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Posts posted by Villa_Vids

  1. "Gets away with it" - because it is Man Utd. That is just as corrupt. I want the whole damp swamp drained! And how is it a "good appointment" hiring somebody associated with a club that currently has 115 charges to their name (Charges specifically related to sponsorships 😆)? Plus I thought City cheated, so why would any club want to add a person fully associated with that regime. Nothing earned on merit it appears.

    If Mansour or similar owned Utd or Liverpool this would be swept under the rug and treated differently IMO. That person would be heralded by the media like Jack Walker.

  2. 7 minutes ago, Kingman said:

    Makes no sense paying £15m for this lad when we let JPB go for £5m who IMO is far more of an advanced prospect. 

    JPB is better - so Rogers is worth below 5 million?

  3. 2 minutes ago, MWARLEY2 said:

    Will never understand looking for young back up keepers. They need to play to gain experience.  We send our young back up keepers out on loan for the exact reason. Not saying he isnt any good because he obviously is. But we have a defined no 1 goalie.  

    We are looking to compete at the highest level that means more games, more experience. He will have plenty of opportunities here.

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  4. 1 minute ago, useless said:

    The bid has been rejected, he's one of a few young players we're looking at, so If we don't sign him, we will probably sign another player of a similar status. Going by the links seems we want a young project type player, as the new winger signing, and Emery hinted as much in press conference for the Everton game.

    Yh. He is similar to Reyna.

  5. I think the guy who wrote that is probably guessing based on other sponsorship deals. And due to ffp - don't we have to have "fair market value" based on Nassef's financial association to Adidas? Maybe a huge financial leap straight away would breach FFP?

  6. 7 minutes ago, Jas10 said:

    Horrendous “source”… but “football insider” (yeah I know) are stating that we are getting £12m per year from the Adidas deal and an additional £5m if we get Champions League…


    Much better than what we had (£4m total with Castore they say)  but… I would expect more from the Adidas deal tbh…

    If true - it is a step in the right direction.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Teale's 'tache said:


    Looking at the people who contributed these vectors and the other things they have contributed, Lee has found a giant nothing burger. This is not where our lions came from.

    An internationally renowned company like Dragon Rouge isn't going to just grab a vector lion off Shutterstock. Thought someone with his experience would know better and maybe dig a little deeper.

    Hmmm. Interesting. Lee doing a hatchet job on Heck?

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