (that was decades in the making). We were still a club locked in the 90s/early 00s - NSWE have brought us into the 21st century. Still much more to do!!!

  6. 8 minutes ago, Marka Ragnos said:

    I don't think Randy Lerner is capable of a "Reign of Terror." In fact, a bit of terror might have improved his leadership style. I guess it's possible for gross incompetence to rise to the level of dastardly villainy, but I just don't see enough intentionality in Lerner's reign. Apathetic, surely. Complacent, no doubt. Lackadaisical is the adjective that comes to my mind, and maybe that did reach a certain point where it just felt wilful and arrogant for you? He drove me crazy. But isn't it worth saying that owning a struggling-to-succeed Premier League football club is also really, really, really difficult? 

    I'll be honest with you - I think he was vindictive at the end of his reign, after relegation with who he sold the club too - it showed a bit of nastiness imo. He also showed up quickly when we got to the FA Cup final in 2015 after months of invisibility. I think the McLeish appointment was a dig at the fan base too. 

    Of course it is bloody difficult. But it is more infuriating when you know a person is not applying himself fully, he is no longer interested in the club. He is holding the club hostage.  The end of season letters were annoying as hell too, blagging and spinning the truth......simply lost his hunger and got bored of the toy but didn't have the courage to take responsibility.  🤡

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  7. 2 hours ago, villa4europe said:

    Why not?

    He voted against FFP, was 1 of 4 owners who did so (?) walked away when it was approved

    FFP and man City have killed football as a competition, Lerner saw it when others didn't or refused to believe

    We had a children's charity on our shirt as our main sponsor, we're now struggling to compete with teams because they have additional revenue thanks to their official bed and pillow partner, I 100% believe randy saw this coming and wanted no part of it

    What he did wrong was he wasn't vocal enough in protesting it, in hindsight we as fans weren't vocal enough either

    Why not? 

    He never walked away when FFP was approved. He ran the club badly, but silently and from afar. He also voted alongside City against FFP too. He sold our better players to Manchester City too. He never once said or implied that the competition was a closed shop, he preached sustainability a few times too but never built infrastructure that could boost our revenues.

    Even during Lerner's reign of terror - Leicester, Wigan, Blues and Swansea won silverware. Not fashionable clubs with huge resources or finances. Clubs from much lower positions were innovating faster than ourselves and overtaking us.

    Even in the hypothetical case of there being no FFP - I'm not convinced he would have made the decisions to be successful. The best manager working under him was advised and endorsed by the previous chairman. I dread to think who he would have picked otherwise 😂. MON was also in charge of everything football until his departure, which doesn't sound too healthy.

    Lerner put a great dent in our club's competitive history through woeful judgement and apathetic management. 

    I think supporters needed to be more vocal in our discontent of his leadership and forced him to sell earlier than he did (around 2011/12). 

    Lerner was an incompetent custodian for Aston Villa.

  8. 21 hours ago, villa4europe said:

    My take is FFP is the biggest load of bollocks and the death of football

    Lerner saw the writing on the wall, all this with man City right now, he saw it coming and he wanted nothing to do with it

    How he then went about it deserves criticism but him walking way was absolutely right, they've killed football, I've more or less walked away from football too, love villa and watch them obviously but everything else I'm not interested in

    I think randy understood football far better than what people gave him credit for

    🤣 I can't take that seriously.  

  9. 7 minutes ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

    As someone mentioned.

    First XI Pivot: Kamara | Luiz

    Second XI: Dendonker | Tielmans

    Or any combo of the above possible.

    We just may have space for, or want one more all action midfielder, or a CAM for competetion with JJ and McGinn.

    Either way that's a solid base.

    You think Tim will be knocking on the door next season? 

  10. 8 hours ago, HolteExile said:

    Loads of supporters from other clubs were happy to see us drop. 

    Prob for the novelty of it, as much as anything else. And the fact that we stank the league out for about five years before we did go. 

    Don't actually mind Lesta. A league title and FA Cup bagged in the last seven years.  And none of this 'mind the gap' nonsense we get from some of our other neighbours. Their fans give us a bit of stick when we play (as it should be). But don't have the obsessive tendencies of the other lot. 


    Of course they were happy. I remember most of those clubs that booted us while we were down. "Villa are a spent force, Villa will never come back up". Confusing Villa with Lerner was their biggest mistake.

    Leicester fans sang our City was blue with all their hearts in Feb....they forgot the claret part 😆 - which is why their dumb song doesn't work against us. They also wore claret in their FA Cup final 🤣 - imitation is the greatest form of flattery and all that. 

    Leicester had similar redevelopment plans as us so it is brilliant they have been derailed for the time being, it allows us to grow and climb higher. Villa are the only club in the midlands!

    Now I'm going to munch on some Walkers crisps in memory of the mighty Leicester...🤣

    Blackburn say Hi!  😘

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  11. 9 hours ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

    To be fair.... Some Newcastle fans hate us for similar reasons.

    Circle of footballing life 🤷🏾‍♂️

    Good. We don't like Newcastle too. It is mutual.


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