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Posts posted by Villa_Vids

  1. 7 minutes ago, Cridontour said:

    You beat me to it. In my opinion the only club job he would leave us for, hope I’m wrong.

    I don't see it. I can feel De Zerbi suiting them more based on his attacking style. Isn't Emery considered as a defensive coach in Spain too?

    • Like 2
  2. 2 minutes ago, HongKongVillan said:

    If we are Spuds, media would be saying this is a massive injury crisis. It doesnt feel like an injury crisis, but the fact players can come back, and being out again, thats the most frustratiing it leaves the team less to plan for.


    With all these I am lowering my expectation for the rest of the season. (just to control my emotion)

    If this was the London or Manchester clubs there would be a positive spin of fighting against the odds. The media are hoping this happens but will bury our injury news away - unless it is to support a shite (former player) manager who is close to the sack via poor performances 🤣

  3. 3 minutes ago, Delphinho123 said:

    If there's one thing that annoys me about Villa, it's injuries. Like, not even players getting injured, I get it, it happens, but just the whole mess around it. The Mings/Buendia injuries were bad, but we knew they were bad and we know they'll be out for f***** ages. They'll be back when they're ready to come back. It's the small injuries where you assume a player is out for a couple of weeks and they're out for 6 f***** months. In recent times, I swear it's happened to Moreno, Ramsey, Torres. All key players. I don't even blame the club. I'm not entitled to know who is injured and how long they're injured for, it's just frustrating as hell how it seems to play out. Every. single. time. 

    You can blame Brentford and Wissa for Pau.

  4. 1 minute ago, sidcow said:

    Didn't he help flog is to Xia? 

    That was Hollis and Lerner. King is a legend. Resigned and gave Lerner a few home truths along with Bernstein.

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  5. 5 minutes ago, Chindie said:

    Birmingham got the Commonwealth Games as a backup option when Durban pulled out, and the bid was based on utilising existing facilities spread across the region (and country given the velodrome used was the London one) and keeping costs down through limited renovation rather than new build (with the exception being the athlete accommodation, which was always going to be used afterwards as flats anyway). There wouldn't have been a chance that there was a new stadium coming out of Birmingham 2022.

    Fair enough. Sounds like Heck's plan here. 🤣

    • Haha 1
  6. 43 minutes ago, ThunderPower_14 said:


    Clearly the money doesn't line up though. If it was as simple as build a bigger stand and have more money, Ellis would have done it.

    Every single major stadium work anywhere involves significant public funding. The only one I can think of that didn't was Metlife stadium in New Jersey in 2010, but that was shared between two teams.

    We missed our chance to have a public funded stadium with the commonwealth games.

    • Like 1
  7. 3 minutes ago, Tom13 said:

    Would that be classed as insecurity? Fair enough.

    IMO. I don't see the advantage of it too. I think Premier League teams will prepare to play against our best team regardless.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Tom13 said:

    Wouldn't surprise me if Unai asks our media team not to share anything that could reveal whether Pau's training or not. Keep the opposition guessing - he makes a huge difference to how we play.

    I don't think Emery is that insecure to be honest. 🤣

  9. 1 minute ago, foreveryoung said:

    Terrible ITK. Still can mean it's not happening, tell me when it's 100%, or most likely it'll be done by then.

    Is he? He called the Dier deal months ago.

  10. 18 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

    I make this post knowing we've got the **** tories in power, so understand that I'm talking about the theories of a well-run democracy, not the corrupt shambles we currently have, but this is business as usual TBH.

    There's a lot to be suspicious about with the PL, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and the UK government's interference, but the government will routinely refuse to disclose minutes of meetings.

    Allow people to speak and share their thoughts among a small audience without published minutes and you might get valuable insights from very knowledgeable and experienced industry experts that they'd never voice if those opinions were shared and reflected on the companies they represent. It might be controversial views. It might be insights into their business strategy or trade secrets, all kinds of useful stuff ministers might want insight into that there's no way people would talk about in public.

    Is that worth it at the risk of covering up corruption? Well, that's hard to say, IMO, because publishing these minutes doesn't stop corruption, it just moves any corruption outside of these meetings into more secretive meetings, and makes any other meetings like this potentially less useful.

    It will be exposed in thirty years time as a "cover up" (which is British corruption) but the truth eventually comes out. 🤣

  11. 13 minutes ago, ender4 said:

    Expect they are still playing with the big boys and will probably qualify for the CL at least 50% of the time which probably keeps them ticking over for the commercial deals. 


    2 out 3 times in the last 3 years. 

    3 out of 5 times in the last 5 years. 

    5 out of 8 times in the last 8 years. 

    Yet they are in a dark place and have no heroes to cheer. 🤣

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