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Mandy Lifeboats

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Posts posted by Mandy Lifeboats

  1. 25 minutes ago, bickster said:

    What on earth would you call a kniife wielding maniac on a killing spree with a fake bomb vest strapped to him? Cosplay?


    Terrorism is the practice of spreading fear and terror amongst the community. Unfortunately the press help the terrorists by spreading that terror. 

    I lived through the era of the IRA pub bombings in Brum. One of my best friends is Irish. He and his family were treated terribly.  I saw it happen and it broke my heart. 

    I don't think everyone who commits crime wearing a black balaclava is an IRA terrorist. I don't think every black guy in his 20s who stabs another black guy is a gang member. I don't think every Italian who commits crime whilst wearing a nice suit is in the Mafia. 

  2. He was a convicted terrorist.

    But this was being called a terrorist incident before anyone knew anything about him. If he'd have stabbed 3 people in his local mosque would that be a terrorist incident? What about if he stabbed 3 black youths in a subway? 

    The press have concluded this was terrorism. It could easily be that he had a personal grudge against certain individuals. 

    At the moment I view him as a murderer who was quite rightly shot dead. 

  3. Whether someone is a hero is dependant upon opinion. For instance the heroic Afghanistan Freedom Fighters who resisted the USSR invasion.  The UK and the USA armed them and taught them how to make improvised roadside bombs. They passed on their skills to their murderous terrorist children who resisted the USA invasion. Like it or not, the loser on London Bridge is a hero to some. 

    But I am not sure why we are classing him as a "Terrorist". Dare I suggest that a white man stabbing people who attended the same conference would be "unhinged", "warped" or "mentally ill". 



  4. I think the problem is that people link hatred of the Israeli state for hatred of the Jewish people. The western powers support Israel and tolerate actions that would be condemned if they were done by a Muslim nation. I don't think Corbyn hates Jewish people as a race. But by criticising the politics of Israel it can be taken in that way. 

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  5. 1 hour ago, HanoiVillan said:

    There is no hard and fast rule 'why' with preposition use. However, it might be relevant here that the first group are all forms of public transport that other people are probably also 'on', whereas the second group are not. 

    I travel in a lift. That's a form of public transport that other people are probably also in. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Sam-AVFC said:

    You can walk around the first group, but not the second? The logic fits for being 'on a boat'[ too, but might be a bit of a stretch.

    But......I travel on a horse, on a sledge and on a bike. 

    Would you say you traveled on a submarine or in a submarine? 


  7. I don't have any information on the case. 

    But in general- 

    A murder charge can be reduced to manslaughter much easier than the other way around. 

    Murder due to gross negligence is a legal possibility but normally negligence is downgraded to manslaughter. 

    Murder implies there it was a premeditated act. In other words the officer set out to kill. I'll be interested to find out the evidence that supports that. 

    Interesting stuff. 

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  8. The people recommending violence should be ignored. You hit him. He grads a knife and stabs you. In all matters violence should be the last resort. 

    If you decide to report this to the Police they will look at the matter. But unless the guy admits and/or your ex gives evidence against him, there's no real prospect of conviction. If the guy has a clean criminal record and he admitted it I'd expect him to get a formal caution and no more. 

    But this could become a regular occurrence. If so,  it's better to get it reported now. 

    Good luck. 



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  9. 19 hours ago, Rugeley Villa said:

    A question for some of the older folk on here. Are you and your Wife/Partner still as much in love now as you were when you first met? Don’t be scared to spread the love.

    Yes. I couldn't imagine life without her.

    20 years married. 26 year together. 


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  10. 16 minutes ago, avfcDJ said:

    What Labour policies do you disagree with? Which are too left wing for 

    Nationalisation of the rail industry. I remember state owned British Rail. It was terrible. 

    Forming a state owned drug company to produce cheaper drugs. Patents still apply. Would the drug companies take this lying down? 

    Making companies offer a certain percentage of shares to the workforce. It sounds good in theory but how could it possibly work in practice. How could you stop people selling their shares? What happens when staff leave? How much would this reduce the value of existing pension funds? 

  11. For the first time ever I can't vote for anyone. I normally vote Labour with FIBDEMS as my second choice if Labour are too left wing. Corbyn is definitely too left wing for me but I haven't forgiven the FIBDEMS for selling out their principles as soon as they got a sniff of power. 

    I believe we should stay in the EU but I also believe we should respect the result of referendums. 

    I also wash on a regular basis which automatically prevents me voting Green. 

    I wish there was a box on the ballot paper "None of the above". 



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