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Posts posted by A'Villan

  1. 1 minute ago, hippo said:

    Sorry - Im a bit lost here:-

    1.) What are you saying would work 7 times out of 10 ?

    2.) Do you have any evidence to support that stat ? 

    I was supporting the essence of the message, I did not, and do not, claim to have any verifiable sources for Gerrard intending to do anything, nor to substantiate claims that his methods will produce at a certain frequency. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, Laughable Chimp said:

    Isn't saying there's better options currently and saying he does not rate him highly enough to play him the same thing?

    Like, you could combine that into one sentence. The manager does not rate him highly enough over the current options to play him.

    Maybe I've not read the room well then.

    I took it to mean that both the managers don't rate him highly enough to give him enough of an opportunity to show his worth and integrate, based on that he isn't up to standard. 

    • Like 2
  3. 23 minutes ago, hippo said:

    Where you getting that from ? 

    I'd agree with it. I think it was a huge pitfall of Smiths to stray from the identity within our approach he had cultivated in the championship and into our return to the PL. 

    • Like 1
  4. 9 minutes ago, Laughable Chimp said:

    Its not some wild reach lol. Its the simplest and most likely solution. What else could it possibly be?

    Competition for places is tight. McGinn has been a mainstay of our rise, Luiz a player we've invested in and a player we see with a high ceiling, Ramsey is on fire.

    You have to consider Sansons fitness, and that even when up to speed, his involvement requires at least some degree of accommodation for the different assets and liabilities of the change in personnel, from a tactical perspective and Gerrards approach. 

    Then you have at a lot of clubs, a mandate to promote the youth where it's possible and not to the detriment of the clubs prospects. 

    Ash Young is a player who is capable and would have been given a verbal that he would see the pitch too.

    Morgan made a meal of a good opportunity to impress, more by his reaction to his substitution than by his error against United. That doesn't inspire confidence and morale in a manager who's got some tough choices to make.

    None of these factors indicate the management of the day does not rate Morgan highly enough to play him. There's just better options currently. 


  5. 1 hour ago, Delphinho123 said:

    It really is. The management teams jobs depend on results and as such, they pick the best team to try and get those results. Gerrard and Smith didn't leave Sanson out for fun, they left him out, and he continues to be left out, because they obviously don't rate him highly enough to play many minutes.

    I think you're connecting certain points to draw your own outline and picture for why Sanson hasn't featured. I'd say there's more to it than he simply isn't rated highly enough to command minutes.

  6. Given the context I think Mings desire to drive forward and make things happen, as well as to display his emotions were admirable qualities. We were 2nd best and firmly on the ropes early in the first half. Albeit the game oscillated as it went on and soon enough we found ourselves in a position of strength that we do not want to squander. 

    I thought Mings was one who tried to impose his will on the game and looked a very skilled player at times.

    As a team we did ourselves no favours for too long in this game and I think Gerrard needs to take the brunt of responsibility in rectifying that.

    • Like 1
  7. 22 hours ago, Xela said:

    Had only my 2nd haircut in 25 months today. Coupled with shaving my beard off, I now resemble something closer to a normal member of society. 

    I just borrowed a pair of hair clippers from a friend. I'd started the job but the last clippers I had only had the engine to take off one side. So I've been rocking a shaved head on one side, with a wild and unruly do on the other, the top, and back.

    Beard will stay for the time being.

    • Like 1
  8. Got my first jab yesterday. Second to come in three weeks. Will be permitted to continue professional basketball and resume my volunteer work with the homeless, disabled and disadvantaged. Also have a job interview as I've made the final selection stages for a role as a youth worker for one of Melbourne's leading organisations for at risk youth. Will be nice to tell them I can fulfil the role as I've adhered to mandatory vaccination. I suppose being in the corner for some youth as they fight their battles might help too.

    • Like 2
  9. On 30/01/2022 at 21:30, sidcow said:

    America is really looking like the next fallen Empire. 

    China will be the next power to run the world. 

    That would be Greece. I personally don't think it coincidence that the origins of democracy lost sovereignty over its own water and land, while the so called democracy of today, the USA, leverages more power for the powers that be, and divorces the world as we know it further into turmoil and chaos.


    • Like 1
  10. I don't know what made me sadder.

    The hope of signing Coutinho back when he was at Inter and we offered a higher fee to Liverpool's lower fee of 8 odd million pounds, which came in after our offer, only for him to opt for them.

    Or the fact it's 2:30am and I'm contemplating a scenario that is inconsequential as he is currently our player and I can enjoy that for another solid number of months to come.

    • Like 1
  11. 20 hours ago, Tom13 said:

    Aaron Ramsey is on 400k at Juve? That's laughable, such an overrated player. He has good close control, good energy and that's about it. Guy constantly misses obvious passes/through balls.

    Jack Wilshere, that's overrated.

    Aaron Ramsey, I rate him.

    Was superb at times on his day. 

    400k per week? Surprised that they give him that, but he was able to influence games.

    I'm guessing the end to the era of Vidal, Pirlo, Marchisio and Pogba was in need of addressing. Wouldn't have the slightest clue though. 

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