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Posts posted by Villa_Vids

  1. 6 minutes ago, VillaJ100 said:

    Can't remember where I saw it sadly but there was literal emails saying "Shit! The Sheik has given us £65 million too much. Quick, invent a company and a bogus sponsorship deal so we can hide it"

    Ha. I think I remember reading something vaguely like that too.

    I think City's alleged wrongdoing reflects badly on the governance of the Premier League, especially if City are found guilty. Could a lot of their charges be too historical to punish?

    Apparently Premier League are setting a legal trap for City with their punishment of Everton and Forest. Both of those clubs acted in "good faith and complied with the Premier League", whilst City may have not done in relation to similar charges. So a precedent has been set regarding good faith. Be interesting to see what happens next...🍿

  2. 6 minutes ago, Kiwivillan said:

    Simply wrong. They've cheated, covered up the cheating, lied, inflated sponsorship deals et al. That's not even relating to FFP. There's plenty of coverage of this online I suggest you check it out

    Can you point in the right direction and I'll be more than happy to educate myself.

  3. 4 hours ago, StefanAVFC said:

    Ok it’s a complex case but in the meantime they continue to benefit from their cheating to the tune of titles, trophies and revenue. How is that fair to anyone else?

    I will preference this with - I don't like them at all. But I can't wrap my head round the idea that they have "cheated". It is not like their players have been found guilty of PEDs, it is just an abnormal level of investment into (what were) a mid table club and their owners have been clinical in all aspects of the football business. They took over when the ffp rules didn't exist , so they got a head start in growing their business essentially and authorities were very slow to react.

    I think it is envy that drives this cheating and financial doping stuff from other fans. They are not worth of that level of envy IMO. I think they sold a big chunk of their identity for it. How they have achieved their successes isn't for me, but I don't believe their merits on the field should be classed as cheating. It is too strong for me. FFP is also a relatively new idea, great in theory and messy in practice. I think it needs fine tuning.

  4. 9 minutes ago, Annoyman said:

    If the goal line technology had worked we'd have been in the champo screaming blue murder about Kevin Friend disallowing Lansbury's legitimate equaliser against Palace due to a non-existent dive off a tackle that was an obvious penalty anyway; as it is things happily evened out and it's the usual suspects stuck in the void screaming, desperately awaiting the day they can take physical form and harass the living again

    I guess with the kind of people whose piss it still boils its probably funnier that they think the Hawkeye mess-up is some enormous cosmic injustice tbh

    No. We would have whomped the blosers again and stormed it! We are the doers of Birmingham football, they are the talkers and excuse merchants. They have lost the most games in the championship over the last ten years; constantly been in relegation fights; racially abusing their own players, assaulting opposition players, and constantly hounding managers out. They are lucky, so so lucky. Yet .... "iF HaWkeyE wAs SwItCHed On"......Only if? We would have done something about it to stay up any how! Like we did 🤣 -  It is Villa, it is who we are and what we do!

    So they best keep cosplaying fictionalised gangsters (who are based on pure scum), and get the bed sheet ready for whoever has the misfortune to manage that shower of shite. Villa are fact, SHA are fiction.

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  5. 4 hours ago, bobzy said:



    Depends what the purpose of FFP is - is it to stop clubs falling into financial ruin as was originally purported?

    If so, they could argue they were getting better value for money (and sustaining the club more effectively long term) by agreeing a deal in September, rather than June.  They'd also secured another year of Premier League football so their permitted loss will increase by £26m or something for this season.

    If FFP is just a hard and fast "you just can't spend over loss amount at all" and not really about the long term safety of clubs, then the argument doesn't work at all.

    Masters made a comment about FFP being here to ensure another Portsmouth doesn't occur. I don't buy that line. It certainly isn't being applied like that. F&P was a huge part of Portsmouth's decline IMO. Nobody really knows what the true reasons were behind FFP. In practice it is also causing more problems too - further infighting between clubs. It is a legal weapon to use if you fail on the pitch.

    "Financial doping" 🤣 Will they strip Jack Walker's legacy at Blackburn - which was clearly cheating if we use the same definition and logic. Leicester City were also found guilty of breaching EFL FFP are they going to be stripped of their Premier League title? I don't like the envy part of it.

    I think historically financial risk is attached and has built the English game. Investment has always been a huge part of individual clubs' growth and the Premier League too. Since the late 1800s, English Football has been a free market sport. The chaos of that has made it attractive. The rise and fall (vice versa) of clubs, inception and emergence of new challenging clubs.

    The current system isn't perfect and there should be financial controls and accountability, but I worry we will lose sight of what English football has been and is. If they seriously want financial fair play then they should follow the NFL model, the league is larger than any individual football club. Pool resources and distribute cash evenly through each division. Just do it,  instead of pretending that there is some balance and fairness to this mess.

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  6. 15 minutes ago, rubberman said:

    Maybe Arsenal know the PL are sniffing about them for FFP/PSR violations and have a desperate need for cash suddenly? :detect:

    There are rumours that Arsenal want to raise funds for a striker move. Selling ESR could give them a chance to make a big move in the market, especially as he is homegrown.

  7. 10 minutes ago, Zatman said:

    Its really not. Its aimed at the international market for getting casual fans from abroad to start following us

    Its no different to the All or Nothing series and what they were for

    And hardcore fans of those teams didn't watch it? I highly doubt that.

  8. 40 minutes ago, Spoony said:

    In what way?

    In the way - it is just the sort of "meh" - it won't be successful, lets not even try. There are lots of exciting and cool ideas the club could produce for a documentary - that are a "first" - as evidenced on this thread. We have a team full of internationals players, we have risen from mid table in the championship to top 4/title contenders. So many ideas.

  9.  McGinn and Cash are two very popular players. Mings' and Emi's recovery.  So much good content for everyone. People are viewing this potential project as a season review 2002/2003 - presented by Jack Woodward featuring interviews from Steve Stride &  Doug Ellis 🤣

  10. I think we have a lot big personalities in the team - that appeals to those outside our fan base. It isn't just about general public's perception or feeling of the club - little Villa's season review. It can be much deeper than that - which can explore other elements & ideas.

    • Like 1
  11. 12 minutes ago, Spoony said:

    Viewing this as objectively as possible, I don’t think most fans give a toss about Villa. We are akin to West Ham/Everton/Crystal Palace in the ‘making up the numbers’ party. Our ownership doesn’t generate interest like Wrexham or Newcastle. We haven’t done anything outstanding on the field (yet). If we can hold onto top 4 I think it’s possible people take more of an interest. I think it’d take top 3 for there to be a significant response. 

    Dated thinking.

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