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Everything posted by meme

  1. We came in early. 'Xia' has now protected his tweets.
  2. Obviously just a cover-up for opening talks about his £300m transfer.
  3. Tshibola doesn't look anywhere near like Elphick or Gollini. Obviously not making up the spine. Tshibola OUT.
  4. Oh no. Four years. That's what happened during the Sherwood era...
  5. Between Flabby and all the donuts in the world combined to make a huge ball?
  6. meme

    Stan Petrov

    Will probably have the most effect on Grealish. As a Villa fan, he'll see Petrov as a legend. Coupled with his illness, he must now be very moved. Not to mention they both play midfield. Wouldn't surprise me at all if Petrov was tutoring Grealish on personality, etc.
  7. And don't forget the Olympics! (which have done a bad job advertising this year, I keep forgetting they even exist...)
  8. meme

    Stan Petrov

    Or he could always come on for some underperforming midfielder if a game's turning out to be a bore draw. Would give the boys a wake up call and a huge morale boost.
  9. I've never heard those two words paired together in a single structure of a sentence.
  10. Yet not shit enough for Flabby to be able to score...
  11. What is this strange custom known as 'winning'? I've never seen Villa have more 'goals' than the other 'team'...
  12. Amavi says Elphick and Gollini look strangely similar. I agree.
  13. "Not a quarter, aaaarr, he'll be dancing for hours."
  14. Xia himself has said he looks to emulate a Leicester at first, rather than suddenly go on a Chelsea spending spree. We need to get solid players in at the moment, inconsistent players have bought us down to this level.
  15. BM says that Villa are waiting on medical results. If that's the case, the signing will probably be completed today.
  16. In that case, boy do we have some very sexual matters going on down at Villa Park...
  17. Punching basically gives away the ball to the opposition, I too hate it. When you realise that De Gea has got a top defence infront of him (Man Utd fans really exaggerate about the ability of their defence, its not THAT bad), the stats actually get quite similar to eachother.
  18. how did they see through my disguise?
  19. YES. I signed him on my Villa Football Manager save. Single-handedly lead us up the table. He also has nice hair.
  20. Oh, that would be an enjoyable experience for some people. On the other hand, probably blinding for others. (by others i mean everyone)
  21. BREAKING: Bacuna becomes Prime Minister, then declared Supreme Leader of the World seconds later. He announces that Messi and Ronaldo are terrible players compared to him, and they are now languishing in League 2 as per the new system he set up. Oh, yeah, and he is Xia in disguise.
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