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Everything posted by Villa_Vids

  1. Would the cadent gasworks be a good site for a new 70k stadium?
  2. Yh. I think the club would need to have a much bigger space to achieve something that would attract footfall on non-match days. The Witton Station being upgraded could be huge in helping that, but I think the club will need to negotiate and ask for a huge chunk of the surrounding area. It is possible for us to have an AV campus? Villa Live event centre? Aston University offering of some sort too? I think a business case could be made about major regeneration of Witton. it is the only way I can see us staying at VP in the future.
  3. You are living under a rock then buddy. - Media been fawning over September league winners Spurs.
  4. No it wasn't. It was a 10 minute spell during 90 + 10 minute.
  5. Yh. I think that happens within large fanbases. Check out the TNT sport commentary for Ajax "Mauling" and Spurs defeat mentioned about a thousand times.
  6. Absolutely. It is key that we keep spending in alignment with boosting revenue, I think the club is fully aware of it and steps are being made to achieve it. I am not opposed to "player trading" if it allows for Emery to strengthen his team and thus become more competitive. I think we will be better through experience too. The team and players would have learnt a lot from this season. My hope for next season is we compete better in all competitions we are in.
  7. There is always cynics and reactionaries in a large fan base , I have been guilt of being negative too in the past. I was hurt after the Chelsea FA cup defeat, I felt like the sky is failling. I also think the away stuff was/is perpetuated by the media/opposition fans too. It is easy to be led into that thinking/feeling too. Ultimately, I am proud of what the team is doing this season with all the difficult circumstances we have had to undergo. Success is not a straight line. We have a lot of building to do. UTV!
  8. It doesn't help them having their stadium right next door to Sky Sports studios. The love-in by the SS pundits is over the top.
  9. West Ham are a rigid and hard working team, they will be strong on the transition and corners/FKs. Bowen is a huge threat too. It is imperative we match their attitude and application, I believe we can work our way into their penalty box and take our chances. It is important we are patient and pick our moments well tomorrow. I am unable to predict a scoreline, I think this game will be decided on key moments or lack of.
  10. It never was. It was just because we had a perfect home record built on hard work and quality, so our detractors digged out our away form to tilt the narrative.
  11. Woah....I've not seen that before, that is bad emotionally - too high. I think it is similar to Gregory and the team photo in the late 90s. I think you have to fight every week and be humble, celebrate when you have achieved your goal. Lack of respect to the opposition too.
  12. They remind me of a modern day crazy gang, dirty as feck but dressed up as this data driven/hipster club. Sky Sports absolutely love them to bits.
  13. That is wise. I think it is more of a reaction to the media narrative that has been presented this week, it has been totally demeaning to Villa and the over the top fawning of Spurs has been too much. It is a huge reality check. Spurs have vulnerabilities and weaknesses like all teams below the champions. Spurs looked tired.
  14. That was a true mauling. I think people have given Spurs too much credit for their win against us. It was literally a 10 minute spell in 90 + 10 minutes. I think it flattered them enormously. A huge reality check for them. You need to play well for longer in games to have the sort of unjust praise they were receiving.
  15. I think the best way to hurt Spurs is to attack them, they leave lots of space and gaps.
  16. Very quiet this thread. Was a warrior last night!
  17. The lions mauled the mighty Ajax! Epic. On to the QFs - keep this adventure going.
  18. Loving the positive predictions guys! Huge night for us.
  19. What you have wrote has merit but there is defo a concerted lack of respect and coverage for Villa, especially in comparison to Newcastle last season. Multiple cheap digs too - "purple patch" "in-form" just to name a few. Ignorance of our major injury crisis. 50 seconds of air time on MOTD or Sky because they want to cry more about Manchester Utd for 30 minutes. Too many a'hole creeps in the industry, the best ones are the ones that report with facts and offer alternative opinions. It hurts more when the local journalist and personalities are towing the big media line, get behind your local clubs and report the truth ffs
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