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Posts posted by A'Villan

  1. 16 hours ago, tinker said:

    I don't see the transfers being good , they are hit and miss with more misses than hits especially in the last 12 months. We have injured wingers we are not going to use and a striker who's ageing and not getting games. We have  £20m players who aren't going to play and have no resale value.

    He's picked an inexperienced manager in Gerrard and replaced Smith who was experienced but had suffered 5 bad games after losing his star player when a buy out clause was inserted into a contract that was negotiated by Purslow. 

    He's backed Gerrard to succeed based on little evidence other than his playing career and a brief stint in Scotland managing one of two teams. Brendan Rodgers was far more successful and he was signed by Leicester. 

    Gerrard may succeed but it was a big gamble with our future, fingers crossed Purslow is right. 

    Five bad games against top half opposition in each, four of which still very much in the conversation for European placing. 

  2. Does anyone have the photo-shopped photo of Grealish surrounded by Agent Smiths like he's neo from the matrix?

    Edit: my mistake. It was one posted above the other.




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  3. Okay his post match interview is quite encouraging. 

    He's said 2 or 3 played to the level we would want to see. Changes will be made. Subs didn't perform as hoped. Lots of work to do. There's more to what he's said in the interview but I urge you to hear it from him instead of from me. Good signs from a very poor outing.

    Everything he said was what we need so I hope to see better in coming weeks.

  4. 1 minute ago, Stevo985 said:

    one touch and a youtube video from before he joined us isn't particularly relevant imo

    Fair enough. It was a few touches before he was fouled. 

    I think he'll go on to be of the calibre of Adama Traore or Saint Maximum.

    Maybe better.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

    Gets the benefit of the doubt given he's coming back from injury, but yet to see anything particularly impressive from him

    His first touch against Newcastle after coming on that earned us a free kick on the right flank not far from the byline.

    And, if you haven't seen it:


  6. He played some sublime passes that threaded the needle and played us in against Newcastle but that will be firmly overshadowed by his blunders and losing possession in costly territory. 

    I am also concerned about him harassing the referee when he overplayed and clearly lost possession to a fair tackle. In my opinion that's what got him booked.

    Referees are people and they generally don't appreciate other people acting like an ass towards them. 

  7. 6 minutes ago, CVByrne said:

    It's the only position I can see him fitting in this team. He's not one of the 10s as they are a vastly different skillset. He was unfortunately bough for a system we don't play and will suffer for that.

    Guy is incredibly talented. Agree with your point about it being his suited position in our Christmas 🎄 tree format. 

    However, give him the ball in the final third and I think we have an absolute lethal weapon ready to unleash.

  8. His body language at the end, for me, was enough to ask the question if it reflected what we got from the players on field performance. Uninspired, lethargic and defeated.

    We've got a big job ahead of us. There's been lots of changes. We can't be hasty in expecting everything to come together instantly. I'm not saying Gerrard is, but I am saying he needs to do better than being sullen and apathetic from where I sit.

    Accept we were second best. Identify where we need to improve. Stand strong. Get on with it.

    I'll be keen to see the post match interview. 


  9. I don't think over a season we perform half as well as a collective unit with Marvellous in, instead of Dougie Luiz.

    And given that I think Gerrard is going to opt for a passing game as a means to keep possession out of our opponents reach, as well as creating opportunities for us.

    It's Dougie all day, every day.

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  10. 9 minutes ago, Mandy Lifeboats said:

    It's swings and roundabouts.  My first "luxury apartment" was 2 years of my average salary. My first "executive 3 bed home" was only 3 times my salary.  From buying my first home to paying off the mortgage on my current house took 10 yeas, even with double figure interest rates.  

    But other things were much more expensive than they are now.  Cars were expensive and rubbish in comparison to today.  Washers and TV were so expensive  that some people rented them.  Flights were so expensive that people wore their best clothes and your tickets were delivered in a free leather wallet.  


    A large colour television could be purchased outright for $300 in the 60's.

    The average flight on an airplane in the 60's was $40.

    The average cost of a new car in the 1960s was just under $3,000. One third of an average annual income.

    I don't know @Mandy Lifeboats

  11. 31 minutes ago, Mandy Lifeboats said:

    Shall we start waffling about our final salary pension schemes, retirement at 60 and  mortgage free house ownership?


    What's getting old, for me, is when old timers waffle on about this generation this and that. Come on now. In the 70's and 80's even, you could entirely pay off a family home with the sum total of two years wages from the average annual income. These days you wouldn't even see a deposit for a home. The financial engineers that are the world bankers have pick pocketed the masses, and having a bad credit score makes you a lesser person apparently. That's what's getting old in my neck of the woods.

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