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Posts posted by A'Villan

  1. Coutinho has played in a midfield three enough times to of been signed by Barcelona to replace Iniesta there.

    In regards to dropping Ramsey, no, I am merely posting a starting xi which I would have no issue seeing on any given match day.

    I do want to add though, while Ramsey is in fine form, and should be recognised for it, Traore scored or assisted in one third of the games he featured in last season, which was most. That's fine form too.

    In this team, he might go on to achieve double digits tallies for both goals and assists.

    SG has some wonderful selection options.

  2. 13 minutes ago, allani said:

    He needs to find some form first. 😉😉😉  (And that applies to either / both of them!)

    Yeah, I don't agree necessarily, especially in regards to Watkins.

    People say Smith had a counter attacking approach by the time we arrived at this season, I don't agree there either. I suppose that's one for another thread. 

    People also say Watkins' decision making is entirely his to be held accountable for.

    I'm of the mind there's an equal possibility he's been asked to play a certain way now that we've had a change of personnel and then of course the change of management. 

    I rate Watkins quite highly and I look forward to seeing if he can let this recent run be a blip as he looks on to a much better time.

    • Like 1
  3. Listening to Coutinho speak just makes me want to be present for every single Villa fixture from now until seasons end, albeit from Australia. 

    He's such a star.

    Glad to see he's not concerned with getting carried away or being false.

    He's here to play under Gerrard, find his best football and do his part to ensure the best outcomes for our club. 

    I honestly hope that is the case long beyond seasons end.

    • Like 1
  4. I'm guessing Watkins is going to prevail in becoming our first choice striker.

    Ings will be keeping him sharp all the way there though, and will no doubt be given his chances if Watkins has a lapse in form.

  5. McGinn was our Player of The Year ahead of Grealish and Abraham and has been pivotal in seeing us compete at this level since that promotion season. 

    I would be looking to see that we keep him, and if a move becomes inevitable, that we don't undersell ourselves by looking at the fee paid as any kind of indicator for what hes actually worth to this club.

    • Like 2
  6. With the signing of Coutinho you have to wonder if the club will continue spending big in the here and now to send a message of intent and to secure the interest of players already with us for some time to come. 

    It's also not going to be every window that a player of Bissouma's ability becomes available for the price he'll go for, from a club he's going to want to leave.

    It would also mean we are better equipped defensively and the need for a CB who's going to be at the standard we want, for the duration we want, can wait until your summer.

    • Like 1
  7. Don't know anything about Brightons squad but saw Bissoumas efforts against Everton and he will be hard to replace.

    Very impressive. 

    That said I don't see him staying at Brighton for long.

  8. Got my laptop I paid $1k for in October last year back from the Sudanese girl I was seeing. Upon reflection and introspection, I think there's every chance I was thrown projectile style like a missile at a brick wall as a young fella, because my radar for red flags and simply volatile and potentially dangerous situations with women I don't know all that well, is essentially non existent.

    I've had my run ins with malevolent and underhanded people enough to know that there are people you just don't engage, unless you want to gamble your own integrity just from association, or you want to fight an uphill battle in trying to amend and rectify whatever problems come with.

    I can say, not as confidently as I'd like to, that after being gaslit and enduring a fallout that I still honestly cannot fathom as to how it came to be that way, that I have learned that I must take responsibility for whatever has happened. 

    From taking responsibility for what transpired, even if I was not deserving of what came my way, I am able to identify at least a hint of insight as to how and why these things happen to me.

    And as it turns out, true story, dad says he went down into the basement of our home at the time when I was a two year old, leaving me alone upstairs. When he was on his way back, he got to the bottom of the stairs, and there I was. Also true story, my first memory of having a dream, probably my earliest memory, was of me free falling from the platform at the top of the stairs towards the basement floor. Not stair by stair, one level straight down to the next.

    Would explain a lot.

