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Posts posted by A'Villan

  1. Messi being autistic is entirely plausible.

    A good friend of mines daughter is non verbal but she is a genius of sorts.

    Plus common traits, are obsessive interests and repetitive behaviours. I bet you couldn't separate him and the football if you'd bet your life on it as he grew. It was probably a source of comfort.

    While having difficulties with communication and social interactions is common, I can tell you from being a professional athlete myself (diagnosed with an acute illness too I might add) that there are a fair few egotistical airhead people among the professional athlete community who struggle with developing rapport and healthy relationships themselves that have avoided diagnosis of a disorder or illness. 

    Also, I'm volunteering and have done for years with disabled, homeless and disadvantaged. One of my sessions each week is for those with a disability only, and believe you me, they are a competitive bunch. Even just with themselves. I have one guy with down syndrome who I was teaching some basic basketball and futsal moves and he took to them like a duck to water. Picked the concept up within five or ten minutes and then within the hour was executing them well.

    • Like 1
  2. To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised of there was a hint of 'grow up' in there.

    Probably put in a way that focused on and emphasised professionalism and the fact that SG was sitting them down to tell them he sees them both as starters together if they can show his faith justified.

    All the success of recent aside, we were not at our best and the Ings Watkins duo was raising doubts, and I'm not sure that was purely among fans.

    In a new setup I think Watkins in particular may have had a slight mental approach of needing to prove himself superior in order to keep his starting spot. Ings to a lesser degree if at all, but frustration was certainly evident on field when things weren't happening like they are at the moment.

    Admittedly this is for the most part pure guess work and the little insight I have is based on my observations and nothing more.

    Without wanting to make it a soap opera drama I think SG may well have said pull your heads in and learn to work together, and we've got you both in mind for our system and tactics for the here and now.

    • Like 1
  3. Great competition for a starting place to keep our CB's honest and up to it.

    Option to cover for the DM role.

    Glad to have him and see him hold his own when called upon.

  4. Great display!

    Got to keep the momentum going as we are playing for keeps when it comes to Coutinho and the like come season's end.

    We have some challenging fixtures on the horizon, and it will be a test of out togetherness and game plan, no doubt.

    I have no questions about the abilities of individuals and the personnel we have. It's how it comes together and how often that is the case that will reveal if this team is ready for challenging silverware or European placing. 

    • Like 1
  5. 5 hours ago, roonst83 said:

    If he did then it wouldn’t ever have been flagged. There’s no “Bulls***” from my side, I noticed it myself before I read it elsewhere. 

    To clarify, it’s not an issue of him being “there” that people are referencing, of course he’s there, eventually. Barely ever the first to congratulate a team mate, trots over slowly after the others get there, It’s his body language. If he can get back to scoring regularly then I expect to see him looking and showing he’s more pleased when his team mates score, as it was never an issue last season, which coincides with him scoring loads, but if you watch our goals this season when someone else has scored you’ll see his body language doesn’t give the impression of someone who is overly pleased for his team mates. 

    But you’re entitled to your view, of course. I’m not in for a debate. 

    He strikes me as a modest guy who's got a calm temperament. There may be something to your views, I can only share my pov. I think he's just one to reserve his emotions as opposed to being  hyper excitable.

    I did read, I think a quote from Gerrard, that Ollie is a humble guy. And that adds up for me. Added to this there being a tonne of competition for starting roles at Villa, and no doubt more to come. As long as he's contributing to performance and morale, can you begrudge him anything?

    He always points to the badge and does a little celebration for the fans.

    • Like 1
  6. On 02/03/2022 at 09:35, Hornso said:

    This guy is must watch at the moment


    I honestly think he is one of the most uniquely talented and skilled players in the leagues history.

    A few fellow hooper's who know the NBA better than me were quick to note Steve Francis and Derrick Roses prime as comparable. I'm not saying they are lesser players than Morant, certainly not Rose in his prime anyway, I just don't think they had as much in the repertoire as Ja does.

    He is silly good it's absurd.

    • Like 1
  7. What do you know?

    Coutinho proving all the naysayers about him emulating form of Liverpool days on account of his age and how he fared at Barcelona and Bayern.

    Told ya he could do it. Don't take it personally but it was borderline idiotic to write him off as a flop at Barcelona without looking into what exactly happened and the bigger picture at Barcelona. I guess people are fine with the narrative that his performances didn't justify the money and therefore it was all his fault that he didn't outdo Neymar on the left wing position, when he was actually promised the role that iniesta had at Barcelona when he signed for them. 

    He's no flop, you'll see him back at the top.

    Stay healthy and I reckon he goes on to continue doing just the same as he did against Southampton. 

  8. LB has the potential to be one of our best players behind Coutinho, and alongside Buendia in terms of being able to create and execute in the final third. I'd say from his time in Germany he's already equal or above anyone we have outside Coutinho for technical ability. He'll get chances no doubt.

    I just hope he comes good within our side because his potential is incredibly high.

    • Like 1
  9. On 28/02/2022 at 18:09, villan-scott said:

    Good to hear man. Really good to hear! 

    Thanks for this. I don't want to make regular announcements or draw special attention but it's certainly nice to have people glad to see me have some success, regardless of how minor it may be.

    • Like 2
  10. 1 hour ago, Davkaus said:

    This just isn't true, a crap manager doesn't become a good manager just because you keep the faith. I'm not suggesting Gerrard is an example of one, but patience for patience's sake is how you waste years on a failed tenure. Why didn't we just stick with Smith for a few more years if patience is invariably rewarded?

    I think the answer to your question, at least from my limited understanding, is because Purslow or whomever, is of the mind we had the opportunity to bring in someone of a higher ceiling and calibre.

    So as far as dismissing the notion that patience leads to beneficial results as untrue, I think you might want to check again, because I think it is your insinuation that is not striking true.

    @sheepyvillian was your point more about making allowances for the implementation and development of ideas and plans to be brought in to practice? And not so much about waiting idly only to ignore obvious signs of the team not reaching what was initially desired and expected?

  11. I think if we don't have a system to incorporate a player of Bailey's abilities then that says that there's a dimension to our coaching that is perhaps lacking.

    It's also questionable business, management and recruitment from the club, as he is a solid investment and you would think we want to optimise his value and worth. Whether that's from a football perspective with his contributions, or from a financial perspective. 

    I want to see him play.

  12. 1 hour ago, a m ole said:

    It was only for 7 minutes, then Young came on and we played a 4-4-1-1 with Coutinho behind Watkins and a two man midfield of McGinn and Sanson, then we played 4-5-1 when Iroegbunam came on for Coutinho

    I'm reading it was at least 18 minutes. Thanks for the reply. I Didn't mean any particular formation in saying 'our system'. Good to know what you shared nonetheless. 

    • Like 1
  13. I fell asleep around the 50 minute mark, disappointed I didn't get to see Sanson play in our system. 

    What did he contribute? Got 20 minutes or thereabouts. 

  14. 45 minutes ago, jim said:

    You felt for him? WTF! I don’t begrudge Jack the move and have no issues with him. Nobody forced him to go and he’s been made a very rich man.

    “Felt for him” JFC. 

    For this exact reason.

    You wonder how many people would be in his ear to take the money, the silverware and glory that City would have to offer?

    Anyone and everyone who is thinking of what they would do in his position. 

    Forgetting that it is his position, not theirs to assume.

    Anyway I don't have much interest in a debate, and I certainly don't sympathise with Grealish for his pay package or the luxury he will be afforded for life, providing no dramatic downfalls occur.

    I see your point, and its fine. I think you are missing the boat on mine and it's for that reason I do have some thoughts for Jack.

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