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Posts posted by A'Villan

  1. 27 minutes ago, Vive_La_Villa said:

    I’m not surprised at all by how good he has become. Could always see the talent and never stopped defending him. 

    I should be a scout 😉 

    I'm not sure why so many were of the view he wasn't up to this, or even some saying that he was a wasted transfer.

    If you see what he was doing in the Bundesliga, he was Sancho's level just not as flair or hype friendly.

    It's great to see this young talent given the platform and license to play his game and better yet, a home where he can make use of his abilities and contribute to a time in our history that may just live on beyond what we are enjoying now.

    • Like 1
  2. Eze from Crystal Palace?

    I've only seen him in the Championship and against us in the Premier League, however based on that I'd say he'd be a good, potentially great, addition to give us balance tactically.

    He's an obvious threat and talent. Can only see that being enhanced under Unai and among our team.

    25 years old. Got the technical ability  and physicality to compete and excel. Cant speak for his mentality or tactical nous or how teachable he may be.

    Anyway dont mind me im sure we are in for other targets.

  3. If we qualify for UCL I imagine we will keep the people who've been frontline, and the standard of football they've set. At least for the season. I only see us strengthening over that time.

    I posted about us having faith in the current setup earlier on i think either in December or January, was met in no uncertain terms about how important it was we strengthened to secure UCL next season. Statement signings.

    UCL will be catalyst for great times to come in the years around the corner. And i agree with how important that is for this club and the team. 

    Our supporters can be the 12th man during this eleven game run we have, and i hope that is the statement our clubs fanbase offers this team as a sign of intent for the future.


    • Like 1
  4. Im over the moon with the comradery and chemistry Leon and Ollie have.

    Watkins has been incredible and while im not currently watching outside of Villa i wonder if theres a better striker outside of Haaland?

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  5. We also can consider and acknowledge that we have a team in fourth place, just over half way through.

    I understand the excitement and wanting to do what we can to ensure a successful season, as would Unai, we all want the highest possible finish.

    My view is that our squad is composed of a great balance. Between youth and experience level. Between technical ability and physicality. Unai is now instilling the tactical, which has given confidence, and a winning mentality. Great formula for success, and for a time to come as we can continue to build on these qualities. This squad has made a statement, it's an exciting time for all.


    More importantly competitive in the games we did let slip of recent, dominant even. We are fine margins away from top of the mountain and first place.

    Had we seen out United.. Made other teams pay for the territory we had in possession..

    Still we are fourth, GD keeps us from second.

    I feel it would be good to temper excitement and consider that what we have is capable already. It is.

    Equally as great as it would be to strengthen, it would be great if we missed out due to poor decision making. The way it's going, that would more likely come in the form of compromising the talent already establishing us as force, due to poor recruitment that disrupts what we've achieved and can continue to.

    There will always be risk so let's have a little faith in what's going on right now and not assume that if we opt for a more modest approach in this window, that it's a catastrophe.



  6. Under Unai Emery I've had a number of people shout out "Villa!" And, "Up the Villa!" Four have shouted out from their car window.

    Then there's the two Villa supporters who cheered with me and made passing comments with.

    Usually all I get from people when I tell them I'm a Villa fan in Melbourne is "odd, weird, strange" or at best "what made you pick them?"

    Melbourne born and bred are generally Liverpool, United, Arsenal, Chelsea, or City. Basically in that order as you can probably piece together why.

    I always knew we were a sleeping giant with immense potential. Ive only been a supporter who tunes in one way or another weekly since Houllier got unwell. I feel like I'm almost a plastic fan on that basis.

    Anyway, I think it would be unwise to underestimate our ceiling. We've got the foundations here.

    I'm hoping it's already a point of discussion somewhere in the forum but with the team we have, from ownership through to the 12th man.

    Why wouldn't you want to tune in?



    • Thanks 1
  7. England is home to one of the best, in my view the best, competitions for football. That is a privilege not to be taken as a given. 

    Everyone is different and I'm not advocating that the supporters who aren't perhaps as insightful on matters surrounding their club and what makes it up, are less important than the fans who know it back to front and can speak accordingly. It's the opposite really, it's like all that separates us can just fall by the wayside as we look to celebrate athleticism, skill and teamwork in the form of football.

    When we want to be here for bettering the experience, that energy is undeniable. Likewise when we get caught up in prejudice and discrimination, from club rivalries through to political differences, the energy that comes with is undeniable too. 

    I'm not saying that a blueprint for improvement is mine to speak for, but I think most people know deep down on some level what helps and what doesn't, it's just if we want to embrace that at any given moment. 

  8. 4 minutes ago, bobzy said:

    Mother in law has one - she's a car enthusiast to some extent (I'm absolutely not) and chops and changes her car a least once every 2 years.  She's had the Tiguan for about 4 years now; absolutely loves it.


    I've had a review from someone who worked at Volkswagen for years, can't remember the role exactly but mechanic or engineer, said they are sound and reliable. Reliability and minimal financial outlay after initial purchase being two at the top of my checklist.

    Thanks @bobzy!

  9. Just finished 'Mastery' by George Leonard. Highly recommended to anyone who sees practical and spiritual perspective as a sound pastime.

    Just starting after years of avoiding it, 'The 48 Laws of Power' by Robert Greene.

  10. Just now, Seat68 said:

    They were adopted, adopted words. They weren't created wating for the right thing to come along.

    It's 1am, I've had a long day. This conversation excites me now that I am not in the midst of it all and aside from from scars I'm okay in my book. Until the morning or tomorrow after the day's over I'm going to shut-up.

    • Haha 1
  11. Here's a bit of a conundrum for you. What's worse and slightly amusing given the hell I've been through is that I can prove this..

    Moon landing. Vaccinations. Computers. Lasers.

    All were known and accounted for when the English language entered the world as we know it. If you think language was developed organically, think again.

    Edit: That's me getting a little carried away there. Forgive me it's been undeniably present throughout my adult life (conspiracy). When I elaborate on what I've mentioned to give context and support my claims, I'd be interested to see the reactions.

    • Confused 2
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