  9. 1 hour ago, turvontour said:

    It might just be because hes not at Villa but it feels like hes disappeared. I thought he would be even more prominent at man city but is seems to have gone the other way.

    He's been left out of recent fixtures.

    I think the style of play which City has, which consists of intricate passing sequences, if and when the opposition has so many men protecting the final third and the box, is such a contrast to what Grealish was largely used to where he had the freedom to pick the ball up fairly deep and then waltz solo into our attacking half and even beyond at his will.

    They've got him as a left sided forward again but he's often, from what I've seen, almost suffocated playing in confined spaces and penned into pigeon-holes that really don't allow for the best in him to come out, at least not the best of him that was developed and established for us.

    He'll have to adjust and adapt but you have to wonder if, like Coutinho at Barca, it is ultimately considered a flop move because the club who have brought in the talent don't use them in a role that allows for the play that earned them the move in the first place!!

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Zhan_Zhuang said:

    Naturally Buendia is right-sided though, possibly an element of horses for courses recently under Gerrard. Trying to play both Watkins and Ings, Traore and Bailey both out and these are factors as to why....

    With Coutinho fit it looks like he'll be left and Buendia right, if you look at his highlights he drifts in from left sided positions.

    However I guess we will soon find out...

    It will be interesting. A big reason that Coutinho didn't work at Barcelona was that he was signed to eventually replace Iniesta in central midfield. Even when it came time for that to happen, whoever the coach was at the time continued to play him wide in a wingers role, which is not where Coutinho does his best work, it's not foreign to him, having played there as a young buck for Inter, the role that got him the move to Liverpool. However the player who was signed for record money was so different to the player at Inter. 

    I don't know the ins and outs of it but I read that Coutinho is so polite, humble and accommodating that he never spoke up to Barcelona's president or manager about the fact that he was not being given the role that was his by right, the role in which he'd discussed and been promised would be his. 

    I can't wait to see Buendia and Coutinho on the same team, for me, Coutinho in a deeper role in central midfield but with license to get forward and be a threat in the final third, and Buendia ahead in an attacking role, with license to occupy whatever space he feels is going to benefit the play in that moment.

    Whatever the format and tactical approach, I don't think there's many if any team in the division who would say no to that duo on the pitch together. 

    I'm not saying we will, but I won't be all that surprised if we see our team thump some of the bigger clubs again. Maybe not Liverpool 7-2 or even Arsenal 3-0, but thoroughly make our presence felt.

    • Like 2
  11. On his day, he has his moments of brilliance. I mean anyone who can even loosely be said to resemble Cristiano in their play style has to have something going for them.

    I'm glad he's got a move to another team playing top tier football. Didn't do enough to play ahead of Grealish, or Traore as a certified starting wide forward for us, and certainly not suited for a deeper role. As things are if he wants to play regularly it won't be with us.

    Like others have said, has got a decent record with scoring goals, and has also risen to the occasion at times too.

    Definitely glad to see him offered a platform to see if he can command a greater role with another club. Potential there, but at his age he's going to want to show that he's more than that and can offer a team the kind of attacking prowess needed at this level. 

    I didn't see him at junior level obviously or his days in France or Holland, he had good records there though too. I hope for his sake he rekindles the desire to play among the best and he can realise the promise he so clearly had playing in his earlier years.

    All the best AEG.

    • Like 1
  12. 7 hours ago, TRO said:

    I hear what you are saying.....but I don't understand the thinking of what a pure DM is......To me you are either a DM or you're are not.

    I have a suspicion here, that this debate is centred around the Interpretation of what a CDM is and what we all look for in one.....and until that is agreed upon, I guess we will all just argue the point.

    On another note......The system that a manager chooses, many factors are considered, but one of those factors, is the type, quality of players he has on his books.....If we haven't got a quality CDM ( Marv/Luiz are debatable in terms of quality) then a system could well be used to appear without one....No other choice

    However, I will remind you, it doesn't matter what system or set up or tactics are employed...The basics have to be employed, it always comes back to basics......one of those basics is winning the ball back, recovery, turnover, call it what you will.....but without the ball you can have the best players in the world waiting for it....and it will be rendered useless.

