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Posts posted by Villa_Vids

  1. In both games (Brentford/Everton) David Coote has failed to de-escalate the bad temper and properly control the players. It is a pattern now. The most shocking thing was that aggressive challenges were allowed by Everton without punishment!

    It all started with the lunge into Martinez's chest early on 😐, setting the tone for what was to follow. Tarkowski made three fouls worthy of yellow cards in blatant view of the ref. Nothing. Then DC would penalise something trivial.

    I did not like Coote's demeanour during the melee too - it is always stand offish and looking lost. Get in between them, defuse it! Show your authority!!!. He usually waits and then picks out a player to book (usually one of our lot) for absolutely nothing in the context of it.

    I hope Villa respectfully request for Coote not to officiate another one of our games this season. I do not trust him.


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  2. 43 minutes ago, The Fun Factory said:

    Ok so Heck says we don't have enough infrastructure to cope with the expansion capacity. For 2 years the capacity would actually have been less, and in that time surely the club could have thought of some contingency plans?

    I understand us mere plebs who go to the game and watch Villa aren't that important anymore compared to the global markets. But for heavens sake given the amount of money that is sloshing into the premier league, match day facilities should be of a minimum standard. If clubs are going to charge premium prices in the future, then the facilities should match it.  And why can't free travel within the home team city be included with your ticket, like the bundlesliga?

    Perhaps the new independent regulator will put pressure onto premier league clubs to offer more but they will need a lot of power to do so. 

    Keep the corrupt government away from our game!

  3. 1 minute ago, M_Afro said:

    I thought he did well today. He used and kept the ball well and made himself available all of the time. Could easily have won it for us but fora brilliant block. Fair play to him.

    also nice cross for Duran.

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  4. I think a good point when everything is considered. David Coote has been very poor in our games.  I think there is a pattern emerging with him after the Brentford brawl,  he allows a lot of dangerous play and aggression without punishment. Yet penalises players for the minutest of infringements.Always a melee too. Players in big crowds and gangs - while he stands back and looks lost. Failure to control the players is on him too. Hopefully the club respectfully asks PGMOL for him to be removed from our remaining games this season.

  5. 42 minutes ago, OutByEaster? said:

    The really big thing about that if it's true is that it means that we can re-establish the link between being a fan and buying things at the club shop. You'll remember those quaint old things like 'season ticket holder discount' and so on? Well, those are back on the table if the club shop becomes owned by Aston Villa rather than Fanatics.

    We might even finally see after years of utter pointlessness a use for Pride Reward Points.

    If it's true - it's great news.


    Yes. Hopefully it is true. It also seems to tally with Heck's comments about the store expanding in the summer with extra merch being introduced.

  6. 6 hours ago, Philosopher said:

    Chris Heck doesn't understand the football culture. He is making very American decisions on things, but this isn't America. This is a sport and club with more history than all American sport put together.

    Didn't baseball influence the formation of professional football over here (uk)?

  7. 5 minutes ago, Captain_Townsend said:

    The lion on the round badge is far superior amd it was designed in such a way as to look brilliant stand alone. We have to ditch that Lerner lion

    I agree about the lion on the round badge. This new badge design -  makes me think it is purely economical with Heck. Is Heck keeping the Lerner lion with the blue & yellow colour balance to sync with existing digital platforms and signage around VP to save money? If that is the case, it is a cheap look to be fair.

    Personally, I am okay with the badge. I think if they make the lion stand alone on the kits then that is much better. Heck needs to engage with fans and communicate what's going on.


  8. It seems like they are favouring the footballing side over the new north stand. Possibly backing Emery in the short term? Does it help us with FFP? If it is for those reasons I could understand pausing the rebuild but I don't fully trust Heck and Hatton yet. The communication is terrible.

  9. 37 minutes ago, Chindie said:

    Discussion on the MOMS podcast says that the new badge is basically just an evolution of the Lerner one.

    I've just listened. He said he didn't see the new badge but it is "allegedly" modelled off the past few badges (not just Lerner's?). MOMS said he isn't happy and kept mentioning reporting Heck and co to the FA about the badge (breaching some rules about fan consultation) - which is a bit silly imo 😆


    • Haha 1
  10. 5 minutes ago, HKP90 said:

    Only one way this makes any sense. 

    New stadium. 

    I'd be horrified if we moved away from VP.

    Possibly. Maybe that's why Heck is holding redevelopment off. But what will happen to the VP euro bid? it feels like we lied to get our stadium at EURO 2028. Hmm

  11. 1 minute ago, grantholtgolazo said:

    Honestly I do think it has more appeal/stand out factor to younger people or those with only passing interest in Villa. It doesn’t look like the typical design we’d expect, that can be a good thing. The rangers 100 year design is a good contrast, while I don’t dislike it, it’s so standard and typical it looks as if it could be 100 years old itself.

    These designs are done by professionals who not only are savvy in their craft they understand the importance of marketing. Growing the club and revenues will require bringing new supporters on board, I think club designs will keep that goal in mind and it may result in some growing pains & some small amount of displeasure for fans of the classic design/imagery.

    That is the thing. It is a new and fresh take. People hated the roper kit initially then the people loved it. I think this mark will grow on people.

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