    Now if some folk say, well they all do a bit of it.....maybe, but during a game, when tiredness, creeps in, it drops off...." well its not my responsibility, echo's in the heads of some of the lesser driven players.

    Someone has to be responsible, for such a crucial task.

    I hear the "Modern Game " being rolled out at times and "we don't play like that any more"....."you can't just clog your way through a game"....and all the other false narratives, that derive from a request for a dedicated CDM

    I could list c 25 CDM's who are quality footballers ( all attached to top clubs, which would suggest they feel a need for them) and Yves Bissouma is one.....so where this notion, that some peddle associating them with cloggers, is beyond me.

    I have always believed a midfield has to have diversity....3 players with varying attributes to create the whole......If you have too many the same or similar, jobs don't get done sufficiently only partly.....and thats where, I think we are...decent players, too samey

    I think SG can see this and will fix it, in time....just like he can the full backs are not up to the top half of the table quality...and has moved in the market.

    I will be interested, to see your point, because you always present eloquently, analytically and respectfully.

    My apologies, @TRO, I wanted to give this post a big thumbs up, however I've spent the day checking in and out of the forum, and I've spent my like rations.

    And before I get carried away talking football, thank you for offering me the kind words, I know life is far from all sunshine and rainbows, and I don't expect it to be such, but genuine affirmations are always welcome in my neck of the woods. I do make a concerted effort to be respectful always and if I can to offer insight or provoke some value for all the hot air I offer! The esteem is mutual I might add, but for now, football.

    Agree wholeheartedly, as you've put hammer to the nails head with precision and vision. This discussion on what qualifies as a CDM is very much up to interpretation and the meaning we assign.

    I will have to edit my post and return to this later on, but I will say that while I think you are so right in identifying what is at the essence of good football, and by that I mean, good football being the ability to influence a contest enough to achieve a desired outcome, ultimately a win, but there's so much that can happen in 90 minutes before that win is awarded. Largely it comes down to winning the contests that are won through determination and unrelenting tenacity. Effort and energy.

    There is a saying in basketball, offense brings in the crowds, but defence wins championships. I've looked into this, statistical analysis and reporters ideas too, as well as reflecting the idea against my 21 years playing in Australia's top divisions. It's true. 

    And I think that is so often neglected because being a threat offensively is glorified as it is often more aesthetic in team sport, but also from a violence and survival POV we think might is right because there's no use dying, so best be the one who goes on the offensive. 

    Misconception. Martial arts and the combative training and principles it teaches are largely about embodying a protective discipline as opposed to being a predatory lethal weapon. It is called the defence force not the attack force in military matters.

    Forgive the off topic rant.

    Edit: priorities right? The CDM role was largely a product of the modern game, even though the ability to win the ball back has and will always be invaluable, the deployment of a designated CDM has been introduced as the tactics and individual skills have developed and progressed morphing the game into a more refined and strategic one.

    For example, in England it was often a 4-4-2 with two box to box midfielders, winger on each flank, and two strikers.

    It was until we saw the likes of Xabi Alonso, Makelele, and the like that we saw how effective an out and out defensively oriented midfielder could be in seeing that opponent opportunities were either thwarted in areas of the pitch ideal for ones team to capitalise and score in transition, or at least go along way to seeing that if an opposition attack went beyond the front line of defence, then the final line would be much better positioned to nullify.

    To be continued..

    • Like 1
  13. 1 minute ago, Peter Griffin said:

    Lambert's problem was that he wouldn't learn the language. If you want to manage in England u needed to learn English. Bielsa is the first to get an interpreter, Lambert should have done this. 

    I honestly never really got much of the humour from Family Guy. I feel like that might be what's happening again here.

  14. This game can be both ruthless and unforgiving. Kudos to Smith for moving on to his next challenge immediately, and you cannot deny that it is a difficult challenge he took on. It shows he has the heart to test and have faith in himself regardless of whether or not he achieves the aims and expectations, and how his reputation looks. There's an adage that one should be more concerned with one's character than one's reputation, because with character we can stand on our own two feet and decide for ourselves, however if we pander always to how people talk about us, we allow anyone to point the finger and tell us we are no good.

    Unfortunately for Smith, I wonder if the adage that says a warrior who picks his battles wisely is the one who will have the best chance of success in surviving and being victor.

    Could it be that he is not afforded another chance at the top tier without considerable displays to suggest that is his level?

    I've not really heard much about Lambert since he was unable to deliver as expected for us all those years ago. He was being touted as one of the best emerging managers.

  15. 1 hour ago, MaVilla said:

    thats 11 straight PL defeats for Smith (over Villa (5) and Norwich (6) back to back), wonder what the loss streak record is in the PL by one manager?

    Potentially and even probably Paul Lamberts efforts for us will be among the podium. 

  16. Think the original poster summed it up finely. One of the most gifted individuals the game will know, his skill on the ball is absurd. In terms of having an array of moves to beat an opponent with, he might be the best of all time.

    His repertoire for crafting masterful touches, literally has defenders falling over themselves, or just throwing themselves in kamikaze style hoping somehow they will miraculously win the ball, at least touch it for a moment. 

    All of that being the case. I would agree with the OP. He needed mentoring to develop that killer instinct and to do it for something bigger than himself. Rights plays at the right time.

    As far as I've seen, Neymar is more concerned with nutmegs and lobbing the ball over his defender two or three times before he focuses on executing a play that will benefit the team.

    I just want to reiterate, in terms of having ability controlling the ball and reading an opponent combined, he might be the best ever. That's as far as the appraisal goes for me though. 

    Maradona, Messi, Ronaldo the fenomeno, Ronaldinho, Cristiano Ronaldo, Rivaldo, Zidane, all the greats I've seen are great because they carry their team when they take the pitch.

    I like Neymar. I wonder if it's simply all a bit too easy for him in terms of the showmanship, and how young he was and the level of skill he had at Santos meaning that his path was paved already. 

    That seems to be what's lacking though. It's not just his path. He is representing a team, a club, and all the people who's hearts and hard earned are attached.

    Maybe I miss the mark but that's how I see him.

  17. Grealish, Barkley and Traore allowed us to occupy territory further up the pitch and retain it well enough to develop passing sequences that got Ollie into danger areas and involved, whether he was the scorer or supplier or not is not my point, he was able to play better because his team were carrying their weight and making his life easier. Most of Watkins goals last season were tap ins or relatively basic finishes in the box, coming from his knack for making good runs and getting on the end of deliveries. 

    I think while we have good players out there again this season, it's been another period of making adjustments and tinkering to see who's best where and why. Not to mention a manager change too. 

    Watkins will benefit from having those around him know their role and how to work it with those around them. 

    I'd say that's one of the reasons we've not seen him hit the back of the net as often this season, and that the focus of his displays have been on misfiring trying to go solo too often. I think both will be amended as the team comes into its own and forges its identity. 

    Watkins is certainly a very capable player.

  18. 18 minutes ago, PerryBarrPet said:

    32 this year. Not good enough to be given a short contract.

    Milner turned 36 this year and is holding it down in one of the better sides in the world. Last I checked Andre is far from finished, and is very crafty in possession, energetic, high IQ. I just think he might be too lightweight to have the same influence defensively in the PL as he has done in France. I'm sure there's far better options out there but he wouldn't break the bank.


    Edit: I checked. He's number one for tackles made in France and top twenty in the league for interceptions too. 

    His craftiness on the ball is clever and well honed too. Definitely not limited in his repertoire. 

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